

paste from a comment responding to a hypothetical question asking what if would happen LGBTQ+ took over everything...

taking over everything, is the principle article, a totalitarian fundamentalist ubiquity paradigm, in this flavour, "LGBTQ+", the separation (is the path to destruction)[inset quote krishnamurti's quote about calling yourself something and separation] divisiveness (to conquer by) i play through in my mind as having the effect of increasing bisexuality in the gene pool, after the hetrosexuals have been democided, and the L & G would have higher hurdles to reproduction, and the T are a diverse group of whome some are even more hampered, others, may be crypto-hetrosexuals maintaining the species naturally, just under a different cultural shrowd, and {is this still the same sentence? oh my grammar, ...} the Q, i understand about as much as the +, but i speculate a mix of capacities to reproduce. the hormonal balances, chromosomal standardised interfaceability would get further out of homeostatic regulatory snugness in our evolution, demanding a far higher population to have chances of making reproductively compatible connections, ever diminishingly, at the same time as population reducing from reduced reproductively compatible connection succeeding to reproduce... needs more, causes less, is an exctinction trajectory. these are the natural pressures that would be at play, so, technology would need advance a pace with this rapid extinction trajectory... presumably all kinds of cloning. presuming the species manages to find a way to survive, and the paradigm of taken over everything persists, the deeper paradigm of divisiveness and elimination of the other for being inferior, or for being a persecutor, would likewise persist, despite the professing, in orwellian inversion of meaning, of being about inclusion, the democides would proceed to trim, and simultaneously, the redivisions paradigm would continue to expand "+", eating itself from both ends, dividing and conquering, disempowering, in the name of empowerment, and so, if that paradigm persists, it would even accelerate the self destruction, so much that perhaps the reproductive problems would not even get a chance to take effect before the self destructiveness destroys the species from the infighting witchhunt of the one true sexual orientation to exclude, after the first, the main thriving arrangement, hetrosexuality, got eliminated, in the name of inclusivity, then the paradigm that took over everything, proceeds to eat itself... a sussceptability that if we succumb to, destroys us all, not just in this flavour, making us a "type zero civilisation", extincted, because we failed to not opposame, because we failed see the danger of anything taking over everything, the danger of any flavour of that, the danger of taking over everything.

so maybe we should not do that.

can i have a hormonally healthy environment please? no more dripping us in this transformatively strong hormone-disrupting corporate environmental soup imposing that on everything, oh look, taking over everything, so, not just a hypothetical already... enjoy the forever chemicals, and the codex alimentarius necessitated glyphosate blackmailed dose or die scam that risks total ecocidal collapse, to get a quick buck because (and i quote, from an insider, their own reasoning...) "homosexuals have more expendable income". enjoy the chemtrails, enjoy the chemical slop replacing the food supply. enjoy the (carcinogenic mutagenic) estrogenic plastics instead of natural safe wrapping. enjoy the lies that tell you to identify with an idea of your gender or sexuality so that you cannot think critically about it without the attack on your ignorance feeling like an attack on your very survival so you limbically reflexively attack anyone who offers ideas for your mind to entertain in an educated way, neither accepting necessarily nor rejecting necessarily, not reflexively, because, you understand that the ignorance that dies is not you, and the truth, the terrain, survives sound epistemological investigation and exploration, unblemished, but the maps we gett attached to rustle and make a lot of noise. enjoy the lies of maps we were tricked to believe the terrain, in our own voice tricked to believe it our idea and that we were tricked to believe "our"(/"my") idea my own. especially without introspecting on that possiblity. because of course since it's not true, it doesnt need introspected on at all to see if it's true. that's sound reasoning, right? ;)

but seriously, that quote's good... worth it, worth breaking my flow with mention of it, worth the wait past my rambles n rants... here, listen to the wisdom in this...

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

#digitsrants #separation #identity #inclusion #hypocrisy #paradigm #introspection #opposame #nonviolence #enlaketch #transcend #iseewhatyoudidthere


#consider, my understanding of these two labels.

terrorist : one who causes terror for political gain.
freedom fighter : one who fights for their freedom and the freedom of a people from oppression.

" #or "? the two are not mutually exclusive. can be #both.
introspect #perception, for any #judgement.
and just because one side uses terror for their political gain (and thus are definitively "terrorist"), does not mean the other side do not and are not.

[(...can you see any examples of this type hypocrisy on the world stage? seen anyone "doth protest too much"?)]

#terror #terrorist #terrorists #terrorism #politics #terminology #psyop #falsedichotomy #opposame #notmutuallyexclusive (not to mention the added complexities of #falseflag operations, #managedopposition, #agentprovokateurs, etc., and the escalating horrors of #groupthink (all the way to the #atrocity of #genocide!), and #proxywars for #massdistraction and #polarising #divisive #problemreactionsolution #divideandconquer #ploys of #theoppressor... "THEY'RE USING YOU!", not just "both" " #sides ", but the puppet masters behind them. Many #innocent #lives, and it matters not to the power-focused #ruthless #sociopaths, #oligarchs, #bankers, #cultists, #aristocrats, #fascists, #barons, etc... ... #TheCorporation = #Psychopath. thanks, #racetothebottom and #tragedyofthecommons and #dogma and #fundamentalism. ... maybe we're #now #ready to say #WeAreNotDoingThatAnyMore ... #wecanstillmendthis. )



CJ Hopkins
Israel's 9/11

15 OCT 2023

Sorry, but I’ve seen this movie before.

I saw it in New York in 2001.

On the afternoon of September 11, I stood among the crowd on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and watched what was left of the Twin Towers burn. Walking home as the sun was setting, it appeared to be snowing. It wasn’t snowing. The snowflakes were bits and pieces of paper, burnt ginger orange and rust brown around the edges, which the wind had carried across the East River, contracts, memos, actuarial tables, pages torn out of trashy paperback books, scribbled notes, pink telephone messages, the children’s drawings and affirmations that adorn the colorless upholstered walls of corporate cubicles throughout America.

It was snowing relics, the hideous detritus of thousands of people’s mundane lives.

America had been attacked. It was time to come together as Americans, to put aside our political differences, to rally around the flag, and the president, and go and kill a whole lot of people who had absolutely nothing to do with it.

You might be too young to remember that time. I remember it vividly. I remember it in detail. I remember how the nation “came together.” I remember how the Western world “stood with America.” I remember how we declared a “Global War on Terror,” how we “took the gloves off,” both at home and abroad, how the government and the media whipped the public up into a bloodthirsty, jingoistic frenzy. I remember being called a “traitor,” a “Saddam apologist,” a “terrorist sympathizer,” because I wouldn’t wave the flag, and “stand with America,” and get on board with murdering hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children.

So, forgive me if what follows seems a bit cold. As I said, I’ve seen this movie before.

Actually, I’m pretty torn up at the moment. Many people are. It’s been quite a week. I was planning to publish one of my satirical columns about the recent events in Israel and Gaza. It was going to focus on the “40 beheaded babies” propaganda. I started it. And stopped it. I cannot do it. Not today. I just don’t have it in me.

Instead, I’m going to drop the sarcasm for now, and say a few things for the record. Maybe just to get this out of my system. Nothing I publish is going to change what has happened, or what is going to happen in the coming days and weeks, or anyone else’s mind, probably.

I am not going to condemn the Hamas attack, as hideous as I think it was. I do not condemn things on command, or perform any other kind of tricks on command. If that’s what you’re looking for, get a dog.

That said, I am not going to call the Hamas attack “resistance” or try to justify it. I refuse to justify mass murder. If you’re OK with mass murdering civilians for your cause … OK, but own it. Call it what it is. And spare me the “legitimate resistance” bullshit.

Same goes for Israel. If you “stand with Israel” as it murders civilians, fine. Own it. Give me a break with the “Israel has the right to defend itself” bullshit, and own it.

Whatever “side” of this conflict you are on, at least have the integrity to call things what they are.

Here is what things are, in a nutshell.

Israel is a nation-state. It is doing what a lot of nation-states have done throughout the history of nation-states. It is wiping out, or otherwise removing, the indigenous population of the territory it has conquered. It has been doing this for 75 years. The indigenous population, i.e., the Palestinians, have been trying not to get completely wiped out, or otherwise removed from their indigenous territory, and lashing out at Israel in a variety of ways (i.e., from throwing stones to committing mass murder).

That is what is happening. The rest is PR. Public relations. Propaganda.

If you “stand with” the nation-state of Israel and its ongoing efforts to wipe out and otherwise remove the Palestinians from the territory it controls, I get it. The United States of America did that to its indigenous population. The British Empire did it in its colonies. A lot of nations and empires did it. It is standard nation-state behavior. There is nothing aberrational about it. If you can live with supporting that … OK, go for it, but spare me the sanctimony and the “unprovoked attack” crap.

If you “stand with” the Palestinians in their ongoing efforts to not get wiped out, or otherwise removed from their homeland, I get it. My sympathies are with them too. I’ve never found nation-states particularly sympathetic, especially when they are in their Mercilessly-Wiping-Out-the-Indigenous-Population phase. However, if you believe that “standing with” the Palestinians means celebrating mass murder, and making excuses for it like “settlers are not civilians” … OK, fine, but count me out.

What’s my point? Well, my point is, at times like this, everything conspires to keep everyone from seeing things clearly and thinking critically. Everyone’s selling you a narrative and punching your emotional buttons to force you into joining their side.

Hamas is playing on your basic human decency … your empathy for the Palestinians. Their game is, if you support the Palestinian people, you have to support the Hamas attack and condone the mass murder of unarmed civilians.

Israel is playing on your basic human decency … on your sympathy for the murdered Israelis. Their game is, if you don’t support the mass murder of Palestinian civilians that is now in progress, then you are a “terrorist-sympathizer,” who hates the Jews.

Both of these parties are fucking with your head, as are their assorted propaganda-spewing mouthpieces. They are trying to force you into a position where your only choice is to support mass murder.

You do not have to support mass murder.

I know it’s difficult at times like this, but please try not to let people fuck with your head. Try not to let them punch your buttons. Try not to let them make you react to emotional stimuli like Pavlov’s dog. Take a break from the mass hysteria. Try to see things clearly. Try to understand the goals and tactics of both sides of this conflict, regardless of which side you think you’re on. If you do not know the history of this conflict — the conflict I described above in a nutshell — please take a few minutes and educate yourself. It’s actually not that complicated.

Here’s a fifteen-minute film to get you started.

That’s it, for now. I’m sure I’ll be writing more about this in the coming weeks. As far as I can tell, what we’re about to witness is going to be protracted and extremely ugly. The IDF appears to be preparing to liquidate a sizable portion of Gaza. One assumes Hamas has prepared for this, as that was obviously what their massacre was meant to provoke. Who knows how long the fighting will last, whether it will spread, and what it will lead to?

In the meantime, everything is going by the numbers. The nations of the New Normal Reich are marching in lockstep. This is “Israel’s 9/11.” Democracy is at war with “evil” again! The demonization and criminalization of dissent that was rolled out during the “Covid pandemic” in 2020-2022 has gone into overdrive. Germany, France, and other countries have banned demonstrations expressing support for the Palestinians. Here in Berlin, police are roaming the streets, harassing and arresting Arab-looking kids, and anyone improperly criticizing Israel. Anti-Israel social-media content is being censored and visibility-filtered, while fascist content like this gets a pass …

In Neukölln, the district where I live in Berlin, a major “police action” was recently launched because someone spray-painted “fuck Israel” on a sidewalk. Oh, yeah, and then there was the German schoolteacher who punched a 15-year-old student in the face for defending his friend whose Palestinian flag the teacher had snatched out of his hand. And so on.

And this is only Week One. And you know what happens in Week Two, don’t you?

Sorry, I know, I’m spoiling the movie for the folks out there who haven’t seen it. I’ll shut up now and let you get back to it.

83 Restacks

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CJ Hopkins
Oct 15
edited Oct 15
It's really depressing that I have to reiterate this, again. If you post anti-Semitic slurs or any other type of bigoted garbage in my Comments, I will ban you with extreme prejudice. There are many venues on the Internet where people are free to post anti-Semitic/bigoted garbage for the creeps who enjoy that kind of thing. This is not one of them.

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CJ Hopkins
Oct 15
A request to those readers sending me furious emails and demanding to be "taken off my list." Please post your furious responses here in these BTL Comments (I will read them) and use the "unsubscribe" button at the very bottom of the Substack email. Many thanks to those readers already doing that.

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© 2023 CJ Hopkins

#sides #dontfallforit

#theylie #sequels #samebutbigger
pasted from article [ https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/israels-911 ] linked in https://dnext.societas.online/posts/d88d4b004ed4013cdcd728a1592b385a , my emphasis.

Israel’s 9/11
by #CJHopkins


#israels911 #israel #palestine #propaganda #video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6foH3Zc82ZQ&t=34s #balfour #imperialism #supremacy #britishrule #nothingaboutuswithoutus #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #linesonthemap #imposition #goodintentions (?) #diaspora

stuart_d@diasp.org - about 2 hours ago
That’s one of the saddest things I’ve read, and it is emphasized by the video linked in it.

#youdonthave19yearstofigurethisoneout #youdonthave22yearstofigurethisoneout #divideandconquer #ifyouarenotwithusyouareagainstus #fascist #deathcult #problemreactionsolution #beyingforblood #escalating #propaganda #solutionspaceisupstream #falseflag #opposame #cuibono #weaponofmassdistraction #lookoverhere (because you know the #deskkillers are still hard at work implementing their portion of the plans) #totalitariantiptoe #massformationpsychosis #terror #checkyourmoralhighground #theroadtohellispavedwithgoodintentions #aneyeforaneyemakesthewholeworldblind #wecanstillmendthis #attrocitiesasvirtues #no #thereisalwaysabetterway #youhavetolookwithbettereyes #youdonothavetosupportmassmurder

You do not have to support mass murder.


Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEfuBg0TIMk

... the idea that...

We little people are being played and pushed into a battle in which we will lose a tremendous amount for reasons we cant understand because we're not at the table and we don't hear the discussions and we don't hear what the objectives are,

is almost inescapable.

and it is the reason we have to have these conversations, is,

we have to stop being manipulable, into conflicts that are serving someone else at our expense.

Whoever it is.

#darkhorse #psyops #psyopawareness #damnedifyoudodamnedifyoudont #catch22 #psyop #opposame