

With around 180,000 people dying daily, I found more analogue ways of preserving my memories

Reading an article about this published two days back in The Technocrat, MIT Technology Review, got me thinking yet again about this topic (as you do when you are past your 40’s or 50’s) and what I’ve gravitated towards in order to preserve some memories. Too many just think about backups, but backups are for own our convenience, to recover our lost data now or tomorrow.

In case you have not realised it, all those thousands of e-mails, photos, documents, etc you’ve saved online with your 100 GB or more cloud storage plan, are all wiped out in a split second when the service provider goes out of business one day, or your dormant account is just removed a year or two after your demise. Downloading it all to your PC hard drive? Well, who knows what to find where on your 1 TB or more of storage on your drive (if you did not encrypt it). Hard drives get stolen or damaged just as easily.

I’ve spent the last year sifting through thousands of old family photos, going back 100+ years, and these actually led me to one of my first solutions below…

  1. Every year, select some of your best photos – then use an online service to have them printed into a hard cover photo album, along with captions etc. These old analogue albums do stand the test of time as well as accessibility by relatives.
  2. My blog posts are all automatically archived from my WordPress site (via a plugin) to The Internet Archive, along with my static web pages.
  3. I’m using Google Documents to document my own life story, and have shared that to my daughter, so she can follow it as it develops.

As we get cleverer and cleverer with all sorts of new technology, social networks, AI, etc, we also realise that all of that is often very fragile when it comes to longevity, and archival periods that can stretch over 100’s of years. But what is of concrete importance is, if you don’t give some thought to it, and take some action, yours will just be wiped out.

If you have any ideas that can also add any practical value to this topic, please comment below, and I’ll add them to my original post.
#Blog, #archiving, #digitalmemories, #memories, #technology


How do you keep track of what to do next? What happens in the brain when your mind goes blank? Short-term memory relies on two key brain regions: the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. The researchers set out to establish how these brain regions interact with one another as memories are formed, maintained and recalled at the level of specific groups of neurons. The study, published in Currently Biology, also wanted to understand why memory sometimes fails.


#science #brain #cognition #memories


#film #movie #düsseldorf #memories

hab heute ein bestimmtes bild vom alten ratinger hof in düsseldorf gesucht und bin dabei über diesen film gestolpert. sooo lange her und bei den bildern kamen ne menge erinnerungen bei mir hoch. jetzt pack ich die bilder aber wieder weg, besser ist das ;)))

zum film: (text von hier kopiert.
Ein junger Mann macht sich auf den Weg nach Düsseldorf zum Ratinger Hof, weil er glaubt, dass dort das "Zentrum der neuen Kultur" sei. Auf dem Weg trifft er einige merkwürdige Menschen. Sein Walkman bietet den Soundtrack zu dem seltsamen Treiben und vermischt sich immer mehr mit der Realität zu einem wirren Brei, der Walkman beginnt, ihm zu Dinge zu befehlen…

Der junge Mann wird gespielt von Peter Hein, Sänger der Fehlfarben und Mittagspause, zwei extrem wichtigen Bands der Neuen Deutschen Welle. Ja, und der Film? Ja, ein wenig seltsam. Peter Hein geht zumeist einfach nur durch die Gegend, zwischendurch bleibt er stehen und beobachtet merkwürdige Dinge, wie zum Beispiel weiß gekleidete Männer mit Holzpflöcken auf Müllsäcke einschlagen, auf denen „Robbenbaby“ geschrieben wurde. Das Ganze ist natürlich nicht für Jedermann gedacht, doch gerade für Freund des Existenzialismus ist das der perfekte Zeitvertreib. Für Freunde des frühachtziger Wavemusik und NDW zudem echte Pflicht, gibt es doch jede Menge Fehlfarben zu hören, Mittagspause, DAF, ZK, Male, Syph und mehr. Leider hat „LASTWAGENKRIEG“ nur eine Laufzeit von ca. 45 Minuten. (Haiko Herden)_



What makes up a memory?

After ~15 years of having a meditation practice, I think I'm finally getting good. At the end of October, I suffered a heart attack and subsequently had a coronary bypass graph. (They harvest veins from your legs and sew it around the blockages on your heart. I'm recovering nicely; I just have to remember to have the patience I'd have for others, for myself. The difficult part was sleeping: it has always been. Because of the pain, I did take pain medication at night, hoping to sleep. I didn't sleep for more than a few minutes at a time and, being older, I had some mild hallucinations.

Sleep has been my 'kryptonite' since I was a little boy. When I was in third or fourth grade, my father told me he could have me taken away in the middle of the night. (I'm not looking. for sympathy.)

After several sleepless nights, someone must have figured it out and I was put in a psychiatric hospital for children. It's only recently that I recalled it partly because the staff, and the patients, called it Pedi-Psy. At the time I didn't realize how they got that name. I don't have much recollection of the experience. It was a hospital that my mother would never have been able to drive to, so I didn't really have visitors. They did have a large and varied library which I enjoyed.

I'm not sure how long I was in there. When I returned, the elementary school thought it would be the perfect time to start me in the next grade. (Schools no longer skip students.) I was bright enough. but lacked any sort of social skills. When I completed Elementary school, the next step was a single building that went from seventh to twelfth grade. Whoever thought that up must have really hated children. ;)

After being there a year, I was skipped over eighth grade. Now I really stood out. I wish I had the courage to ask about all of this before my mother passed. So much of it was a blur. The story doesn't end here, but I'll spare the rest for another day.

#schools #education #childpsychology #downstatemedicalsystem #sleep #memories



the rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB-SG, #AB-10-22, #09-10-22, #gimp, #gmic, #Sundaygimp, #Herbst, #Erinnerungen, #unterwegs #Souvenirs, #en_route, #automne #memories, #on_the_way, #Kunst, #Art, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #photo, #Foto, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)



Anne Murray

Anne Murray: Full Circle

It’s a surreal and sometimes unnerving feeling to watch your life replay itself on screen, but I am honoured to have my story told by such a creative team. Seeing the old footage and hearing the words of my dear friends and collaborators takes me back to both the good times and the not so good ones. Throughout my career, the loyalty and support of my fans have been a constant. They were there with me every step of the way, even when others were not. I hope they enjoy this trip down memory lane. — Anne Murray

A small-town girl from a Nova Scotia coal mining town becomes a Canadian icon and international superstar. Pure, honest, or just plain ol’ good, no matter how Anne Murray’s voice was described, it was always clear she has a remarkable gift. Throughout Anne’s decades-spanning international career, her songs topped the charts, her TV specials set records, she performed and collaborated with music royalty, and she converted casual listeners into die-hard fans with her undeniable talent. Anne Murray: Full Circle is a full-length, fully authorised documentary featuring an original, in-depth interview with Anne sharing anecdotes, memories, and observations as 19 familiar hit songs and breathtaking archival footage illuminate Anne’s storied career. Original new interviews with the artists, collaborators, and colleagues who knew her best including Shania Twain, k.d. lang, Bonnie Raitt, Jann Arden, Kenny Loggins, Gordon Lightfoot, Bruce Allen and others are seamlessly woven into the story and paired with rarely seen material from her personal archives, telling the story of a ground-breaking woman who seized control of her career and soared to the heights of fame without failing to stay true to herself. Throughout the film, we not only celebrate the unforgettable music of Anne Murray but experience the full spectrum of the small-town singer turned superstar, pioneer, and icon.



#AnneMurrayFullCircle #documentary #film #AnneMurray #life #memories #music #career #legacy #ShaniaTwain #kdlang #BonnieRaitt #JannArden #KennyLoggins #GordonLightfoot #BruceAllen #Canada #AdrianBuitenhuis #MorganElliott #NetworkEntertainment #CBC #RadioCanada #docu-films


Im Garten wo Mensch und Tier sich wohl fühlen..🌹🍀

In meinem kleinen Garten finden Insekten, Käfer, Schmetterlinge ihre Nahrungsmittel und Ruhe... Meine Familie und Tico 🐕, jeder findet einen schattigen Plätzchen. Die Pfingstrosen, Lupin, Rododendron...
die alle Blumen geben mir jedes Jahr das gute Gefühl mit meinen Kindheitserinnerungen, so wie bei meinen Großeltern und Eltern im Garten wieder versetzt zu sein. 👼🏼🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌞
#Natur #Garten #Ruhe #Blumen #Nostalgie #Erinnerungen #Foto #meineFotos #nature #garden #calm #flowers #nostalgia #memories #photo #myphotos


One late afternoon, while quadding around the Eastern desert near the town of Safaga in Egypt, we were reminded it was February the 14th, Valentine’s Day.
At one point, as the sun was beginning its descent, we stopped to stretch our legs. While we were taking in the vista, our guide set a heart of fire on the sand.
It was a wonderful experience.
This is the photograph I captured of the moment.

Following, is a short piece I wrote a few years earlier, while on another adventure, that time in the Sahara Desert.
Enjoy the read.
There is some ethereal quality about the silence of the desert.
It is a silence that has an ascribed spiritual power within its nothingness; strange and compelling, it demands absolute attention from all those within its vast obliviousness.
So it was with our small group of miscellaneous travellers; a rather odd assortment of people. All who chose to spend a night under the stars, and to have the opportunity of watching the sunrise over the sand dunes in the morning.
Our guides set up a makeshift camp, while we tourists frolicked like teenagers on the dunes with snowboards and skies. Until, like errant children, we were summoned to dinner by a loud shout from one of our guides.
In a somewhat random and ragtag manner, we collected our toys and reluctantly, but dutifully made our way towards the fire, and the rich aroma of roasting meats and freshly baked flatbreads. Unlike children however, the prime choice of beverage were cold wine, chilled beer, gin, and whiskey, all served with clinking cubes of ice.
After a meal of charcoal roasted meats, tabbouleh, freekeh salads, flatbreads, and Toomeh, we gathered around the fire to chat and to watch the sun set, casting, as it did, an array of ever-changing shadows over the orange sands as it sunk beyond the horizon, finally plunging the desert into a solid blackness. The only light was from our campfire, and the few torches surrounding the site, flickering in the gentle night breeze.
This was the moment we fell silent.
There was no logical reason. It was not planned, intended, or organised; it was simply one of those shared, collective instances which happen on occasion.
I observed, as we sat peering into the deep darkness, staring totally mesmerised at the million, billion, trillion stars sparkling in the sky above, or just watching the flickering flames of the camps fire, each and every one of us was, at that very moment, listening to the silence emanating from vast expanse surrounding us.
In an instance, we were all touched by the essence of this great wilderness. I could see, in the eyes of my companions, the deep contemplation of their minds, their mental acceptance as the assimilation of earth and spirit was recognised.
I know the moment was so, as after we were disturbed from our collective meditations by a guide returning with further refreshments, the topic of conversation became that of the strangest recognition of our individual and personal awareness, of the mutual experience we just shared.
I believe there are only a few places on earth which are wild enough to lend themselves naturally to such a spiritual encounter.
The desert is one of those places.
If you ever have, even the slightest of opportunity to experience such vast blackness, to see so many stars in such silence, in such a vast and uninhabited place, do not hesitate.
You may even find yourself there.
#Valentines #travel #life #love #memories #photograph #heartfelt