


"II: AN UNSPOKEN NARRATIVE" (written and directed by Sean Lew) tells the story about one guy going through life alone while learning the concept of balance in an unconventional way expressed by the form of movement and storytelling. We hope to take you on a journey within a story of life experiences revolving around balance where two different concepts make you realize your worst moment to make your great moments greater. Every part of this film is up for interpretation upon your lives.

Directed, Produced, Written, Edited by: Sean Lew
Starring: Sean Lew, Kaycee Rice, Tre De Rego, Kea Peahu, Destinee Mayarea, Hiro Homura, Giselle Silva, Jaime Mora, Isaac Meija, Leilani Zepeda, Ava Chavarria, Bailey Sok, Julian Deguzman, Stephanie Mincone, Connor Gormley, Shannon Kelly, Zack Everheart, Marie Spieldenner, Zach Venegas, Anthony Westlake, Matthew Kubitz, Emma Hauser, Ashlynn Malia, Leconte Banks, Jazz Smith
Director of Photography/Gimbal Operator: Gerald Nonato, Nick Kim
Unit Still Photographer: Lee Gumbs, Chad Brady
Choreography by: Sean Lew, Tessandra Chavez, Benji Schwimmer

This film is based on Sean's first conceptual video of dance, "Wrong Words." *** It is highly recommended to watch this before witnessing the short film. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/d5YgLEyYpx8 ***

0:00 The First Scene
2:25 Scene #2
9:37 Scene #3
15:39 Scene #4
22:58 Scene #5
30:07 Scene #6
35:50 Scene #7
45:51 The Last Scene
56:10 Credits

Wow! so much talent both Sean and Kaycee ... Amazing! must watch!

#short-film #Sean-Lew #Kaycee-Rice #dance #film #choreography #Tessandra-Chavez #Benji-Schwimmer #photography #Gerald-Nonata #Nick-Kim #Lee-Gumbs #Chad-Brady


TOLERANTIA - a short animated film by Ivan Ramadan

The first 3D animated film produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008). Nominated for the Best European Short film by the European Film Academy 2008. Awarded with 8 more awards including the "Heart of Sarajevo" for the best short film on Sarajevo Film Festival 2008.
Directing, animation, sound - Ivan Ramadan
Music - traditional (Mostar Sevdah Reunion)

#animation #short-film #Bosnia #Sarajevo #war #tolerance #2008 #best-EU-short-film


The box is full of miserable creatures -- but one of them doesn't belong there. | The Box

In a strange, dark box lives a group of box-headed elderly humanoid creatures with roots instead of legs. Most of these creatures are sunken into a catatonic sleep, unaware of anything outside their hermetic, sealed-off world.

But one of them emerges from the crowd, stunned into consciousness. Young and growing, the creature starts to cause a joyful ruckus, but struggles against the disapproval and rancor of the rest of his box-dwellers. But then the youngster begins to fight back, looking for a way outside the box but coming against its most oppressive forces yet.

Writer/director/animator Dusan Kastelic's short animation is a surreal yet exuberant allegory about the pleasures and perils of non-conformity, being an individual and pushing through obstacles to a new level of consciousness.

The narrative takes the phrase "outside the box" and spins it into a deeply imaginative, hypnotic narrative that resembles a fairy tale. Not a sanitized children's version of a fairy tale, however: the film instead resembles the original European fairy stories, which were dark, psychologically complex and disquieting in their emotional violence.

The images are nightmarish, with their evocations of distorted flesh and murky colors. But the expressiveness of the creatures and attention to detail -- created in open-source 3-D software Blender -- are remarkable from a technical and emotional level, and draw in viewers with a powerful combination of gesture, sound and storytelling.

Despite the claustrophobic world portrayed in the film, there are splashes of zany humor and joy, particularly as the younger creature expresses its unbridled childlike self. The musical score and sound design by Mateja Staric go a long way to create contrast between stultifying conformity and youthful individualism, as well as keeping the narrative at a consistently engaging pace.

Despite its strange appearance, the uninhibited joyousness and high spirits of the newly emergent creature are so much like the energy of children, and viewers cannot help but relate. Yet "The Box" becomes genuinely sad and painful as the youngster is repeatedly brought down and cut down to size, and confronts the mechanisms of the box itself that keep its inhabitants docile and in the dark.

Watching that struggle becomes a powerful metaphor for the oppression and conformity that we all face, whether it's the box that society puts us inside or the ones we put ourselves in. To watch the creature struggle against a dark, narrow world is hard, and yet, as the creature discovers, as long as you can feel a spark of an essential self, there is always a way towards the light.

Omeleto is the home of the world's best short films. We showcase critically-acclaimed filmmakers from the Oscars, Sundance, Cannes and more! Subscribe now: http://sub2.omele.to

#animation #short-film #Omeleto #escape #the-box #inspiring


now, diz iz someding for our dear @Nika as well as for all our ladies (and chaps, of course) who like fun and fairy tales.

S l e e p i n g  B e t t y

Paul Delvaux, La Venus endormie

Princess Betty sleeps in a narcoleptic stupor. The king appeals to his subjects to wake her. A worthy Prince Charles lookalike has to leave his royal suburb to save the princess, but will Betty be wakened with just a kiss?

Drawn in India ink, this animation sets the Perrault classic in Claude Cloutier’s disjointed, anachronistic and playful universe.

Production : National Film Board of Canada (nfb.ca)

#ClaudeCloutier #Canada #fun #funny #animation #short-film #film #beauty #vimeo