

Conséquences de l’urbanisation pour les insectes pollinisateurs et perspectives de mitigation


Conséquences de l’ #urbanisation pour les #insectes #pollinisateurs et perspectives de mitigation

Des déclins de biodiversités sont observés et les insectes pollinisateurs ne sont pas épargnés. Parmi les pressions environnementales s’exerçant sur les populations de pollinisateurs, les changements d’occupation des sols sont identifiés comme une menace majeure : https://podcastfichiers.college-de-france.fr/porcher-sem-20240216-deguines.m4a

En Europe, l’urbanisation (expansion et densification des zones urbaines) est le changement d’occupation du sol dominant, conduisant à un type d’écosystèmes aux caractéristiques abiotiques et biotiques profondément différentes. En utilisant la littérature nationale et internationale, il est possible de voir comment les communautés d’insectes pollinisateurs sont modifiées dans ces environnements urbains et pourquoi certains s’en accommodent plus que d’autres. Comprendre les réponses des communautés de pollinisateurs permet d’émettre des préconisations et d’envisager des adaptations des espaces urbains afin de les favoriser.

Source : https://www.college-de-france.fr/fr/agenda/cours/interactions-plantes-pollinisateurs-hier-aujourd-hui-et-demain

#podcast #biologie #botanique #biodiversité #science


How #Saudi tech is addressing the lack of #construction #sand

source: https://www.agbi.com/construction/2023/12/how-saudi-tech-is-addressing-the-lack-of-construction-sand/

However 95 percent of the sand on #Earth, including the vast sands of the Arabian Peninsula, is unsuitable due to its fine particle size.

This means riverbeds across the world are over-mined, causing pollution and flooding, while also shrinking aquifers and deepening droughts.

#news #science #Arabia #dessert #environment #climate #building #co2 #concrete


Research discussion--The #Secrets #of the #GreatPyramid - #Randall-Carlson - Think Tank - E28

In this episode of Think Tank, Robert hosts #RandallCarlson, a master builder, geometrician, architectural designer, teacher, and "renegade scholar." With over forty years of studying #ancient #mythology and modern #science, #Carlson has been recognized by the National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to science education. His career includes organizing field expeditions to explore and document evidence of catastrophic earth changes. Carlson's life and work emphasize his aspiration to "affect a revival of lost knowledge."

In their relaxed yet insightful conversation, Robert and Randall share their research and ideas, exploring the mysteries of the #Great #Pyramid, sacred geometry, and the intricate relationship between #architecture, #astronomy, and music. Robert highlights the importance of #Metatron's #Cube in understanding ancient structures and demonstrates how the #King's #Chamber walls align with #constellations.

Their discussion uncovers how the #pyramids' geometric layout aligns with musical intervals and astrological constellations, providing a glimpse into sacred geometry and ancient wisdom. They also delve into ancient measurements like the long cubit, the relationship between Euler's identity and light, and the golden ratio. They offer a compelling look into the esoteric knowledge encoded within pyramids and ancient manuscripts. Their casual yet profound dialogue lays the groundwork for future collaborations, capturing the early days of a promising friendship.



Researchers have found the #Pythagorean theorem on ancient #Babylonian clay tablets that predate Pythagoras by 1,000 years! The tablets were discovered in what is now Iraq and date back to the Old Babylonian period (1900-1600 BC). They contain mathematical calculations and diagrams that use the principles of the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems related to land surveying, construction and astronomy.
More about this amazing discovery: https://hasanjasim.online/unearthing-history-pythagorean-theorem-discovered-on-clay-tablet-preceding-pythagoras-by-1000-years/

#Mathematics #History #Science #Archeology


Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of sheating with disastrous results for #humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/08/world-scientists-climate-failure-survey-global-temperature

Leticia Cotrim da Cunha, at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, said: “I am extremely worried about the costs in human lives.”

#news #future #science #climate #earth #heat #temperature #problem #politics #nature #environment


First Dog Doctors: Canine Healthcare Practitioners in the Eighteenth-Century Medical Marketplace | Social History of Medicine | Oxford Academic

The question of when dogs became the recipients of veterinary care has long been debated; current scholarship does not acknowledge the long tradition of canine healthcare provided by irregular specialists prior to the late nineteenth century. This article reveals, however, that eighteenth-century Britain was home to a thriving canine medical marketplace. Among its key actors were ‘dog doctors’—individuals without formal healthcare training who regularly treated and healed dogs. This article offers the first historical account of the eighteenth-century dog doctor, contextualising and reappraising his identity, clients and services. It focusses on the dynamic career of the celebrity practitioner John Norborn, who proudly self-identified as a ‘dog doctor’ when the term was considered an insult. In doing so the article considers the conditions in which specialist care for dogs first developed and argues for a new chronology of canine veterinary medicine.

#dogs #science #history



AI in Earth observation: a force for good


ɸ-sat AI

The upcoming launch of the Φsat-2 mission is a prime example of the pioneering work that ESA does in the field of AI in Earth observation.

But when it comes to AI, hopes and fears abound in equal measure. In this interview, ESA’s Rochelle Schneider sets the record straight on how this transformational technology is improving access to crucial information on the state and future of our planet.

#earth #science #space #esa #europeanspaceagency
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