

It has mostly dull and #cloudy today with only short periods of #sunshine. Even just a few minutes ago, it was rather overcast but suddenly, a #clouds broke and #sunight filtered through the layers and there was even some blue #sky during the #sunset.
Clouds at sunset

Then, when I was about to post the above image, I noticed some #pink light in the drawing room and so went and took another set of #photographs. As I've said before, every moment is different and this has much deeper #reds. Take your pick as to which you prefer.
Deeper colours at sunset

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Summer


The plants in the #garden, in association with altruistic #insects, are doing rather well. The #Tomatoes, which are in reality about 2 cm in diameter, are at various stages of ripeness.

Here's a group of yet #green ones on a single #stalk.
Unripe tomatoes on a stalk

And here's a close up of another bunch.
Close up of green tomatoes

Cropping the above image, you can really see some fine detail including fine hairs and yellow dust-like particles on both the #fruit and the stalk.
Extreme close up of tomatoa

There are a few #red tomatoes and here's a few amongst verdant surroundings.
Ripe tomatoes

Here, I actually like the texture of the background piece of #wood in contrast with the foreground living #plant,
Tomatoes and wood

Switching to another plant, I managed to capture the image of this #Bumblebee. They spend only moments on each #RunnerBean #flower before moving onto the next one and so it's difficult to get a decent #photograph of them in action.
Bee on a runner bean flower

Here you can see little runner beans developing. Typically, they will eventually become 20-30+ cm in length in #autumn.
Runner beans and flowers

#MyWork #MyPhotot #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Pollinators #Bees #Summer



Stay hydrated! Think cool. Even this god seems to be roasting. Along with much of France, Spain, U.S., U.K, and 'other'....

View is #myphoto - at #Versailles.

I've been eager to travel somewhere (after years of lockdowns and limitations), almost headed to Paris. Maybe lucky I didn't between COVID and melting railroad tracks, due to record heat. Whew. More is coming. Keep cool! 😎 Especially now, especially in the cities.

Summer in the City

#heatwave (another song!). #music #musica #musique #summer #LovingSpoonful #1966 #SummerInTheCity #fenfotos


Today the maximum temperature here is about 30°C but is likely to breach 40° in some part of the country for the first time in recorded history. It's particularly worrying as the last record was only set three years ago. I decided to do my #cycling in the morning to avoid the peak. It was a route along the side of the #ExeEstuary and so outwards, there was a fairly strong #headwind from the #OnshoreBreeze but as soon I got to the turning point at #Starcross, it became pretty easy.

In the house, the side not facing the #Sun is very comfortable and so I think I will be moving around the house to avoid the #sunlight. The kitchen is at 24° where as the conservatory next to it is at 31°.

#Biking #Bicycle #Cycle #Weather #Summer #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming


The Savior of Heat Stroke: Gua Sha
Summer has indeed arrived! We all like to use this great opportunity to enjoy exciting outdoor activities. All too often, we forget to protect ourselves from the strong summer sun. After long exposure to a warm environment, we may suddenly feel dizzy, nauseas and tired; this condition is generally described as a light degree of “heat stroke.”

Heat stroke is a type of heat-related illness, defined as a body temperature greater than 40.6°C due to environmental heat exposure. Heat stroke, under certain conditions, may be a life-threatening emergency. The reason being excess absorbed or produced heat in the body that cannot be efficiently dissipated. This could result in tissue injury, loss of normal organ function, or even brain damage if fainting is experienced.

Traditional Chinese Medicine uses the term “heat stroke” often not in an emergency condition, but as a common diagnosis with symptoms occurring during the summer and autumn seasons. For example, walking through a parking lot with your body exposed to a high heat environment causes the hair follicles to open to release the extra heat; then, upon entering an office building with air conditioning, the hair follicles will close suddenly to preserve heat. In such a short transition period, the excess heat absorbed outdoors was not released completely. Trapping this excess heat on the surface of the body can lead to the possibility of “heat stroke.” Other symptoms may be related, such as headache, sore throat, running nose, coughing, or even tightness in the neck and shoulders. These may be treated with a technique called Gua Sha. The discomfort caused by this treatment can be immediately relieved.

The word “Gua” means scrape, and “Sha” refers the so-called “heat spot” or “fever.” When using this scraping technique a red or purple spot will appear on the neck and upper back region. Scraping Therapy not only releases the heat from the surface of the body, but an also relieve blood flow, improve blood circulation and promote metabolism. Usually, a higher severity of “heat stroke” is made apparent by a deeper color of the red or purple spot that occurs from the scraping treatment. After the treatment you should feel relaxed and the pain or discomfort from the scraping should be released. Under normal circumstances, the heat spots will slowly disappear in one to three days, for some elderly people it may take up to seven to ten days due to slow blood circulation and metabolism.

The best prevention of heat stroke is to keep your body in a cool environment, and avoid often going from hot to cold or cold to hot temperatures too quickly. Your body needs time to balance its temperature. If the symptoms of “heat stroke” are severe, and fainting occurs, emergency attention is needed immediately.

#heatstroke #guasha #acupuncture #tcm #chinesemedicine #heat #summer #treatment #scrapingtherapy #hot