

the evil ones murdered the true historians

#why do they #lie about our past #story

#what are they #hiding ?

Scientists research #comet that historians say is impossible! Wilson and Blackett 6th century

#Wilson and #Blackett are ridiculed for #research into a subject that eminent scientists from around the world are working on. The weird world of historians and politicians ridiculing a subject they don’t seem to want to #know more about.



#Starman is a #1984 American #science-fiction romance drama #film directed by #JohnCarpenter that tells the #story of a non-corporeal alien who has come to #Earth and cloned a #human body (portrayed by #Jeff-Bridges) in response to the invitation found on the gold phonograph record installed on the Voyager 2 space probe.
The original screenplay was written by Bruce A. Evans and Raynold Gideon, with Dean Riesner making uncredited re-writes.

The film received positive reviews but faltered in its initial box office debut.[2] Bridges was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role. It inspired the short-lived Starman television series in 1986.

For more info, click on the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starman_(film)


"Something happened on this world long ago that changed the narrative of the #history of #Earth. The obvious obfuscation of the nature of that happening involved gods. These gods interacted with early humanoids and altered their evolution.

The stories these #gods told and the recounting of those tales through the ages has obscured the actual history. We can only guess at the details. Religions are the institutionalization of the various versions of that #ancient #story.

God is as close as the next thought, unhindered.

God does not save what God created. God frees creation to experience the next greatest adventure, and the next.

#God does not make mistakes. God does not choose sides. Reality is God's #creation.

There are none equal to God.

If it is dwelt on just a little bit it should become obvious that God is not at war. There are none who could challenge God's reality.

God is not at war.
We are.

When there is talk of the battle of good versus evil, it is not God versus the devil that is referred to, it is humanity versus evil.
The good is in humanity.
The evil is in humanity.

The battle of good versus evil is the battle for the hearts and minds of mankind."

#quote from #pa


The Strange $55 Million #Saga of a #Netflix #Series You’ll Never See

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/22/business/carl-rinsch-netflix-conquest.html

Soon after he signed the contract, Mr. Rinsch’s behavior grew erratic, according to members of the show’s cast and crew, texts and emails reviewed by The New York Times, and court filings in a divorce case brought by his wife. He claimed to have discovered #Covid-19’s secret transmission mechanism and to be able to predict lightning strikes. He gambled a large chunk of the money from Netflix on the stock market and cryptocurrencies. He spent millions of dollars on a fleet of Rolls-Royces, furniture and designer clothing.

Mr. #Rinsch and Netflix are now locked in a confidential arbitration proceeding initiated by Mr. Rinsch, who claims the company breached their contract and owes him at least $14 million in damages. Netflix has denied owing Mr. Rinsch anything and has called his demands a shakedown.

#47Ronin #movie #entertainment #money #finance #problem #conspiracy #fail #business #crypto #covid #health #Hollywood #streaming #epic #story


#poem #political #story

Titania rises on her heels
claps her hands with glee
to see royal rangers clear the field
for her jamboree.
Her noble guests arrive at last.
Grand table’s set to break their fast.
Lavish feast for this ravenous class
to exalt their victory.
The royal band breaks out in waltz
for revelers’ employ.
Nary a note may ring out false.
We’re all here to enjoy
a raucous tribute to our fleet.
So raise your voices, stamp your feet,
privileged as renowned elite
to treat our vanquished as a toy.
To those who watch beyond closed gates
silly revelers at play
feeding the fire of long held hates
this is a different day.
“Fiddle dee dee” partiers bray with scorn,
mocking the starving and care worn.
But soon they’ll rue the day they’ve borne
as their world turns dank and grey.
As a new star ascends over fields and trails,
sparks audacious fete of change.



#Submissions Open — WT #Chapbook Vol. XII

Theme to Use: Finding #Harmony
Form to use: short #story or #poem

Dec. 01, 2023 ~ Dec. 22, 2023

..."Through your words, guide us along your path to uncovering your steps to finding harmony. This is your chance to reveal how you navigate through life’s contrasts, forging a unique balance. Join us in crafting a collection that shares the beautiful dance of varied experiences on your personal quest for harmony.:...


#Techno #Story Vol.1 (1994) - #Franck2Cab


1-01 The Rhythm Section– Contest 2:53
1-02 Space Opera– Space 3001 2:32
1-03 Spectrum– Brazil 3:53
1-04 6 Bells All– Me The Mailman (Up You Mix) 3:04
1-05 Joey Beltram– Energy Flash 4:28
1-06 Modular Expansion– Eliminator 2:41
1-07 Neon– Don't Mess With This Beat (Instrumental) 1:27
1-08 Digital Vamp– You Can't Take My Body (Vamp Dance Mix) 2:00
1-09 Fierce Rulig Diva*– You Gotta Believe 3:02
1-10 B-Sides (2)– The Tape 3:01
1-11 Bazz– Screen Vision (Slam Mix) 2:24
1-12 Deskee– Kid Get Hyped (Dub Mix) 3:48
1-13 KC Flight*– Jump For Joy 3:52
1-14 Voodoo Child– Voodoo Child (Expanded) 4:23
1-15 Mix Masters– In The Mix (Fast Eddie's Mix) 2:58
1-16 Mental Overdrive– Theme Of St. Baafs (The Bells) 5:24
1-17 Mental Mayhem– Joey's Riot 5:24
1-18 Digital Boy– Rotation 3:19
1-19 D-Shake– My Heart The Beat 3:14
1-20 N-Joi– Adrenalin 4:24
1-21 Kick Squad*– Soundclash (Champion Sound) (Hypermix) 4:06
1-22 Cybersonik– Technarchy 4:46

#music #musique #technostory #fairwayrecord #bestoftechno


#shortstory #women #rights #responsibility #tragedy #metoo #politics #herstory #health #violence

Please #Share! short #story about #rape #abortion #political insanity which I am trying to get seen

could you offer suggestions as to where/who/how to further this effort.


not fallen

Pushing, always about pushing.
Pushing his weight off me too late,
exhausted, spent, his rage into me,
breaking, bruising, pain and shame
and devastation.

Him, a sudden force, pushing me into that
alley, so near my home I had no thought
of danger. So routine, my walk from the
subway after my work day, even though, late
Fall, well past twilight. I expected just another
evening of my uneventful life since I came to
this city to pursue my career.

I didn’t know the attacker who pushed me
from behind, covered my face with a huge,
hard hand so I wouldn’t scream, or see him,
too close to count on darkness. After,
released to drag myself home, I drank
sloppy mugs of red wine and cried, on my
way to blessed unconsciousness.

The morning alarm brought me back, to
understand my desperate need for
normalcy to push this whole melodramatic
mess out, out, out! Keep moving, one foot
at a time, eyes forward, focused on each
next chore. Somehow my face, my body,
lied for me, kept to my habitual script.

I very much didn’t want to talk about it,
to seek comforting or support. I wanted it
to go away — to never be.

I found a new route home, discovered
along it that I had become hypervigilant
while walking alone through city streets.
This city of strangers that I had hoped
would be my home had become a hostile
place to push away in self defense.

Pushed into an unwanted future where
the test comes up “Pregnant” after those
ugly symptoms could no longer be ignored.

Pushed now to find a way to take care
of my needs, to confront politics, that
whole divisive headache I had believed
not part of my life.

Suddenly I’ve become a victim of
multiple powerful men — the power
of physical force and the power of
unjust law pushed through by cynical,
deceitful misogynists using pumped
up hate to get ahead.

Much as I desperately try to normalize
these agonizing days, weeks, this
nightmare escalates. Those nonignorable
symptoms keep getting more and worse.

Pushed to accept, take in, this unacceptable
situation because these symptoms
seem serious. I have heard of high risk
pregnancies that require constant
monitoring, even sometimes termination
to save the vessel for future use. Surely I
would not be forced to continue having
this thing growing in me if it would kill me.

Barely holding my multiply suffering
body and mind together, I push myself
to take control and get to the closest ER.

Look! I yell into me, trying to center,
to find refuge in rationality. I am a
normal person, leading a narrow,
normal life. These health crisis
professionals will know what to do,
will make everything alright!

I have made it to what I have built up
in my anxious imagination as the blessed
temple of healing. Unfortunately, it is
more like Purgatory — the endless
waiting. I do understand the many more
needy of immediate care. I submerge
my fear and pain in silent singing, measured
breathing, hearing again my father’s wrath
when he had been drinking or sometimes
when he hadn’t but was feeling bitter honestly.

Family, memories, never consoling.
Certainly no one I can call for help or advice
or anything but judgement of an unkind kin.
I had been so happy to get so far away, to
reframe my life to be mine, hopeful with possibilities.

Yes, possibilities unanticipated. So many
sick days out, fallen (failing) performance,
there goes my once so bright, golden
promising job and its perks, like health insurance.

Pushed to realize my life is meaningless
beyond my private sphere. Pushed to understand
that my fragile forming friendships here are
far from strong enough to be burdened with
what has become my Truth.

At long last it is my turn to be seen. I have
become so weak, barely aware of being
lifted onto a gurney, hooked up to a fetal
monitor and IV, prodded, needle poked to
take my blood. The hands and voices are
concerned that the baby is in distress.
“Take it out of me!” I scream, crying snot
and tears and fear and rage. They inject a
fluid to induce labor, ready me to push
at their command.

Finally! It’s out, my nemesis expelled,
pushed from its unwelcome lodging.
I feel only pure exhaustion, running blood.
Fading, I hear from above:
“Yay! We saved the baby.”

Apparently too far gone for further
ministration, I am left with
the agony of life falling out of me. Faintly,
plaintively, I hear a sober retort:
“Yes, we saved this child to live, while it
does, with severe health issues requiring
extensive expensive care. It enters this
tragic life alone, parentless. Who will take
on this responsibility?
Letting the mother choose, to have the
chance to live, maybe have future healthy
children, would have been responsible, and humane.”


Before you ask whether we live in a #simulation, you should first check whether you can be sure of your own #existence?

"I Think, Therefore I Am" - can it really be that simple?

Why can I think? Because I have been taught a #language and this language determines my #thinking and my #personality. Changing your language can change your personality. According to this, one is programmed by society by learning the language. However, by using language, I use learned thought patterns and am no longer really free in my thinking. But without language I couldn't think these thoughts at all.

So am I just a prisoner within the walls of my own thoughts or are they those of #society? Have I built my prison myself or do I have to break out of society's prison? Can I even break out within the simulation?

I suspect that everyone creates their own simulation that could be called truth. We are conditioned to take over the truth from society in order to become a useful member of it.

We can now try to become the hero or queen of our own story (simulation). I suppose that's all we can achieve in life.

But since I'm not even sure if I'm really real, I'm afraid I have to deny your existence. It is much more likely that you are just part of my simulation.

404 error

#question #life #philosophy #think #problem #education #matrix #mindfuck #story #truth