

Perhaps you would be kind enough to allow me to declare a few theses on the #geopolitics of the U.S.

1) If #Ukraine loses the war, it would be a step backwards towards a liberal #world order. Autocracies would be on the rise and #China could feel empowered to invade #Taiwan.
2) If the #West had not supported Ukraine, the #war would already be over. It seems immoral to only half-heartedly #support Ukraine and thereby prolong the suffering for #power games.
3) If #Biden now denies Ukraine #military support for tactical #election maneuvers and fails to deliver urgently needed #ammunition, then his office is more important to him than the well-being of the world and the #future of #freedom.
4) If Biden were to supply the ammunition and thus lose the election, not only would #Trump win but #democracy would be damaged.
5) Geopolitics is a cynical #dilemma that costs many lives.

#nato #europe #Russia #politics #problem #humanRights #justice #cynicism #terror #business #warfare #ethics


Homage to Annie Hall (1977, Woody Allen)

From a bygone era, both for society and the film-maker....
This was a movie which impacted our pre-Internet society in many ways: comedy/satire, fashion, dating, intellectualism...

I just shared this short-list with a colleague, noting how so many of my long-time interests in #psychology phenomena were stimulated (along with my funny bone) in this film classic.

The whole film can be found online these days, but here are 3 highlights which are now part of my DNA....
Since it's still formatted for 'here'/ pora* (my post, shared privately earlier), I suppose I should share it, prime-time #nostalgia....


This is my touchstone for “Woody Allen” films. As a young man who ‘fell in love’ with Diane Keaton (as did the fashion world) with this film, I was ‘imprinted’ to Annie Hall. Keaton was like a lovable hippie-type (70’s/NY) and Allen the ultimate NY neurotic. Three scenes I’ll never forget:

This one was ('appetizer') is a bit of ‘slapstick’, on 'dating' chemistry +/- :
Cooking Lobster

And this one below, I think, fed my interest in both psychology and the phenomenon of “airheads” and ‘elective ignorance’ (as we see these days too)…

It's a quick look (I think profound) at “intellectualism vs. happiness” - Woody Allen and Keaton see a happy-looking couple. Cynical Woody is in despair about how difficult it is to find happiness in a relationship. He asks for their secret:

'You look like a very happy couple'

And one more, for a trifecta of Annie Hall profundities - this one with Marshall McLuhan in a cameo. Here we see another blow at intellectual smugness, as - waiting in line for a show - Woody endures someone blathering away about ‘the meaning’… Love this one:

Annie Hall [Cinema scene, with Marshall McLuhan]

Hope one or more of these stimulates a smile or moment of thought!

For me, one of the best movies ever made, as craft, comedy, ensemble, & life…

#WoodyAllen #FilmHistory #mindfulness #cynicism #comedy #wit #DianeKeaton #1977 #movies #AnnieHall


A quotation by McCloy, Helen

Civilization is a fiction which becomes a fact only as long as everyone can believe in it. It is the cynic, rather than the rebel, who pulls down the whole flimsy structure periodically throughout history.

Helen McCloy (1904-1994) American writer [pseud. Helen Clarkson]
A Question of Time, ch. 6 (1971)

#quote #quotation #belief #civilization #cynicism #faith #rebellion
More notes and sourcing: https://wist.info/mccloy-helen/55310/


A quotation by Wallace, David Foster

If you are bored and disgusted by politics and don’t bother to vote, you are in effect voting for the entrenched Establishments of the two major parties, who please rest assured are not dumb, and who are keenly aware that it is in their interests to keep you disgusted and bored and cynical and to give you every possible psychological reason to stay at home doing one-hitters and watching MTV on primary day. By all means stay home if you want, but don’t bullshit yourself that you’re not voting. In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: you either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some Diehard’s vote.

David Foster Wallace (1962-2008) American author, academic

McCain’s Promise (2006)

#quote #quotation #abstention #apathy #cynicism #democracy #election #establishment #politics #voting

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/wallace-david-foster/50706/


A quotation by Harris, John F.

People may see hypocrisy and cynicism all around them, but in my experience, almost without exception, they believe their own views and actions — even when contradictory, even when private motivations differ from public explanations — are righteous and principled.

John F. Harris (b. c. 1963) American political journalist, editor

“‘He Is Our O.J.'” Politico (9 Jan 2020)

#quotation #quote #cynicism #excuse #hypocrisy #perspective #self-justification #self-righteousness

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/harris-john-f/47908/