

Ukrainian Soldiers Have Been Seeing Green Light Rays on the Battlefield, Those Are a Real Threat

Green rays shine from the sky at night, slowly moving over the terrain, following vehicles or statically illuminating entrenchments

According to the description, they can be seen only at night, they move slowly but have been seen following vehicles or statically fixated in one area. All this happens in absolute silence.


#StopRussianAggression #UAV #Lidar #GreenRays


Latvian-led coalition to arm Ukraine with 'thousands' of drones

Defense Minister Rustem Umverov said Riga would helm a drone coalition in support of Ukraine's military after talks with his Latvian counterpart Andris Spruds

The coalition aims to arm Ukraine with "thousands" of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The main goal is to do everything possible to ensure that as many of these drones as possible are also delivered to Ukraine

also acknowledged is the importance of drone warfare in Ukraine's fight against Russian aggression. President Volodymyr Zelensky promised on Dec. 19 that Ukraine would produce one million drones in 2024.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianWarCrimes #drones #Latvia #Ukraine #UAV #AirForce #StandWithUkraine


Photos published by IDF official medias shows a column of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) #Merkava MBTs (Main Battle Tanks) operating on Gaza Beach

Some Merkavas have the infamous Russian capem cages installed over its turrets to protect the MBTs and the crew from suicide #UAV attacks, proving that #IDF learned well its lessons from Russian-Ukrainian War related to Armored Warfare.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


A hacker's view at commercial drone security


We'll take a look at how #DJI - dominating player for commercial and recreational #drones - builds their #software, specifically from a #security angle.

This talk will discuss DJI #drones, most specifically the DJI #Mini-series; looking at the #hardware, discussing attack angles, up to a full #compromise of a current #drone for custom firmware purposes.

Along the way, we'll look at a lot of security WTFs that allow to pwn these devices. The amount and quality of bugs sometimes feel like you're trapped in a very cool hardware CTF.

We'll go from #sniffing hardware busses, making fun of incorrect usage of #SoC security features over to how DJI consistently and knowingly violates the GPL, into executing custom code on the flight controller and Linux system.


#uav #fpv #ccc


not sure if it's accurate: #Zelensky's photo with #Iranian #drone is fake

The Iranians caught the Ukrainian president in a lie. In #Iran, they remind that the length of the #Shahed-136 #UAV is 3.5 meters, and the width is 2.5 meters. Meanwhile, Zelensky's height is only 170 cm!

This was reported by some pro Russian accounts.

The information about Shahed is accurate thought.

Here is the spec and data:


Die Entwicklung der SAR-Drohne von @srchwng schreitet voran. Gestern Testflüge bei Helgoland, um die Steuerungsparameter, um Tests für die automatische Landung vorzubereiten. Die Automatisierung des gesamten Fluges vom Start bis zur Landung ist das Ziel.


#helgoland #SAR #UAV


Das Weiße Haus erklärte am Montag, Russland habe sich an den #Iran gewandt mit der Bitte um Lieferung von »Hunderten« unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge (unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV), darunter waffentaugliche Drohnen, die Moskau für seinen #Krieg in der #Ukraine benötigt.
Wie der Nationale Sicherberater Jake Sullivan ausführte, sei unklar, ob der Iran dieser Bitte bereits nachgekommen und Drohnen nach #Russland geliefert habe, aber die #USA seien im Besitz von Informationen, dass sich der Iran darauf vorbereite, russische Streitkräfte bereits in diesem Monat in der Bedienung der #UAV auszubilden.

https://www.mena-watch.com/ukraine-krieg-iran-will-drohnen-an-russland-liefern/ #jemen #saudiarabien #türkei #syrien #waffen