

Tis the season. Culture/history fans (especially devotees of the Northern lands) may enjoy this. Food fans too

When People Carved Turnips Instead of Pumpkins for Halloween

The first Jack O'Lanterns were not pumpkins but carved "ghost turnips" and other root vegetables, made to celebrate the ancient pagan festival of Samhain.

#Jackolantern #pumpkin #turnip #Halloween #pagan #rituals #holidays #Samhain #tradition #autumn



Itā€™s Lammas, and the knives are out. Now is the time of sacrifice. We only sacrifice Grain and Gods, not animals, for we are not savages, we are cultured folk, even as we celebrate the wild and untameable.

The Corn King is dead, the Corn King lives. Wanted: John Barleycorn, dead and alive. Itā€™s Schrƶdingerā€™s Barleycorn. Itā€™s a Lammas paradox!

Why at the height of heat and harvest do we remember death when others wish to see only the cornucopia? It is the cycle, life needs death needs life needs death needs lifeā€¦ You canā€™t have one without the other.

The liminality, the edge, the hedge, the bridge, between life and death, between this world and others, between the physical and the imaginary, thatā€™s where youā€™ll find us.

The Longman on the Hill isnā€™t just chalk. Itā€™s a holy site. Itā€™s Foucaultā€™s heterotopia, the place that isnā€™t a place where we celebrate our Lammas ritual, between the worlds, reaping a harvest in all the worlds where we sowed our seeds.

So blessed be your harvests, of bread, of song, of projects complete, of sunny holidays well and truly earned. Blessed be, and rest well your deserved sleep, for soon it is time to plough and sow again.

#writing #pagan #lammas #poetry


Good morning and Blessed Beltane!!

Excited for this evening since my coven and I are going to be having our sabbat ritual~

Hope everyone has an amazing day!



For the full moon, I sat down and completed a project I started last month during the dark moon. A project that could be simply described as love.

I started with a mala I had a close friend make me, one that was made from rose quartz and other materials to build up love. That was my base. Every night from the dark moon to now, I sat down and imbued positive memories of the sensations of love from others into it, the memory of what love is. This was matched with my morning affirmations of me being loved and being worthy of love. I did this every day to today.

Today I did my meditation with it, reciting the mantra Aham Prema 108 times, and focusing on the feelings of being loved, how it raises one up, and warms and calms the soul. After it was finished, I did my dedication with it, and put it on for the first time, to emphasize that love for myself.

#love #pagan


So some random pictures because why not. This is from last weekend. We made candles, one for each Sabbat. So here is me, just after #Imbolc ritual... in my pajamas cus hey.... why not. #pagan


Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

The night she was conceived, a faint sliver of light from the new moon travelled the sky. The night she was born, the moon was full and fat, a bright reddish harvest moon. The symbolism had been explained to death when she was still a small child.

Tied to the moon from birth, she was less concerned with the sun. When others mourned the last setting of the sun behind the mountains at midwinter, she remained calm. It would return a few days later.

So she was surprised when that year she was chosen to fetch back the light. Early in the morning they woke her up, and out into the dark and cold she was summoned, where the ritual play was carried out: There was no light in the village, someone had to go to the dragonā€™s cave and bring back fire, or the sun would never return. Would she be the brave soul?

She set out with a wry smile at the dramatic farewells. It was less than a mile to the cave, the provisions were unnecessary. A short walk later, she was there. She smelled the smoke from the entrance, heard the soft crackling as she stepped inside the big cave, and could just make out the large shape softly lit against the darkness.

Walking towards it, she saw the small fire burning under the belly of the stylised stone dragon, smoke flowing out its nostrils. She had never been party to this side of the ritual before, and briefly wondered who had snuck down earlier and lit the fire. She approached the stone beast head on, and now saw the fire through its holes-for-eyes, bright and flickering in one, softer in the other. Suddenly she understood. They were the sun and the moon, and the fire behind them was one.

She dutifully lit a torch from the dragon fire and carried it back to the village, so lost in thought that she was startled by the crowd that warmly greeted her, the ritual complete. A few days later, she rejoiced with the rest as the sun returned, clearing the mountains briefly for the first time in nearly a week. The light would grow day to day.

#pagan #solstice #WinterSolstice

This was written a few solstice ago, see here.