



There are mounting concerns regarding this decades long International Government fraud and its very close links to a huge child trafficking network and our Politicians.

You will see from this video that the #SWIFT #financial #system is now expediting a migration to #digital #currency, moving us closer to a #cashless #Society.

This cannot happen and now imminently risks enslaving the public into a criminal network heavily linked to child trafficking.

Despite being a former Police Officer and contacting numerous organisations and almost 650 Members of Parliament, none are responding as they should, if at all. This is only highlighting the concerns even further.

I urge you to increase the pressure on your local councils and our national Government to address this as a matter of urgency. It really is the cause of most of the problems on the planet.

These people are appearing to be an increasingly imminent and serious risk to us all, particularly if cash is removed from society as appears to be their intention. This may mean we cannot withhold tax as a peaceful form of protest to any criminality they are involved in.



Corrupt the youth
How Socrates laid the ground work for a mental health revolution

..."Drawing inspiration from Socrates, a proponent of critical inquiry, we have the opportunity to nurture a generation ready to face and solve the challenges of our era. Here’s a few simple ideas on how.
1. Cultivate a Culture of #Inquiry: Encourage #critical #thinking and #questioning in both #educational settings and at home. It begins by creating space for us to ask questions, leading by example, and offering a safe space for discourse. This creates a much more open #culture where all ideas can be discussed with the end goal of everyone learning more about the issue and other’s opinions.
2. Organize Socratic Seminars: Host Socratic seminars in schools and community settings where young people can engage in discussions on topics around mental health. This approach fosters deep thinking, respectful dialogue, and a collaborative search for understanding on a topic that’s very intimate to many of us. In writing this article I did find a cool organization that’s doing some of this work more with a focus on philosophy.
3. Bridge Youth and Policy Makers: Create platforms for meaningful conversations between young people and policymakers. This ensures that youth perspectives influence the policies shaping their future. It also allows serious and deep questions to be asked in service to collective learning. Why don’t we have more intergenerational roundtables where we can ask each other questions?
Let us be inspired by Socrates and use his method to engage our youth. Let's make questioning a habit – a tool for understanding, empathy, and progress. Whether it's about mental health, societal norms, or everyday decisions, these questions can be powerful catalysts for change. Start tonight at your own dinner table. Who knows where the conversations might go. Perhaps in 2024, it’s time to ask more, assume less, and see where these questions lead us. "...

© 2024 Ben Miller


#NSA doc #critical race theory
Leaked NSA Doc Reveals Massive Woke Glossary Pushing Critical Race Theory, Gender Ideology At Intel Agency....
Intel agency’s 34 page glossary defines hundreds of social justice terms including “white fragility,” “transmisogyny,” and “settler colonialism”
The NSA also states that it strives to be the “model for diversity and equitable practices and outcomes throughout the Federal Government.” The NSA did not respond to a request for comment on the document, which can be read in full below.


Books that I read in 2021 - number 33:

So this book has accompanied me for a long time, because I read very slowly. Since I have no academic background, it was difficult for me to understand everything, and yet the book has fascinated and inspired me very much. The queer look into the founding myths of various ancient cultures makes the present and the past merge.

#ZairongXiang #queer #ancient #nahuatl #babylonian #nahua #enuma-elish #tiamat #tlaltecuhtli #religion #de-colonization #unlearning #book #critical #non-western #mythological


Iain Davis, Eva Bartlett ~ "Pandemic" Narratives & "Exercising our Inalienable Rights"


“I speak out because I know #humans have the capacity for immense #strength, #compassion and #solidarity. I’ve seen it every day, throughout my working life. However, we are constantly pitted against each other by an establishment built upon the concept of ‘ #divide-and-rule.’
These divisions can only ever lead to #conflict. Often, that is the intention. Yet #division is not innate to us, rather we have it thrust upon us by leaders who promise #solutions but operate a strategy of #tension.
I firmly believe that #we, the #people, have the capacity #build a #better #society. I hope, through my writing and content creation, I can contribute, in a small way, towards reinvigorating #critical #thought.” #IainDavis #InThisTogether

#davis #evabartlett #bartlett #discussion #pandemic #narratives #inalienable #rights #technocracy #propaganda #manipulation