

New Publication: Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Conscientious Objection in Turkey

#War Resisters' International, together with Connection e.V. and Union Pacifiste de France, released a new publication, #ConscientiousObjection in #Turkey.

The booklet, published in English, Turkish, French and German, includes articles on the situation of #ConscientiousObjectors (COs) in Turkey, the #history of conscientious objection movement in the country, as well as the experiences of COs from Turkey who sought asylum in other countries.

You can download its English edition here.

In der #Türkei hatten Anfang der 1990er Jahre die ersten öffentlich ihre Kriegsdienstverweigerung erklärt und sind gegen Krieg, Militär und Zwangsdienst aufgestanden. Weit über 1.000 haben sich ihnen inzwischen angeschlossen und öffentlich ihre Kriegsdienstverweigerung erklärt. Darüber hinaus haben sich Hunderttausende auf andere Art und Weise der Wehrpflicht entzogen oder sind untergetaucht. Einige Hundert haben aufgrund der drohenden Verfolgung im Ausland Asyl gesucht. Die Türkei ist inzwischen das einzige Mitgliedsland des Europarates, das das Recht auf Kriegsdienstverweigerung nicht anerkennt.

Diese Broschüre erscheint zum Internationalen Tag der Kriegsdienstverweigerung 2021 in viersprachiger Ausgabe 30 Jahre nach den ersten öffentlichen Verweigerungserklärungen. Sie zieht Resümee, beschreibt die Solidaritätsarbeit für die Kriegsdienstverweigerungsbewegung aus dem Ausland und sie lässt Verweigerer zu Wort kommen, die zum Teil über Jahre hinweg in der Türkei aktiv waren und nun ins Exil gegangen sind.

Download: https://www.Connection-eV.org/pdfs/kriegsdienstverweigerung-tuerkei-2021.pdf

La Internacional de Resistentes a la #Guerra, junto con Connection e.V. y Union Pacifiste de Francia, lanzaron una nueva publicación llamada #ObjeciónDeConciencia en #Turquía.

Este folleto, publicado en inglés, turco, francés y alemán, incluye artículos sobre la situación de los #ObjetoresDeConciencia (OC) en Turquía, la #historia del movimiento de objeción de conciencia en el país, así como las experiencias de los OC de Turquía que solicitaron asilo en otros paises.

Puedes descargar su edición en inglés aquí.

Click here to download the booklet in Turkish.

Click here to download the booklet in French.

#antiwar #propeace #peace #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights


Call for actions in solidarity with Ukrainian pacifist Ruslan Kotsaba

#Ukrainian conscientious objector and journalist #RuslanKotsaba will be on trial again on September 20th. Support #Kotsaba with your actions ahead of his trial!

Kotsaba, president of the #Ukrainian #Pacifist Movement, is accused of treason and obstructing #military operations for his expressions calling for #peace in a video he posted in 2015. In the video, Kotsaba was calling to boycott military mobilisation for the #conflict in Eastern #Ukraine.

Kotsaba had already spent 524 days under #arrest for his expressions opposing the #war and was duly acquitted in 2016. His retrial is a clearly politically motivated #persecution which must end immediately. Furthermore he was attacked by neo-Nazis several times and seriously wounded. For background and more information on Ruslan’s case, see here.

War Resisters’ International ( #WRI ), European Bureau for Conscientious Objection ( #EBCO ) and Connection e.V. are calling for #international actions ahead of Kotsaba’s next hearing, scheduled to take place on September 20th.

What can you do?
- Write to the #Prosecutor General of Ukraine demanding an end to his #prosecution. You can use our template letter which can be reached here.
- Organize a #vigil in front of an Ukrainian #embassy or #consulate in your country. You can find the list of Ukrainian embassies here.
- Ask #politicians in your country to support Ruslan Kotsaba by sending a letter to the Ukrainian authorities and/or the Prosecutor General.

Please contact us about your activities via actionruslankotsaba@Connection-eV.org.

WRI, EBCO and Connection e.V. are standing in #solidarity with Ruslan Kotsaba. We urge the Ukrainian #government to end his prosecution and to ensure that all #pacifists, in Ukraine, including the #activists of Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, are able to freely express their opinions and continue their non-violent activity. We also urge the Ukrainian government to safeguard the right to #ConscientiousObjection to military service, according to the European and international standards.

#ConscientiousObjector #antiwar #propeace #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights


How to Support Daniel Hale

On July 27th #whistleblower #DanielHale was sentenced to 45 months in federal #prison for exposing the US #drone program. #CODEPINK has known Daniel since he spoke at our Drone Summit in 2013. There are a few ways you can support Daniel at this time:

  1. Sign the #petition to President #Biden asking him to #pardon Daniel Hale.
  2. Visit standwithdanielhale.org to see updates from his closest friends and allies.
  3. Write Daniel a letter!
    Daniel loves receiving letters. Please return to this page in the future, as his address will change once he moves facilities to carry out his sentence. Make sure to use plain white paper and black ink (printed or handwritten).
    Send to:
    Daniel E. Hale
    c/o Northern Neck Regional Jail
    PO Box 1060 Warsaw, VA 22572

  4. Share Daniel's story on social media.
    Retweet this tweet from CODEPINK.
    Retweet this tweet from the Daniel Hale #Support Team.
    Stay tuned for a social media toolkit, until then make sure to share the CODEPINK petition to President Biden asking for him to pardon Daniel!

People to follow that Tweet about Daniel Hale & his case: Daniel Hale Support Team, Jesselyn Radack, Medea Benjamin, Danaka Katovich, William Neuheisel, CODEPINK.

  1. Read about Daniel's story!

Daniel Hale


#antiwar #peace #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights


Has anyone seen this documentary about drone warfare called National Bird?

National Bird follows the dramatic journey of three #whistleblowers who are determined to break the silence around one of the most #controversial current affairs issues of our time: the #secret U.S. #drone #war. At the center of the film are three U.S. #military #veterans. Plagued by guilt over participating in the killing of faceless people in foreign countries, they decide to speak out publicly, despite the possible consequences.

Their stories take dramatic turns, leading one of the protagonists to #Afghanistan where she learns about a horrendous incident. But her journey also gives hope for #peace and #redemption. #NationalBird gives rare insight into the #US drone program through the eyes of veterans and #survivors, connecting their stories as never seen before in a #documentary. Its images haunt the audience and bring a faraway issue close to home.

#antiwar #antimilitary #peace #propeace #pacifist #pacifism


Please mark your calendars!

International Conscientious Objectors' Day - May 15th

#Remembering all those who have refused to bear #arms and participate in #war, throughout #history and today.

Every year on May 15th we #remember those who have established and are maintaining the right to refuse to kill, both in the past and today. Hundreds of people across the world are imprisoned or forced to flee their home countries for refusing to join the armed forces. On May 15th we stand in #solidarity with them, as well as celebrating the #memory of all those throughout history who have resisted #conscription.

Due to Coronavirus restrictions this year's National Ceremony will be online, with a live stream from Tavistock Square where the event usually takes place. Simply visit this page at 4.30pm on Saturday 15th May to watch the live stream.

The event will be streamed live via Youtube on this page. There is no need to register in advance, but if you want you can register here for email updates.

The time appears to be UK time zone, so you may need to check what time it will be in your local area :)


#peace #ConscientiousObjector #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection #propeace #pacifist #pacifism #antiwar #freedom #HumanRights