

Perhaps the most unsafe electrical outlet is the lower left. Why? The two live conductors are often place above the grounding pin, allowing anything conductive falling to make contact with the live terminals. Put the grounding pin on top, you say? An experienced electrician would do that, but people for some reason would prefer to "not have a face upside down." And the two cheap metal tabs that make the "neutral" and "hot" are easy to dislodge, compared to round, reinforced pins. #USA #engineering #safety


Shut down the UK Ministry of Truth

My name’s Mark and I’m a human rights campaigner. I’ve just found out I was included in a government Mis/Disinformation Report for sharing a petition from the official Parliamentary petitions website

And it’s clear that I’m not the only one.


#ToryDictatorship #censorship #spying #safety #privacy #security #ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCorruption #DemocracyNotAutocracy #HumanRights #disinformation #UnitedKingdom #ToryScum #petitions


Xcel Energy Shuts Down #Minnesota Nuclear Plant After Second Leak of Radioactive Tritium

Minnesota’s largest electric utility has temporarily shut down the Monticello nuclear power plant after reporting radioactive tritium was released into the surrounding groundwater near the Mississippi River. It’s the second such spill reported by Xcel Energy since November. Minnesota’s Pollution Control Agency reports the plant’s shutdown caused a massive die-off of fish due to a change in water temperature in the #Mississippi.

#NuclearEnergy #NuclearSafety #NuclearLeak #US #Environment #Pollution #safety
