

#ICJ declines new protections for #Rafah despite ‘perilous situation’ in city

The International Court of Justice on Friday declined #SouthAfrica’s request to introduce additional safeguards for Palestinians ahead of Israel’s planned offensive in the southern city of Rafah, where an estimated 1.4 million Palestinians are seeking #refuge from Israeli bombardment.

In its response to a Feb. 12 request from South Africa, the ICJ said the “perilous situation” in Rafah required Israel to abide by its previous ruling last month, which included taking “all measures within its power” to prevent the crime of #genocide and to allow more aid into Gaza.

The situation in Rafah is becoming increasingly dire, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in its most recent update, with people “desperate, hungry, and terrified” ahead of the expected attack. #OCHA said that the number of aid trucks allowed to enter the #Gaza Strip had declined over the past week, with only 20 entering on Thursday, a sharp decline from the average of 133 per day from Feb. 2 to Feb. 8.

The United States and other nations — including Israel’s most vital allies — have publicly opposed the military campaign in Rafah, though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu remains adamant about it.


#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#pour #aider #notre #refuge #animal

Toute aide financière de votre part sera dirigée vers notre petit refuge pour animaux à Québec. Le refuge procure une occupation à mon mari (le Shoshin) qui a subi divers revers dus à une grave maladie mentale. Nous vous remercie tous au nom de nous (Nancy et Shoshin) et de nos animaux.



#merci #au #nom #de #notre #refuge #animal

Un grand merci à tous ceux qui nous ont apporté leur soutien financier jusqu'à présent. Les fonds que nous avons reçus sont dédiés exclusivement au financement de notre petit refuge pour animaux.



#fr #animaux #abandon #refuge

Abandons d'animaux en hausse : les refuges saturés

Actualité publiée le 25/04/2023 à 12h07 - La Rédaction de DemarchesAdministratives.fr

⚠️ Les abandons d’animaux, surtout de chiens et chats, ont augmenté de 15 % par rapport à l’année précédente. En conséquence : les refuges débordent.

Les associations ne cessent de sensibiliser les Français sur l’importance de la réflexion avant d’adopter un animal de compagnie. Car chaque année, plus de 100 000 chats, chiens, lapins ou tortues sont abandonnés. 60 000 d’entre eux le sont durant la période estivale, marquée par les départs en vacances. Outre les achats impulsifs, l’inflation, qui frappe de plein fouet les foyers, semble avoir un rôle dans l’explosion du nombre d’abandons en ce début d’année.





Algerian Imam Kaddour Bengharabit vs the Nazis

The emblematic scene of the Nazi officials questioning the Algerian Imam of Andalusian ancestry Kaddour Bengharabit (1868 - 1954), the religious leader of the Grand Mosque of Paris who gave refuge to hundreds of Jews in the temple by issuing them certificates that they were Muslims, so that they could escape the concentration camps towards North Africa. After the end of World War II, Bengharabit was awarded France's National Order of the Legion of Honor, and his story was portrayed in the film Les hommes libres in 2011, which shows the Muslim imam's effort to save Jewish families during the Holocaust.


#boutique #canada #profit #verser #notre #refuge #animal

Interrupteur tactile Fluval pour Aquariums (Expédition Gratuite)

Les profits générés servent à nous aider à financer notre refuge pour animaux

Prix de vente : 23$
Expédition Gratuite / Vendu tel quel / renvoie non accepté
Pour acheter ce jeux et autres : https://shoshinshelter.myshopify.com/collections/all

Monde Paiement Accepté : American Express / Apple Pay / Discover / Diners Club / Google Pay / Interac / Mastercard / PayPal / Shop Pay / Visa




May 15th, International Conscientious Objection Day: Solidarity with COs from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

War Resisters International shared the following:

Every year on 15th May, the International Conscientious Objection Day, we organise #solidarity with conscientious objectors (COs) and draw attention to their #resistance to #war. This year, with the ongoing war in #Ukraine, we have a particular focus on the resistance of conscientious objectors from #Russia, #Belarus and Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the #Russian #invasion of Ukraine, we keep getting reports of conscientious objectors refusing to fight and get involved in this war. Groups like the Movement of Conscientious Objectors (Russia) and the Ukranian Pacifist Movement have been sharing their calls for peace and repeating their refusal to take up #arms. There are many others seeking #refuge in other countries to avoid being conscripted or as deserters.

On this International Conscientious Objection Day, we will share their messages of peace and your messages of solidarity with them.

Join us on this day of solidarity with COs from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine! Post your messages of solidarity with COs from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine on social media with the hashtag #CODay.

If you have friends or family using mainstream social media, please ask them to participate using hashtag #CODay for messages of solidarity.

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection


"… sind die nationalen Eingliederungssysteme, die die Möglichkeiten Geflüchteter prägen, dieselben, die Menschen mit niedrigem Einkommen jahrzehntelang in den 3 Ländern durchliefen, lange bevor diese syrischen Geflüchteten ankamen."
@hebagowayed REFUGE

