

According to this opinion piece by an epidemiologist, if the virus stays the same and compounding factors increase your chances of #longcovid with each infection, and you get a bad #covid infection every 2 years or so, you have <5% chance of having "some" form of long covid in your lifetime if you are vaccinated, the vast majority lasting no more than a month. I am skeptical at this point but I hope he's right. Unvaccinated according to his chart are nearly 3 times as likely to catch some form of long covid.



From Jan 27 22-23 there were 181k #covid deaths, from Jan 27 23-24 there were 68k deaths. Still way too many but lets hope this trend continues. We will see if #longcovid is correlating with the decline in covid deaths. So far its shown but any mutation could change that. Until then, mask up and get boosted.


A harrowing tale about a middle schooler who got #LongCOVID. He had lost 10 pounds and all his energy; could barely walk around the block; and went from being fully functional to needing 24-7 help. But the real story is the journey of the denial and judgement that this boy and his mother had to face.

No one wants to read this, but we all need to know it. The more we get infected with #COVID19 , the likelier this becomes.



The Moxafrica charity is still looking for participants for their research into the possible value of moxibustion in the treatment of long covid.
Do you know somebody that is suffering from long covid, or do you suffer from this condition yourself? And would they like to participate in a scientific trial regarding the treatment of this condition? Please let them know about the 100 day moxa challenge, by Moxafrica.

#covid #longcovid #moxa #moxafrica


COVID Is 'Still a Pandemic,' WHO Leader Says

“It’s still a global health threat and it’s still a pandemic causing far too many (re)infections, hospitalizations, deaths and long Covid when tools exist to prevent them,”

“It’s marked by #complacency. I will never accept that there is an ‘acceptable level of [death]’ (something I’m asked) for [COVID]. We are talking about people, parents, children, people who laugh, love, dream,” she writes.

“Governments must not be complacent, individuals must not be complacent. We have all gone through something traumatic with #COVID19. The world shut down, we lost millions of our loved ones, billions have been personally affected by COVID. We cannot forget. [WHO] will not forget,” Dr. Van Kerkhove continued.


#Covid19 #death #LongCovid #pandemic #WHO #CovidIdiots #vaccines #Covid #infections #virus #medical


If you’ve been infected with this virus, the gray matter in your #brain may have changed whether you notice anything or not:


"’We noted gray matter alterations in both patients with #LongCovid and those unimpaired after a #covid19 #infection,’ said [lead study author Alexander Rau]. ‘Interestingly, we not only noted widespread microstructural alterations in patients with long #COVID, but also in those unimpaired after having contracted COVID-19.’”


Second Infection Hikes Long COVID Risk

Interview with author of 3 year study

People infected multiple times with COVID-19 are more likely to develop long COVID, and most never fully recover from the condition. Those are two of the most striking findings of a comprehensive new 3-year research study of 138,000 veterans.

Lead researcher Ziyad Al-Aly, MD spoke with Medscape about his team's findings, what we know — and don't — about long COVID, and what it means for physicians treating patients with the condition.


#Covid19 #LongCovid #research #Long CovidKids #infections #Covid #CovidIdiots #medical #HealthCare #chronic


"How does AI spot long COVID in blood samples?"

"David Putrino and his team divided participants into three groups: those with no prior COVID infection, those who fully recovered, and those with long COVID symptoms for at least four months after infection."

"A machine learning algorithm was applied to determine which biomarkers best identified long COVID." "The algorithm differentiated between those with and without long COVID with 96 percent accuracy, detecting unique features in long COVID patients' blood. The biggest differences involved abnormal immune cell activity, reactivated dormant herpes viruses like Epstein-Barr, and reduced cortisol levels."

The article is paywalled, but we get some clues from the abstract.

"Marked differences were noted in circulating myeloid and lymphocyte populations relative to matched controls, as well as evidence of exaggerated humoral responses directed against SARS-CoV-2 among participants with long COVID."

"Myeloid" cells are bone marrow cells.

"Lymphocytes" are a type of white blood cell.

"Humoral" means "relating to the body fluids, especially with regard to immune responses involving antibodies in body fluids as distinct from cells."

"Further, higher antibody responses directed against non-SARS-CoV-2 viral pathogens were observed among individuals with long COVID, particularly Epstein-Barr virus. Levels of soluble immune mediators and hormones varied among groups, with cortisol levels being lower among participants with long COVID."

Long COVID might be diagnosed with nearly 100% accuracy: study | ZeroHedge

#solidstatelife #ai #medicine #covid #longcovid


Long COVID is devastating and far from rare. As infections rise again, why are we still ignoring it? | Salon

While the general public ignores and downplays the risk of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, long COVID may well prove to be one of the biggest health problems of the 21st Century, presenting a real risk that a secondary pandemic of chronic illness will be overlooked.

#Covid #LongCovid


Do you like to avoid pain, misery, fatigue, confusion, depression, anxiety?

You might want to avoid COVID-19, as we've known for a year that COVID is Neuroinvasive:

Neuroinvasive: "ability to enter the PNS or CNS":

  • Hematologically

  • Axonal transport (anterograde or retrograde)

  • Increased BBB penetrance due to widespread inflammatory activity & endothelial dysfunction


#Covid #Covid19 #LongCOVID

Neuroinvasiveness refers to the ability of a virus to enter the CNS or PNS, regardless of whether the virus specifically infects, or replicates in, cells of the nervous system. Cranial nerves (CNs), particularly the olfactory nerve, are suspected to contribute to the neuroinvasiveness of SARS-CoV-2. Other possibilities for neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 are through hematogenous spread via either the blood–brain barrier (BBB) or the blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier (B-CSFB). Virus antigen or viral RNA (indicated by the green corona-like icon) have been detected in the cell types or structures marked in bold. Potential sites of viral replication, with inconsistent evidence to date, are formatted in italics.


What SARS-CoV-2 Does to the Body (2nd Edition, July 2023)

A long overdue to revisit our understanding of why it’s just so important to prevent infections from a deadly & disabling virus that has ended and upended the lives of millions around the world - in Europe alone, the WHO is saying that over 36 million are suffering from Long COVID disability, an umbrella term for numerous medical complications


#Covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #healthcare #research #medical #virus #disability #neurological #LongCovid #children


WHO: Europe Is Facing Multiple Health Crises This #Summer

"Nearly 36 million people across the WHO European Region may have experienced Long COVID in the first three years of the pandemic," said Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO regional director for #Europe. "This number equals approximately 1 in 30 Europeans."

According to #WHO, nearly 1,000 new COVID-19-related deaths are still being reported in the region each week.

"Unless we develop comprehensive diagnostics and treatment for Long #COVID, we will never truly recover from the #pandemic," Kluge said.

#LongCOVID #health


Albin Meyer @albinmeyer@swiss.social:

Wenn mal ein Bär oder Hai einen Menschen tötet, wird weltweit darüber berichtet. Aber 1 Mio. Verkehrstote jährlich weltweit werden stillgeschwiegen.

Wenn in einer Region 100 Menschen an #PostVac leiden, wird rege darüber berichtet, zeitgleich 100'000 #LongCovid-Fälle ignoriert.

Natürlich muss jedem einzelnen #PostVac-Betroffenen geholfen werden.

Aber ich finde es wichtig, die Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu kennen:
- #PostVac-Syndrom nach einer Impfung: 0,02%
- #LongCovid nach einer Infektion: 20%