

This terrible bloody conflict isn't so much about Muslim vs Jews. It's about the thousands years old evil cabal run by the deep state that seeks world control, and right now they don't like at all that the BRICS are throwing an economic (i.e. peaceful) monkey wrench into their hate machine. So they are trying to raise conflicts as hard as they can. Be aware: they're going to get Isrealis killed as much as Palestinians. They very much want to start a war with Iran, and they'll probably try and use nukes.

No one is immune to hate. The first and best antidote is to stay aware of the manipulation we're being put through.

#Israel is descending into CIVIL #WAR and Netanyahu knows it | #Redacted #News

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=r3SQNvZ-Iy8


#ScottRitter: NATO's war on #Russia has failed | #Redacted with Clayton Morris

Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins Redacted to talk about his month long trip to Russia and what he saw in the stores, streets, and among the people. What he saw is frankly SHOCKING. #Moscow was hit with another round of drone strikes by NATO and Ukrainian forces. Russia just struck #Ukraine's intelligence headquarters destroying it.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wFhj5ECXE1w


#GonzaloLira being #SILENCED by #Ukraine | #Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=rzLNMoXo_HQ
That video is from last year, the first time he was arrested and detained — but then he was released a week or so later, apparently none the worse for his experience.

What we don't know is what the conditions for his release were (he clearly wasn't allowed to talk about his experience very much), and it has to be possible that he signed something as an agreement that the Ukrainian authorities now consider that he has since broken.