

The #spider I photographed a few days ago in the conservatory is still around but today is resting on the other side of its #web so I've got a good view of its underside. Just be aware that it is tiny, it's body is about 3 to 4 mm in length but the #Macrolens does its job in making it look huge! I've imported and then exported it through #Gimp which enhances the colours somewhat but there's no other image manipulation.

Marking it as #NSFW in case you are a bit arachnophobic, like me.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Macrophotography


Today's #flower in the #garden is a star of Behtlehem. At least it looks like one of the many #species of #plants that go by that common name and I'm not a botanist and won't try to be more specific. It has six #petals which struck me as odd (no, not odd, you know what I mean). The number of petals is often a number from the #FibonacciSequence and so what might happen here during development is that each of the three petals split into two. I'm just speculating and I'm sure there are many more knowledgeable people who could give the right answer.
Close up of star of Bethlehem flower

This second image is a cropped version of the one above. You can see the #stamens covered in yellow #pollen well. Instead of putting the centre of the flower in the centre of the image, I've used the #RuleOfThirds to try to make it a bit more interesting, which has the added benefit of being able to fit an entire petal into the frame.
Cropped image of start of Bethlehem flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Horticulture #MacroPhotography


Today's #cycle trip was to #Exmouth which is about 18 km away by #bike and either on #cyclepaths or very low density residential #MotorTraffic. It has been a bright sunny day but still a bit cool. This is a #photograph of the #ExeEstuary which opens out into the #EnglishChannel or #LaManche. It was #LowTide and so you can clearly see #SandBanks in the middle of the #estuary which form a #habitat for #birds but also a #NavigationalHazard for boats. You can see the opposite #bank too which is in #Starcross.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Beach #Cycling