

https://fosstodon.org/@elaterite/113109072716681506 elaterite@fosstodon.org - Boy chases girl, not on the plains of the Kalahari, but on a dry lake playa in northern Washoe County, Nevada. Antilocapra americana (pronghorn) are not related to antelope but fill a similar ecological niche in North America due to parallel evolution. Pronghorns are related to giraffe and okapi, however. Pronghorns are the fastest North American land animal able to run at speeds up to 89kph (55mph).

#Wildlife #Desert #Nevada #Photography #Darktable


Yeah--any "negative effects" from this would be to exploitive employers.

Ramesh 🎵 Kamala La Bamba 🎶 - 2024-08-12 15:48:01 GMT

⬆️ @dangillmor>> Really hate to see Harris endorsing a terrible Trump tax proposal. Pure pandering -- no panacea for workers in a crappy system, and bad for America's economic health.

This is a savvy move by #KamalaHarris to neutralize #Trump's pandering to hospitality workers.

Yes, the pandering started with Trump, who is all for billionaires, except when it comes to workers in Vegas.

#Harris did what any warrior would have done to defend and shore up votes in #Nevada.

#HarrisWalz #Walz


#ElonMusk might not be able to effectively manage #Twitter, build a #Hyperloop, or fly a rocket into space without exploding. But at least the business that brought him global fame and wealth can deliver on its core promises, right?


A new #Reuters report calls into question #Tesla’s ability to do the one thing that its vehicles were supposed to be good at: dominating the electric car industry with exceptional battery range. In fact, according to the report, Tesla intentionally overestimated the battery range displayed on drivers’ dashboards by rigging the software, only to then systematically cancel the service appointments of customers who complained. The company even established an entire Las Vegas “Diversion Team” devoted to canceling range-related appointments. According to Reuters:

Inside the #Nevada team’s office, some employees celebrated canceling service appointments by putting their phones on mute and striking a metal xylophone, triggering applause from coworkers who sometimes stood on desks.
Earlier this year, Tesla was fined for false advertising by South Korean regulators who determined that the company exaggerated its range estimates, which were far greater than the range estimates of other electric car manufacturers. For context, the #Chevy #Bolt’s estimated range is 259 miles, the #Nissan #LEAF‘s is 149, while the Tesla Model S‘s is 405. Car review website Edmunds tested five Teslas models that failed to reach their advertised range, while 9 out of 10 models from other manufacturers exceeded expectations.

I recently watched an episode of How To with John Wilson in which Wilson buys a used car for a price that seems too good to be true, writes reporter Abigail Weinberg. He later discovers an extra odometer in the trunk, showing far more mileage than the one on the dashboard. Tesla’s reported scheming may not be so brazen, but when drivers are reporting battery ranges 200 miles less than advertised, it’s hard not to think that customers are getting a raw deal.

You can read Weinberg's full blog at the link below. https://bit.ly/43GHmkJ


US-Demokraten behalten Senatssitz im Bundesstaat Arizona | DW | 12.11.2022

Nach dem Ende eines tagelangen Auszählungskrimis in Arizona kann die Partei von Präsident Biden weiter auf eine Mehrheit im US-Senat hoffen. Die endgültige Entscheidung fällt nun in den Bundesstaaten Nevada oder Georgia.#USA #MarkKelly #BlakeMasters #US-Senat #Nevada #Demokraten #Republikaner #Arizona #Georgia
US-Demokraten behalten Senatssitz im Bundesstaat Arizona | DW | 12.11.2022
