

#codepink #Palestine #Gaza #genocide #zionism



Yesterday marked 200 days since the genocide in Gaza started. At one point Israel was killing two Palestinian mothers every hour. They’ve killed over 13,000 children. How could we celebrate this Mother’s Day without them? Warmongers like Biden and every spineless member of Congress who voted for more bombs to Israel say they want stability in the Middle East. How can US officials expect stability in Gaza when so many children will grow up without their mothers? Where’s the stability in mass starvation of families?

--- CODEPINK newsletter, 24 apr

#CodePink #Palestine #Gaza #genocide


Rape has played a role in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians since 1948. Many families fled their homes over concerns their women would be raped by Zionist forces. Unlawfully detained Palestinian political prisoners are also subjected to rape and torture. There are several prominent detailed accounts from prominent Palestinian women, among them freed prisoners who have documented the deliberate use of rape and sexual torture against them. [source How colonizers weaponize rape: reflections from the Palestinian case – Mondoweiss]

-- CodePink https://www.codepink.org/conversationguide

#CodePink #EthnicCleansing #rape #torture #colonialism #settler-colonialism


#AIPAC #genocide #Gaza #CodePink #UnitedStates



Q: If Palestinians have a right to defend themselves, why doesn’t Israel?

International law is clear and unequivocal that an occupying power, or a power denying a people the right to self-determination does not have the right to use armed force to perpetuate its occupation. By definition, Israel cannot act “defensively” as an oppressor — oppression is an offensive act. Israel cannot “defend” itself against an oppressed people; Israel’s use of violence only enforces an oppressive occupation. Conversely, Palestinians resisting their oppression act defensively, as they have been victims of offensive attacks by Israel since its illegitimate inception in 1948.

Remember, Israel is occupying Palestinian territories in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and of UN Security Council resolution 242 (1967) and other resolutions. The UN, the US and the world have failed to enforce international law or UNSC resolutions, or to take any effective action to end Israel's illegal occupation of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. So the Palestinians have every right to keep resisting. On the other hand, Israel has no such right to repeatedly attack Gaza or any of the Palestinian territories, which it has occupied and tried to control by the illegal use of force, and ultimately to annex.

Source: CodePink's False Media Narratives on Palestine: FAQs Debunking the Misinformation

#CodePink #Gaza #Palestine #Israel