

Pirate Site #Blocking is Making its Way Into Free #Trade Agreements

source: https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-site-blocking-is-making-its-way-into-free-trade-agreements-220508/

The new free trade #agreement between #Australia and the #UK includes a site blocking paragraph. The text requires the countries to provide injunctive relief to require ISPs to prevent subscribers from accessing pirate sites.

#piracy #copyright #torrent #freedom #p2p #download #filesharing #internet #news #politics #censorship


Peergos: An Open-Source IPFS Peer-To-Peer Google Drive Alternative That You Can Self-Host

Google Drive may be popular, but it does not offer end-to-end encryption. Moreover, it is not an open-source offering.

Peergos is not just an ordinary alternative to Google Drive. It is much more than just a private web storage platform. With Peergos, you get an end-to-end encrypted private webspace built on top of IPFS protocol (peer-to-peer). Not just limited to its security/privacy, you also get the ability to socialize with your friends in the platform using the newsfeed.

So yes, a bit like a cross between Nextcloud and Cryptpad with the P2P functionality. You can self-host for free (at your hosting cost) or pay for a cloud hosted offering.

See https://itsfoss.com/peergos/

#technology #opensource #privacy #peergos #selfhosting #P2P


Peergos: An Open-Source IPFS Peer-To-Peer Google Drive Alternative That You Can Self-Host

Google Drive may be popular, but it does not offer end-to-end encryption. Moreover, it is not an open-source offering.

Peergos is not just an ordinary alternative to Google Drive. It is much more than just a private web storage platform. With Peergos, you get an end-to-end encrypted private webspace built on top of IPFS protocol (peer-to-peer). Not just limited to its security/privacy, you also get the ability to socialize with your friends in the platform using the newsfeed.

So yes, a bit like a cross between Nextcloud and Cryptpad with the P2P functionality. You can self-host for free (at your hosting cost) or pay for a cloud hosted offering.

See https://itsfoss.com/peergos/

#technology #opensource #privacy #peergos #selfhosting #P2P
#Blog, ##opensource, ##p2p, ##peergos, ##privacy, ##selfhosting, ##technology


Meet the Secretive US #Company Building an ‘Unbreakable’ #Internet Inside #Russia

source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3n5e9/russian-internet-lantern

“We’ve been putting pieces in place in Russia for the last two years,” Lucas, one of Lantern’s developers, who uses a pseudonym to protect his identity, told VICE News. “So inside Russia right now, #Lantern is also this peer-to-peer network that has all of this #opposition content that’s distributed internally.”

#p2p #censorship #news #software #darknet #freedom #politics #press #journalism


Berty Messenger for iOS and Android – Zero Trust Open Source Peer-to-Peer Messenger based on IPFS protocol

No Face, No Name, No Number, No SIM card, No Internet! Berty is a messenger that doesn’t require any of your personal data or network connection (using Bluetooth Low Energy BLE). All conversations are encrypted with end-to-end encryption, in a fully distributed network.

It is a peer-to-peer messenger with no servers, no cloud – your data is only stored on the device where Berty is installed and used. No one would be able to access the data or shut the app down, not even the developers.

Being P2P, it means the IP address needs to be available to route messaging, but their site explains a bit about how they’ve tried to mask this. Whilst Briar is an excellent alternative, it is still Android only. The closest alternative is maybe Jami, but it lacks a non-Internet Bluetooth alternative if I recall correctly. Interestingly, Berty also can use Airdrop (iOS to iOS) and Android’s Nearby as alternative protocols.

You can share your details and add contacts via a QR code, public key, or an invite link. It is currently available on both iOS and Android, with desktop clients to follow.

See https://berty.tech/

#technology #messenger #berty #P2P #IPFS #privacy
#Blog, ##berty, ##ipfs, ##messenger, ##p2p, ##privacy, ##technology


Emule https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/
RetroShare https://retroshare.cc/
i2p https://geti2p.net/ru/
i2pd https://i2pd.website/
MuWire https://muwire.com/
Zeronet https://zeronet.io/
qBittorrent https://qbittorrent.org https://sourceforge.net/projects/qbittorrent/
Twister http://twister.net.co/ https://github.com/iShift/twister-webkit/releases
Tixati https://tixati.com/
BiglyBT https://biglybt.com/
Tribler https://www.tribler.org/
Rats on The Boat https://github.com/DEgITx/rats-search
Fopnu https://fopnu.com/
Element matrix https://element.io/ https://matrix.org/
eMule 0.60c: https://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/general.cgi?l=1&rm=download https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/
Demonsaw https://demonsaw.com/
Nicotine+ https://nicotine-plus.github.io/nicotine-plus/
FlylinkDC++ http://flylinkdc.com/
Syncthing https://syncthing.net/
IPFS https://ipfs.io/
Library Genesis http://libgen.lc/
Openvpn https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/
SoftEther https://www.softether.org/
Shadowsocks https://shadowsocks.org/ https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows/releases
WireGuard https://www.wireguard.com/
GoodbyeDPI https://github.com/ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI/releases
Scuttlebutt https://scuttlebutt.nz/
Tor https://www.torproject.org/
MuWire https://muwire.com/
Yacy https://yacy.net/
magnetico https://github.com/boramalper/magnetico
freenet https://freenetproject.org/
XMPP https://xmpp.org/
Diaspora (социальная сеть) https://diasporafoundation.org/

#p2p #network #social #filesharing #обходблокировок #роскомнадзор #阻塞旁路


Jami and Bridgefy are two cross-platform (inc iOS) Peer-to-Peer messaging clients that bypass censorship

Whilst Briar is an excellent P2P messaging client (requiring no Internet) it still does not yet run on iOS. So to be able to connect to everyone, you want to consider clients which do connect as widely as possible. As with all P2P clients, your friends all need to also have the same app installed. Usually these clients require zero personal information (not even a phone number) to be used.

Bridgefy is designed to work on local Bluetooth (max about 100m) during natural disasters, a protest, at large events, at schools, etc. It will create a mesh network, so one or more other peers can help transmit messages further. See https://bridgefy.me/.

Jami also is a P2P client, but it uses encrypted TCP to communicate. It can be installed on Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android TV. It will connect over the Internet to any friend, with no servers required (there is no website that can be blocked or intercept messages). It does not work across Bluetooth, but it can work on a local area network (without Internet) if everyone is on the same network, e.g. a Wi-Fi network. So yes, typically something like Jami will work perfectly in Russia or Ukraine across an Internet where servers are being censored or blocked. See https://jami.net/.

These are pure messaging apps though, so if you want P2P blogging you’d want to consider RetroShare, Secure Scuttlebutt, Aether or other similar service that works without any websites or servers at all.

#technology #messaging #privacy #censorship #P2P
#Blog, ##censorship, ##messaging, ##p2p, ##privacy, ##technology


International Anti-Piracy #Organization (IAPO) Will Tackle #Manga & #Anime #Piracy From April

source: https://animehunch.com/2022/01/06/international-anti-piracy-organization-iapo-will-tackle-manga-anime-piracy-from-april/

Director Masaharu Ina of #CODA, commented on the coalition to #Torrent Freak as, “Our plan is to start the new organization in or around April this year and share the information on piracy sites compiled in each country and provide same to the #police of the country where the servers are located for example.”

#japan #china #copyright #internet #problem #download #filesharing #p2p #law #news #iapo


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