

#CIA push for regime change on Iran has moved into a new level.

With US supporting the coalition of the 8 "leaders" of Iran with Reza Pahlavi and Maesoume (Masih) Alinejad on the front, they now pushing to protect the Saudi backed "Iran International" TV channel from "imminent treats" by IRI in UK and moving the broadcast services to US.

UK's BBC and the Germanny's #DW persian language, act as relays of II and simply post their stories as if they are produced by them.

The shit show in Berlin is the highlight of this current push where #Pahlavi and #Alinajad are presented to the world as the true "leaders" of Iranian "revolution" and theiir calls to expel Iranian diplomats, designate Iran IRGC as a terrorist organization and even call for military action against Iran's strategic sites.

#Iran #Politics #BerlinConference #RegimeChange
