● NEWS ● #Orac ☞ Geert Vanden Bossche is back and still blaming #vaccines for #COVID19 variants https://respectfulinsolence.com/2021/08/23/geert-vanden-bossche-is-back-and-still-blaming-vaccines-for-covid-19-variants/
Bush Era NSA Head Says Its A “Good Idea” To Send Unvaccinated Trump Supporters To Afghanistan
Hayden, who infamously declared that the Fourth Amendment “changed” on September 11, 2001, and went on to oversee mass surveillance of Americans at the NSA while the invasion of Afghanistan was implemented, made the comments on Twitter.
Hayden responded to a post stating “Can we send the MAGA wearing unvaxxed to Afghanistan, no use sending that plane back empty?”
#news #politics #democrats #NSA #surveillance #vaccines #Republicans #TrumpSupporters #liberals #inclusivists #hypocrites #covid #coronavirus
Group of South Florida doctors walk out in protest over unvaccinated COVID-19 patients
More than 75 doctors at a South Florida hospital have walked out in protest over the rising cases of COVID-19 and the refusal of some patients to get vaccinated, in a stunt that has been amplified by Occupy Democrats, MeidasTouch and other Democrat-run organizations on social media.
#news #politics #Florida #doctors #democrats #vaccines #covid #coronavirus
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Aux États-Unis, l’animateur radio qui refusait de se faire vacciner est finalement mort du Covid-19 22/08/2021
L’animateur radio américain Phil Valentine, 61 ans, est décédé du Covid-19. Il croyait que le vaccin n’était utile que pour les gens vulnérables. Quand il a été contaminé, il pensait revenir à l’antenne rapidement. Mais le coronavirus l’a finalement emporté.
#mRNA #Malone #vaccines #media #variants #health #pandemic #naturalnews #mrna #moderna #RobertMalone #corona #vaccine #covid-19 #censorship #cdc #reuters #freedom #medicallicense #mRna #deltaVariant #mutant #facts #covid #covid19 #corona #cornavirus #pandemic #eugenic #depopulation #vaccine #vaccination #mRNA #gates #billgates #Nazism #Hitler #Germany #USA #maniplation #mRNA #vaccines #death
Pokud chcete zjistit účinek nějakého zásahu, potřebujete dvě STEJNÉ skupiny - na jedné z nich zásah provedete, na druhé ne a obě STEJNĚ bedlivě sledujete.
#Očkování proti koronaviru je lidem vnucováno coby omluvenka z povinného testování. Očkovaní lidé tedy nejsou testováni tak intenzivně jako lidé neočkovaní a údaje o šíření koronaviru mezi očkovanou a neočkovanou populací tak nejsou srovnatelné. Pokud se očkovaní testují pouze při příznacích covidu, zatímco neočkovaní i bez nich, jedná se u očkovaných o počet nemocných, zatímco u neočkovaných o počet nakažených, což je něco velmi odlišného. Nemoc totiž vzniká jen u desetiny až pětiny nakažených.
Navíc očkovaní lidé se mohou mnohem svobodněji pohybovat a žít společenským životem. Jak známo, pohyb a naplnění společenských potřeb utužuje zdraví - naopak sociální deprivace a nedostatek pohybu snižuje odolnost vůči nemocem.
Nedá se tedy věrohodně tvrdit, že očkování přispívá ke kolektivní imunitě, protože se nesrovnávají srovnatelné údaje.
Pokud se u očkovaných vykazují pouze příznakové případy (nemocní) a u neočkovaných příznakové i bezpříznakové (nakažení), pak udávaný desetinový výskyt mezi očkovanými může mezi nimi znamenat naopak výskyt dvojnásobný.
Pokud by mezi očkovanými byl menší výskyt Covidu než mezi neočkovanými, vůbec to nemusí být zásluhou očkování - zcela se to dá vysvětlit volností pohybu a větší saturací sociálních potřeb.
● NEWS ● #TheNation #Health ☞ Cut Military Spending to Deliver #Covid19 #Vaccines to the World https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/us-military-spending-covid-19-vaccines/
● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ Lawmakers Demand Answers From #FDA on Timeline of #Covid19 #Vaccines for Kids Under 12 https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/08/18/lawmakers-demand-answers-fda-timeline-covid-vaccines-kids-under-12
U.S. to recommend COVID-19 vaccine booster shots 8 months after second dose - CBS News
Vaccine boosters to be recommended for everyone who took Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Booster timing is to be 8 months after 2nd dose. J&J not determined yet. Be safe friends. This is far from over.
Game gets easier and easier
#covid #vaccines #experimentation #antibodies #effectiness #misleading-data
"Dopo Pfizer che ha pubblicato i dati a sei mesi del proprio vaccino, ricavandoli con apprezzabile impegno da quanto ancora il suo originario studio clinico ora in disarmo era in grado di dire, arriva Moderna che sulla prestigiosa rivista Science propone un approccio radicalmente differente e alquanto originale per i suoi dati a sei mesi.
I dati pubblicati infatti non riguardano più l'efficacia dei vaccini sullo sviluppo di covid o su altri aspetti di diretto rilievo clinico, bensì la persistenza in circolo di anticorpi contro le diverse varianti del virus.
Dal punto di vista aziendale l'approccio è molto conveniente in quanto permette di evitare di condurre studi su decine di migliaia di persone, come uno studio di efficacia clinica imporrebbe. Nel presente lavoro tutte le analisi sono state condotte su 24 persone, 8 per fascia d'età. L'idea alla base dello studio è ovviamente che la presenza di anticorpi sia predittiva di una determinata protezione.
A oggi tuttavia non vi è alcuna evidenza che un determinato profilo anticorpale possa avere un qualsivoglia significati rispetto ai rischi del covid. Coerentemente, la presenza di anticorpi in un qualsiasi individuo è considerata indicazione di un passato covid o di una passata vaccinazione, ma non esistono livelli qualitativi o quantitativi utili a riconoscere l'esistenza di una protezione. E probabilmente non esisteranno mai.
In altri termini, mentre dal punto di vista dell'industria vedersi riconoscere la validità della presenza di anticorpi come surrogato della protezione contro il covid rappresenta un'attraente prospettiva che le semplificherebbe enormemente la vita per questi come per futuri vaccini, dal punto di vista dei sistemi sanitari e dei cittadini un dato del genere non sposta di nulla "gli equilibri", poichè quello che serve in concreto per comprendere se e quanto un vaccino possa essere utile è documentarne la capacità di ridurre contagi, malattie, ricoveri e decessi.
Ma per ottenere queste informazioni sono indispensabili quegli studi difficili, lungi e costosi che tutte le aziende si sono affrettate ad abbandonare (con le migliori motivazioni etiche) una volta incassate le autorizzazioni in emergenza. E non bastano certo le affannose raccolte di dati osservazionali dal mondo reale che le istituzioni si affannano a condurre.
Così, il riscontro di tassi anticorpali apprezzabili in un paio di dozzine di persone sono al massimo delle belle lucciole che brillano nel cielo notturno di un'autorevolissima rivista scientifica, ma per uscire dal buio del tunnel servono come minimo delle potenti lanterne, che solo studi clinici ben progettati e appropriatamente condotti ci potranno fornire. E se si continua a insistere su una sola strategia monocorde non è nemmeno detto che bastino. "
Dott. Marco Cosentino
"After Pfizer, which has published the data of six months of its vaccine, obtained with appreciable effort from what its original clinical study now in disarmament was still able to say, comes Moderna in the prestigious journal Science proposes a radically different approach and quite original for its data to six months.
The published data no longer concern the effectiveness of vaccines on the development of covid or on other aspects of direct clinical importance, but the persistence in circulation of antibodies against the different variants of the virus.
From a business point of view the approach is very convenient as it allows you to avoid conducting studies on tens of thousands of people, as a clinical efficacy study would require. In the present study, all analyses were conducted on 24 people, 8 by age group. The idea behind the study is obviously that the presence of antibodies is predictive of a certain protection.
To date, however, there is no evidence that a given antibody profile can have any significance in relation to the risks of covid. Consistently, the presence of antibodies in any individual is considered an indication of a past covid or a past vaccination, but there are no qualitative or quantitative levels useful to recognize the existence of protection. And they probably never exist.
In other words, while from the point of view of the industry to be recognized the validity of the presence of antibodies as a surrogate of protection against the covid represents an attractive perspective that would simplify greatly the life for these as for future vaccines, from the point of view of health systems and of the citizens of a given gender not move anything "the balance", as the one who serves in practice to understand if and how a vaccine might be useful is to document the ability to reduce infections, illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths.
But to obtain this information are indispensable those difficult, long and expensive studies that all companies have rushed to abandon (with the best ethical reasons) once they have collected emergency authorizations. And the hard-working collections of observational data from the real world that institutions are struggling to conduct are certainly not enough.
Thus, the finding of appreciable antibody rates in a couple of dozen people are at most beautiful fireflies shining in the night sky of a very authoritative scientific journal, but to get out of the darkness of the tunnel serve as a minimum of powerful lanterns, which only well-designed and properly conducted clinical studies will be able to provide us with. And if we continue to insist on a single one-way strategy, it is not even said that they will suffice. Dr. Marco Cosentino
Marco Cosentino, PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology, as well as full professor of Pharmacology at the School of Medicine of the University of Insubria, where he directs the Research Center in Medical Pharmacology. Professor Cosentino is also the author of hundreds of publications in international journals, books and book chapters, concerning the pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of diseases of the nervous and immune systems, clinical pharmacology, pharmacogenetics and pharmacovigilance.
● NEWS ● #CommonDreams # ☞ 'Unconscionable': WHO Chief Slams Rich Nations Over Boosters as Poor Are Denied #Vaccines https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/08/13/unconscionable-who-chief-slams-rich-nations-over-boosters-poor-are-denied-vaccines
● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ #California Requires #Covid19 #Vaccines or Tests for Teachers as US Education Secretary Backs Mandates https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/08/11/california-requires-covid-19-vaccines-or-tests-teachers-us-education-secretary-backs
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A good start. Canada does not mess around with falsified vaccination documents.
First case of traveling with fake COVID-19 vaccine cards ends with thousands of dollars in fines
FTA: ... the two passengers traveled to Toronto the week of July 18 and were confirmed Canadian citizens, Health Canada spokeswoman Maryse Durette told NBC News. Each was fined nearly $16,000 U.S. dollars for "non-compliance with entry requirements,”...
... some sites and social media pages have even created specific instructions on how to create fake vaccination cards, including what thickness of card stock to use and sites from which to download templates.
Daily Kos reported in May that a California bar owner was arrested after officials found he sold fake COVID-19 vaccine cards for $20 per card. Experts called the incident the first criminal case of its kind. The bartender was arrested after he attempted to sell the fabricated cards to an undercover agent.
Lying about vaccination or testing status for traveling is not new. In an incident last year, a couple traveled from California back to their home state of Hawaii despite testing positive for COVID-19 during a pre-travel test. They were arrested shortly after landing and charged with second-degree reckless endangerment after boarding the flight despite being told not to...
[This is gonna be a serious problem, so there needs to be a serious deterrent. I'm glad Canada is brave enough to impose heavy fines. The problem with fixed fines, even steep ones, is of course that they disproportionately affect the poor. A rich MAGAt will brush off $16k like it's nothing. Still, it's a start.]
#Vaccines #VaccineFalsification #FakeVaccineCards #Fines #Canada
Nightclub boss who mocked people for getting vaccine died of Covid
Grieving relatives of a nightclub boss who died of Covid after refusing to take the vaccine have urged others not to make the same mistake.
Anti-vaxxer David Parker, 56, dismissed the jab as ‘experimental’ and warned of a ‘big pharma’ conspiracy in posts on Facebook.
But Mr Parker, who had no underlying health conditions, contracted coronavirus weeks later.
He died at Darlington Memorial Hospital in County Durham on Monday.
Now his family are speaking out in a bid to persuade other vaccine sceptics to take the jab.
Mr Wignall, 59, who works as a director at the club, caught Covid on the same day as Mr Parker – but was fully vaccinated.
He added: ‘He (Mr Parker) didn’t believe in it and he didn’t want it, it w
#Covid19 #ScienceMatters #death #Covididiots #DarwinAwards #vaccines #antivaxxer
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Seems even a Cambridge education doesn't necessarily protect from Anti-Vax idiocy:
The video is seriously scary. "spent six hours in the foetal position", but "it's just like a cold". Yeah, right.....
See also on the BBC: Covid vaccine refuser died after terrible mistake, says partner
#Covid19 #Coronavirus #education #antivax #vaccines #death #health #UK
Attorney Leslie Lawrenson was found dead of covid at his home in Dorset, UK in June. At the time, not big news. However, the ‘Evening Standard’ just found a video he posted to Facebook 9 days before he died, saying he was glad he got it so he can prove it isn’t that bad. Watch! pic.twitter.com/60TElRQmcz
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 6, 2021
#covid19 #vaccines
Selfishness is America's Second Deadly Virus
That is going to be the story here of these years: not of the faceless public health threat that attacked this nation and the world—but of the cruelty and selfishness of those we know and love and live with, who gave it every opportunity to ravage us, who were willing accomplices to the death and the suffering, who said no to compassion when it called.
● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ A Quick Reminder That Mandating #Vaccines Is Totally Constitutional https://www.thenation.com/article/society/vaccine-mandate-legal/
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