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A New #Science #of #Heaven reveals how over 99% of the #universe is made of #plasma and #how there are two gigantic clouds of plasma, called the #Kordylewski #Clouds, hovering between the #Earth and the #Moon,, only recently discovered by #astronomers in #Hungary…Other #revelations not previously known include #evidence that, in certain circumstances, plasma exhibits #sentience, a sense that it may be #alive… Temple believes that #intelligent #entities can be# inorganic and #non-biological, and thus do not have to live on planets.

Plasma #Physics: The New #Science Of Heaven and #Humankind



massive plasma wall around our solar system

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It’s unclear how difficult this #wall of #hot #plasma will make #interstellar travel, once we decide to go beyond Mars and eventually leave our #solarsystem, but considering both Voyager 2, and even Voyager 1 (also launched in ’77) made it through OK, it seems like at least our interstellar ships wouldn’t be too negatively affected. Although it’s unclear how the plasma wall will affect we #biological #beings. Regardless, the discovery is exciting because, as JPL notes, this is the “cosmic shoreline… where the environment created by our #Sun ends and the vast ocean of interstellar space begins.”



Quote Premiered on 7 Dec #2022
Author Robert Temple joins #JayWeidner for a far ranging discussion on the #Plasma #Universe and #how this new #science #confirms many #ancient #spiritual #beliefs. The show ends with Robert reminiscing about the two years he spent on the set of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

@12:15.....Robert ... "One of the things I like to stress is that science is finally catching up with Ancient #Wisdom..."

@15;30.....Jay....Are there powers that be that don't want people looking into this?
Robert .... "Certainly - because if we understand all this then we can't be controlled by all the psychopaths that rule the #world.."

@16:00...Robert... "The authoritarianism is growing daily - it doesn't matter if you're left wing or right wing - that's all beside the point - the fact is it's the control freaks versus the rest of us..."

@31:30... Jay... "The big wake up call is exactly this subject - because once you actually understand the spiritual landscape of plasma physics you realise that you are eternal - you're not going to die and therefore there's nothing to be afraid of ..."

@43:00... (regarding plasma physics)....Jay... I think it's at the basis of all the spiritual traditions - I think it's at the basis of alchemy, especially - I think it's at the basis of the previous civilization that was here before the cataclysm......."


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#DARK #ERUPTION ON THE #SUN: One of the most dramatic eruptions of Solar Cycle 25 occured yesterday, July 14th, when a spray of dark #plasma flew away from the sun's southern hemosphere. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the event:

The explosion started in the magnetic canopy of AR3370, a small and previously unremarkable sunspot. X-ray sensors on Earth-orbiting satellites registered a C8.8-class solar flare at 1844 UT just before the dark ejecta appeared. Why dark? The plasma was #relatively #cool and #dense, and silhouetted the glow of the underlying sun.

This explosion probably hurled a #CME toward #Earth. Confirmation awaits fresh data from SOHO coronagraphs.

THIS SUNSPOT IS BLOWING BUBBLES: Big sunspot AR3363 has an inky-black core wide enough to swallow Earth. What is going on in there? On July 11th, a Dutch astronomer nicknamed "Neo" decided to take a closer look, and this is what he saw:

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"I captured a phenomenon called 'umbral flashes,'" says New. "Rapid bubbling from the depths of the Umbra is shown in this timelapse movie, which I created from 11 minutes of raw video."

The umbra of a sunspot is its dark central core. It is where magnetic fields are so intense, incandescent heat from the underlying sun is bottled up and prevented from reaching the surface. That is why sunspot umbras look dark.

Yet they are not completely dark. Professional astronomers have long known that flashes of light and popping bubbles can be seen in sunspot cores. These events are not fully understood. One theory holds that gas from the sun's atmosphere falls into the umbra. When it reaches the "floor" of the sunspot, the gas rebounds, forming luminous shockwaves that observers describe as "umbral flashes."
