

Apartheid child Elon Musk is using Twitter to push for regime change in Brazil with backing of fascist president of Argentina and the criminal gang of former president.

All in the name of "democracy" and fight against "censorship" on a platform that bans anyone supporting Palestinians and exposes the war crimes of Israeli genocidal regime.

#Brazil #Argentina #ElonMusk #Twitter #RegimeChange


#CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in #Indonesia

đŸ”·ïž Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia.

đŸ”·ïž The leaked files are weekly briefings dispatched from the Indonesian office of the International Republican Institute (IRI) back to headquarters in Washington during June, July and August 2023. IRI is a core component of NED, which typically works with another, the National Democratic Institute, on regime change operations abroad. The pair are innately linked to their respective namesake political parties at home.

đŸ”·ïž These briefings provide updates on administrative issues, local political developments, staff activities, press clippings, and IRI’s progress on fulfilling the objectives of its NED grant in Indonesia “to improve the capacity of emerging political party leaders to assume leadership positions within the parties and act as agents of change in support of increased internal party democracy, transparency, and responsiveness to citizens.” The last available Endowment grant records, from 2022, show the Institute was given $700,000 for this.

#Asia #RegimeChange #Politics



The Jerusalem Post: Overthrowing the Iranian regime is difficult, because approximately 70% of Iranians support the regime, according to the INSS

This is BS. Regime has at most about 30% support, but there are about 40% of the population who would rather live under current dictatorship than seeing Iran turn into American democracy like Libya or Syria.

But JP uses the 70% to scare the public and make the regime more dangerous than it is.

#iran #politics #RegimeChange #Israel


Reza Pahlavi, the good for nothing son of Iran's former dictator is in Israel, desperately seeking support from Netanyahu and Israeli government!

Failure after failure has turned into pure desperation. Losing his strong supporters in GOP and Trump, he is now looking at Netanyahu and his fascist alliance for help to hand him over "his kingdom".

Using the holocaust memorial day as an excuse to show his loyalty to Bibi and distancing himself from the regime and those opposing the Israeli apartheid rule over occupied territories and Palestinans, he looks like a sad puppy with his tails between his legs begging for some petting from his last remaining chance to become king of kings and ruler of Persia like his lunatic father used to call himself.

Having lost the fundings and backing of Saudi regime, he is now looking for a new mater to hold his leash while his minions and bots storming the fascist den of Musk with garbage post making it look like he has massive support among iranians.

#Iran #Politics #RezaPahlavi #Israel #Netanyahu #RegimeChange


Reza Pahlavi: regime change in Iran is not only benefits Iranian people, but also the french government!

The father of the former puppet is begging Europe to let him take over Iran so he can be a puppet of them in the future.

Listening to this sack of shit handing future Iran on a silver platter to foreign governments is truly nauseating.

#Iran #Politics #RegimeChange #RezaPahlavi #France


#Munich security conference has turned into a global push to make #RezaPahlavi and #Alinejad as the only leaders of Iranian opposition!

The amount of posts by #German, #American and #British media covering this conference and the language used in the reporting is something I have no seen before.

In the past, the push of groups like #MKO/Rajavi by American conservatives like #Guliani, #Gingrich and #Bolton was mainly because of massive payouts by Rajavi's group to invite them to their meetings, but #Biden seems to be pushing for the son of their former puppet and #Alinejad seems to have cut her ties with christian #Taliban movement and #Trump team and joined the new #CIA backed team of "leaders".
And at the same time, the new doll of Hollywood celebrities Golshifteh Farahani who has replaced the older neocon puppet Shohreh Aggdashlou is also performing her role to call for the world support to push for a regime change in Iran.

The conference that seems to be focused on #Iran and #Russia as the enemies of the "world" is really nothing new, but it may have some nasty consequences in the Persian Gulf region and #Europe.

#Politics #Israel #RegimeChange


#CIA push for regime change on Iran has moved into a new level.

With US supporting the coalition of the 8 "leaders" of Iran with Reza Pahlavi and Maesoume (Masih) Alinejad on the front, they now pushing to protect the Saudi backed "Iran International" TV channel from "imminent treats" by IRI in UK and moving the broadcast services to US.

UK's BBC and the Germanny's #DW persian language, act as relays of II and simply post their stories as if they are produced by them.

The shit show in Berlin is the highlight of this current push where #Pahlavi and #Alinajad are presented to the world as the true "leaders" of Iranian "revolution" and theiir calls to expel Iranian diplomats, designate Iran IRGC as a terrorist organization and even call for military action against Iran's strategic sites.

#Iran #Politics #BerlinConference #RegimeChange


The Western media is depicting unrest in Iran as "the people" demanding social justice and women's rights. In reality, it is part of a years-long effort by Washington to foment upheaval and regime change in #Iran.

Policy papers from 2009 detailed step-by-step how the US could overthrow the Iranian government and install an obedient client regime in its place. Since then, each step has been implemented verbatim with varying degress of success, and the process, as we can now see, continues today.


#another #story to promote a wanted #regimechange*strong text*


Die #TAZ fördert den #Regimewechsel

Westliche #Außenpolitik gegenĂŒber Iran oder anderen #Diktaturen ist zu hĂ€ufig von kurzsichtigen politischen ErwĂ€gungen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen geprĂ€gt. Statt am rea­len Interesse der Menschen vor Ort anzuknĂŒpfen, trĂ€gt sie oft zur Aufrechterhaltung der MachtverhĂ€ltnisse bei. Gerade sehen wir am Beispiel Russlands, dass Diktatoren, die Menschenrechte im Inland verletzen, auch nach außen eine Gefahr darstellen.

Ist es nicht oft so, dass nach einem #Regimechange westliche Puppen die neue demokratische Macht leiten und sicherstellen, dass die Ressourcen des Landes sicher in den Westen fließen?

Ist es nicht möglich, ĂŒber andere Wege zu einer Reform zu gelangen?
War da nicht auch ein #Machtwechsel in #Afghanistan?

SRF 2019



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