

V. #Dedaj
Récapitulons (quelle journée !) :
1) L' #Indonésie poursuit Israël devant la Cour Internationale de Justice ( #CIJ) pour une nouvelle accusation, distincte de celle de l'Afrique du Sud, pour occupation illégale de la #Palestine.
2) Les gouvernements mexicain et chilien déposent une requête conjointe auprès du procureur de la Cour pénale internationale [ #CPI, ne pas confondre avec la CIJ] afin qu'il enquête sur les crimes de guerre commis par Israël à l'encontre du peuple palestinien.
3) Des procureurs suisses déposent une plainte pénale contre le président israélien Isaac #Herzog lors de sa participation au Forum économique de #Davos pour incitation aux crimes de guerre et aux crimes contre l'humanité à l'encontre des Palestiniens dans la bande de Gaza.

#Israël #USA #EU #Israel #warcrimes #US-Israel #Israël #genocide #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine
#Mexique #Chili #Suisse #davos2024


"He told the workers to go and told me that he will use me as a human shield, so the young people shouldn't hurl stones."

Al Jazeera interviewed the man, who was filmed being used by Israeli soldiers as a human shield in the West Bank city of Hebron and got the entire context.

Video shared on telegram channel.

#HumanShield #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Palestinian mother testimony about her empty life after Israeli drone strike murdered all 4 of her boys last weekend.

The heartbreaking video shared on social media shows a woman who wonders why the world is not stopping Israeli criminal actions against Palestinians in occupied West Bank.

The complete black out on western media about the ongoing criminal actions of Israel in Jenin, Tulkaram and Bethlehem is saying a lot about the the sad and pathetic "morality" of those who wouldn't stop posting about Russian attacks against Ukraine.

It's truly sickening to see such level of double standard and hypocrisy.
PS. Video is in Arabic without subtitles so I'm not sharing it.

#Jenin #DroneStrike #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Video shared on social media shows widespread devastation of Israeli incursion in Jenin refuge camp in occupied West Bank.

Most of the damages were pure vengeance towards innocent Palestinians who's only crime was to live in Jenin.

Video shared on my telegram channel

#Jenin #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Israeli military kidnapped 2 of the freed hostages Mohammad Hasan and his father Majed Hasan during their raids last night.

One by one, Israel is taking back the freed Palestinians hostages. This is the naked face of the apartheid regime and it's disrespect for any agreement it ever signs.

As long as Palestinians living under Israeli brutal occupation, they can never be free, their lives are always in the hands of the apartheid regime who can kidnap them at any time and holding them indefinitely under their draconian laws.

#Politics #Hostages #Israel #Occupation #Hostages #Palestine #Apartheid #WestBank


Horrifying CCTV footage from Tulkaram in occupied West Bank shows how IDF shot and killed unarmed Palestinians and later one of their armored vehicles intentionally drove over body of one of the injured crushing him to death and then drove away.

This is the most disgusting criminal act I've ever seen. The graphic video is shared on telegram.

#Tulkaram #WestBank #IDF #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Israeli army raids : Residents clean up after 40-hour assault

In the Occupied West Bank, residents are cleaning-up after an Israeli raid that lasted more than forty hours, one of the longest in recent times. Tens of tho...#AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeeraLatest #AlJazeeraLive #AlJazeeraLiveNews #AlJazeeraVideo #Cleanup #HumanitarianCrisis #IsraeliRaid #Jazeera #LongestRaid #NurShamsCamp #OccupiedTerritories #OccupiedWestBank #PalestinianLockdown #WestBank #aftermath
Israeli army raids : Residents clean up after 40-hour assault