

La libre communication des pensées et des opinions est un des droits les plus précieux de l’Homme : tout Citoyen peut donc parler, écrire, imprimer librement, sauf à répondre de l’abus de cette liberté dans les cas déterminés par la Loi.

Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du citoyen, article 11, août 1789

Couvrir l'agissement de criminels et de surcroît de réseaux pédophiles, en refusant de coopérer aux requêtes légitimes des enquêteurs judiciaires est sans discussion un abus de la liberté.

#durov #Musk #Poutine #Putin-khuilo #russie #france #telegram


If you use #Telegram and think that your conversations are encrypted, you are wrong.

99% of conversations on Telegram are plain-text and perfectly readable by telegram-people and the Russian administration.
It is not some weird technical trick. Telegram is NOT encrypted. Never was.

Marketing is (always) a lie.
Telegram only encrypt special “secret chats”. If you don’t know what those are, then you are part of the unencrypted 99%. (and the 1% is badly encrypted).


L'arrestation hier soir du patron de #Telegram à Paris permet de rappeler une fois encore que Telegram, malgré les offensives marketing régulières de l'entreprise, n'est pas une messagerie sécurisée. Les messages ne sont pas chiffrés par défaut, et les groupes ne le sont pas du tout. Telegram a accès à l'essentiel des contenus qui circulent sur la plateforme, le fait qu'il n'y ait pas de modération est un choix.

Plein de gens utilisent Telegram parce que l'appli est bien fichue et fonctionne bien, mais ce n'est absolument pas un outil militant fiable.

Je ne sais pas ce qui va ressortir de l'instruction actuelle, mais arrêter Pavel Durov n'est pas une attaque contre les messageries chiffrées, contrairement à ce que la propagande de Telegram raconte.


Last night's arrest of #Telegram's boss in Paris serves as yet another reminder that Telegram, despite the company's regular marketing offensives, is not a secure messaging service. Messages are not encrypted by default, and groups are not encrypted at all. Telegram has access to most of the content circulating on the platform, so the fact that there is no moderation is a choice.

Lots of people use Telegram because it's a good app and works well, but it's absolutely not a reliable activist tool.

I don't know what will come out of the current investigation, but arresting Pavel Durov is not an attack on encrypted messaging,


France is actually going to throw Telegram founder Pavel Durov in jail for up to 20 YEARS for refusing to censor the truth.

If this happened to Mark Zuckerberg in Russia, every Western government would be going crazy.....why is this important you may ask,because zuck gave back door access to Gov's for Instagram and Facebook.

The hypocrisy and double standards are astounding. #Free #PavelDurov #Telegram


Israel v. Telegram : According to this article in #Haaretz, which was published last week, #Israel has had limited success in removing content from #Telegram compared to other platforms like #Facebook and #TikTok.

While #Telegaram has become a major platform for disseminating leaked information and Hamas propaganda, Israeli officials have attempted to contact it's founder, Pavel Durov, to address the issue of Hamas-related content on the platform. While Telegram didn't remove all the content, it did block access to some Hamas channels from within Israel.

Israel has managed to remove several Telegram channels that were publishing stolen information from the Ministry of Justice. However, the effectiveness of these efforts is limited, as hackers find new ways to distribute the information.

The article mentions that Israel's approach differs from Western countries, which tend to focus on prosecuting leakers rather than preventing the spread of leaked information.
Israel's efforts to remove content from Telegram and other platforms are seen as partially successful but face challenges, especially with the use of decentralized networks and servers based in non-cooperative countries like Russia.

Hebrewhttps://www.haaretz.co.il/news/security/2024-08-20/ty-article/.premium/00000191-6a60-da30-a1b7-ee7214030000 or https://archive.is/siTrg

#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelOccupation
#Israel #Telegram #Censorship #Fascism #WarCrimes
PS: from #CNN covering how #France is doing Israel's dirty deed


They are going after Telegram. Controlling all social media except a few is not enough!

France is playing the guardian of the "free" worly, where only approved information can be shared and viewed to create the illusion of democracy.

Of course, his capture is under anti Russian cover, but in reality, it is about Ga a and Palestine to protect the impunity and protection of the genocidal regime of Israel.


#Telegram #Russia #Media #SocialMedia #News #Gaza #Israel #Genocide #Politics #Cenaorship #Fascism #France


Telegram arrested 😱

According to officials the 39-year-old had been arrested under a warrant for offences related to the popular messaging app.Will Elon be next?

#police #france #news #software #jail #justice #Europe #PavelDurov

anonymiss - 2024-08-25 06:24:21 GMT

#Telegram CEO #PavelDurov arrested at French airport

source: bbc.com/news/articles/ckg2kz9k…

#police #news #france #messenger #software #jail