

A very good #DW documentary I found in a post by @johnehummel@diasp.org.

But I can tell you, it made me really sad ...

It covers the #installation of #Putin's #fascist_system in #Russia.

As a German who has studied the history of our country, I see parallels to Hitler's career, his rise, and his way of deceiving and deluding the masses ...

But see for yourself ..:

Russia: Putin’s propaganda machine - Manipulating the people | DW Documentary

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded #Ukraine. Many Russians supported the move at the time. Others silently rejected what was described as a #special_operation, which Putin claimed would #de-Nazify a former #sister_nation.

*Years of #indoctrination and #propaganda, a #single-party_rule that #muzzles the #media - this film #investigates how Russians under Putin have #fallen_silent, and why no one has pulled the #political_ripcord.

Although the international community continues to be horrified by this #brutal, #anachronistic #war in the heart of Europe, most Russians back Putin’s "special operation”. The film is an unprecedented #journey into the heart of a #brainwashed, #intimidated_society and an #in-depth investigation into the #inner_workings of Russia’s #repressive_machine.

#documentary #dwdocumentary #Yunarnia #Facism #Russia


#Drones, #hackers and #mercenaries - The #future_of_war | #DW #Documentary

A shadow war is a war that, officially, does not exist. As mercenaries, hackers and drones take over the role armies once played, shadow wars are on the rise.

States are evading their responsibilities and driving the privatization of violence. War in the grey-zone is a booming business: Mercenaries and digital weaponry regularly carry out attacks, while those giving orders remain in the shadows.

Despite its superior army, the U.S. exhausted its military resources in two seemingly endless wars. Now, the superpower is finally bringing its soldiers home. But while the U.S.’s high-tech army may have failed in Afghanistan, it continues to operate outside of official war zones. U.S. Special Forces conduct targeted killings, using drones, hacks and surveillance technologies. All of this is blurring the lines between war and peace.

The documentary also shows viewers how Russian mercenaries and hackers destabilized Ukraine. Indeed, the last decade has seen the rise of cyberspace armament. Hacking, sometimes subsidized by states, has grown into a thriving business. Digital mercenaries sell spy software to authoritarian regimes. Criminal hackers attack any target that can turn a profit for their clients.

But the classic mercenary business is also taking off, because states no longer want their official armies to go into battle. Former mercenary Sean McFate outlines how privatizing warfare creates an even greater demand for it. He warns that a world of mercenaries is a world dominated by war.

This documentary was originally released in 2021


#CIA push for regime change on Iran has moved into a new level.

With US supporting the coalition of the 8 "leaders" of Iran with Reza Pahlavi and Maesoume (Masih) Alinejad on the front, they now pushing to protect the Saudi backed "Iran International" TV channel from "imminent treats" by IRI in UK and moving the broadcast services to US.

UK's BBC and the Germanny's #DW persian language, act as relays of II and simply post their stories as if they are produced by them.

The shit show in Berlin is the highlight of this current push where #Pahlavi and #Alinajad are presented to the world as the true "leaders" of Iranian "revolution" and theiir calls to expel Iranian diplomats, designate Iran IRGC as a terrorist organization and even call for military action against Iran's strategic sites.

#Iran #Politics #BerlinConference #RegimeChange


Even though it is said that ignorance is a blessing, at least sometimes I would like to have an omniscient mind.
In all these secular shows, there are so many narratives, stories about facts and the truth, that trusting in a single source is like believing in God.

#russia #ukraine #usa #olaf and the #pipeline.
How reliable are #ISW, #SouthernFront, #DW, #RT or other sources?
Before I become one of their believers, I prefer to sit back, relax as much as possible, read other sources at my leisure and wait until I see more clearly.
Over time, as the "facts" dwindle and the truth prevails, reality is less blurred, at least in some cases. However, sometimes that clarity is as clear as the assassination of JFK, for example.

That's why I sometimes wish I had an omniscient mind that would spare me the search for truth and prevent me from having to fret over lies.


German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle has made it compulsory for all employees to support Israel. But one Palestinian journalist who was fired after false anti-Semitism smears just won a lawsuit and got her job back.

Monday was a “date for celebrations,” Farah Maraqa wrote.

The Palestinian-Jordanian journalist had just won her lawsuit against Deutsche Welle.

The German state broadcaster was ordered by the Berlin labor court to reinstate her and pay all her legal costs.

The decisive victory “suggests that the court recognized that Farah’s termination, based on a controversial investigation and unfounded allegations of anti-Semitism related to reports published before her employment contract, was illegal,” said the European Legal Support Center.

ELSC assisted Maraqa in her fight for justice and is working with other journalists in the same situation.

#Germany #Israel #DW #Censorship #Politics


Faktencheck: So wird im Ukraine-Krieg mit Fake News manipuliert | DW | 08.07.2022

Prorussische Propaganda ist im Ukraine-Krieg allgegenwärtig. In manchen Fällen kommt sie allerdings gut getarnt daher: als angeblicher Inhalt von westlichen Medien wie BBC, CNN oder DW. Was steckt dahinter?#FakeNews #Ukraine-Krieg #Faktencheck #Ukraine #Russland #Propaganda #BBC #CNN #DW #Spoofing #Desinformation
Faktencheck: So wird im Ukraine-Krieg mit Fake News manipuliert | DW | 08.07.2022


News | DW: Exklusiv: Wie Schiffe ungestraft Ă–l im Meer entsorgen

Tausende Schiffe verschmutzen die Weltmeere mit ölhaltigem Abwasser. Auf hoher See bleiben diese Vergehen meist unentdeckt - mit dramatischen Folgen für die Umwelt. Eine DW-Recherche.

"Anfangs hat es mich belastet", erzählt der junge Schiffsingenieur der DW. Mehrfach hat er miterlebt, wie ölverschmutztes Wasser von seinem Schiff direkt ins Meer gepumpt wurde. Dass das illegal ist, hat er auf der Marineschule gelernt. Doch auf hoher See schere sich kaum jemand um diese Regeln, berichtet der Seemann über eine instabile Telefonleitung... (weiter)

Tags: #News #Schiffahrt #Ă–l #Illegale-Entsorgung #Umweltverschmutzung #Umweltschutz #Meer #Profit #Kapitalismus #Staat #System #DW #2022-03-22 #Fama #2022-03-24