

Graforce : la clé d'une production d'hydrogène propre et efficace grâce au plasma - Enerzine

#technologie #énergiesrenouvelables #hydrogène #graforce #plasma #décarbonation #plasmalyse #stockageducarbone #carbonesolide #méthane

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A New #Science #of #Heaven reveals how over 99% of the #universe is made of #plasma and #how there are two gigantic clouds of plasma, called the #Kordylewski #Clouds, hovering between the #Earth and the #Moon,, only recently discovered by #astronomers in #Hungary…Other #revelations not previously known include #evidence that, in certain circumstances, plasma exhibits #sentience, a sense that it may be #alive… Temple believes that #intelligent #entities can be# inorganic and #non-biological, and thus do not have to live on planets.

Plasma #Physics: The New #Science Of Heaven and #Humankind



massive plasma wall around our solar system

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It’s unclear how difficult this #wall of #hot #plasma will make #interstellar travel, once we decide to go beyond Mars and eventually leave our #solarsystem, but considering both Voyager 2, and even Voyager 1 (also launched in ’77) made it through OK, it seems like at least our interstellar ships wouldn’t be too negatively affected. Although it’s unclear how the plasma wall will affect we #biological #beings. Regardless, the discovery is exciting because, as JPL notes, this is the “cosmic shoreline… where the environment created by our #Sun ends and the vast ocean of interstellar space begins.”