

Danielle Dax - Hammerheads

das jahr war 1989 und ich leistete meinen präsenzdienst beim österreichischen bundesheer. ich hatte es geschafft mich vor ernsthafterem zu drücken und landete als küchenhilfe in der kantine.

schon damals kickte meine misanthropie recht hart - und wurde durch die "kameraden" nur noch gefestigt - so dass es kaum jemanden gab mit dem ich wirklich gut klar kam. aber ein spezielles exemplar gab es. ich erinnere mich nicht mehr an den namen, aber er war quasi die schreibkraft des offiziers der für die truppenversorgung zuständig war. dessen büro befand sich im selben trackt wie die kantine, alsi liefen wir uns recht oft über den weg.

irgendwann kamen wir auch auf das thema musik, und so begab es sich, dass wir eines tages mixtapes tauschten. da er leidenschaftlich kiffte, schlug sich das auch in seinen mixtapes musikalisch nieder. ich bekam da sachen zu hören, denen ich weder vorher, noch nachher je wieder begegnete. da ich jedoch immer schon schräge musik mochte, fing ich an das zeug auf diesen mixtapes zu lieben unbd im laufe der jahre fand ich soagr einiges davon wieder, wie zb. osibisa, alien sex fiend oder brainticket.

und heute bin ich über ein weiteres dieser schrägen kleinode gestolpert....

#music #80's #Nostalgia
- YouTube


It's amazing to see that 1.5TB NVMe storage, 64GB of DDR4 memory and everything else fit on this small board

It's a few years old and not the latest technology either, but I just can't get over how much storage and memory I have got on this little laptop, all for less than 300 euros.

It's a third of the price compared to what I paid for my 80286 computer with 1MB of memory, 20MB of hard drive and a 14inch VGA display I bought back in late 80s.

#computer #Nostalgia


1968: Photokina Köln / photokina cologne 1968

A photo I took on the exhibition grounds during my visit to the photokina trade fair in Cologne in 1968. Developed and printed on baryta silver chlorobromide paper in my own darkroom

Ein Foto, das ich während der -> Photokina in Köln im Jahr 1968 auf dem Messegelände aufgenommen habe. Entwickelt und auf Barytpapier ausbelichtet (Bromsilberpapier von Agfa) in eigener Dunkelkammer

#photokina #nostalgia #foto #photo #mywork #photography #Kölnmesse #Köln #cologne


Homage to Annie Hall (1977, Woody Allen)

From a bygone era, both for society and the film-maker....
This was a movie which impacted our pre-Internet society in many ways: comedy/satire, fashion, dating, intellectualism...

I just shared this short-list with a colleague, noting how so many of my long-time interests in #psychology phenomena were stimulated (along with my funny bone) in this film classic.

The whole film can be found online these days, but here are 3 highlights which are now part of my DNA....
Since it's still formatted for 'here'/ pora* (my post, shared privately earlier), I suppose I should share it, prime-time #nostalgia....


This is my touchstone for “Woody Allen” films. As a young man who ‘fell in love’ with Diane Keaton (as did the fashion world) with this film, I was ‘imprinted’ to Annie Hall. Keaton was like a lovable hippie-type (70’s/NY) and Allen the ultimate NY neurotic. Three scenes I’ll never forget:

This one was ('appetizer') is a bit of ‘slapstick’, on 'dating' chemistry +/- :
Cooking Lobster

And this one below, I think, fed my interest in both psychology and the phenomenon of “airheads” and ‘elective ignorance’ (as we see these days too)…

It's a quick look (I think profound) at “intellectualism vs. happiness” - Woody Allen and Keaton see a happy-looking couple. Cynical Woody is in despair about how difficult it is to find happiness in a relationship. He asks for their secret:

'You look like a very happy couple'

And one more, for a trifecta of Annie Hall profundities - this one with Marshall McLuhan in a cameo. Here we see another blow at intellectual smugness, as - waiting in line for a show - Woody endures someone blathering away about ‘the meaning’… Love this one:

Annie Hall [Cinema scene, with Marshall McLuhan]

Hope one or more of these stimulates a smile or moment of thought!

For me, one of the best movies ever made, as craft, comedy, ensemble, & life…

#WoodyAllen #FilmHistory #mindfulness #cynicism #comedy #wit #DianeKeaton #1977 #movies #AnnieHall


Every day that goes, I miss G+ more.

Mastodon is like an annoying child of Twitter, with some extra benefits but nothing even remotely as good as what G+ was.

Diaspora is good, but lacks so many functions such as groups, blocking among a few.

MeWe has lots of positives, but it has the sickness of reddit with loony moderators owning the groups and imposing ridiculous personal (and changing) rules, plus way too many right wing trolls.

Minds is completely out of question because of it's Nazi infested platform and extreme right wing Trump supporting owner and their money driven algorithm.

#SocialMedia #Nostalgia #GPlusBlues