- National Seed Swap Day is January 25, 2025 🌱
Seed Savers and Edible Communities is partnering with events in #CA #IA #FL #VA #TX #PA #AZ #NY
3 Likes - National Seed Swap Day is January 25, 2025 🌱
Seed Savers and Edible Communities is partnering with events in #CA #IA #FL #VA #TX #PA #AZ #NY
Best to move North While You Can, If You Can. While The Fools Rush South Like Lemmings.
As The Water Goes Away So The Economics Turn Sour In The Sun Belt
#TheBigPicture #NoWaterNoMicrochips #SunBelt #CA #NM #AZ #TX #LA #GA #AK #UT #CO #FL #MI #SC #NC #NV #OK #TN #UT #Economics #Weather #DisasterBelt #BoomAndBust #ElectricityShortages #WaterShortages #Storms
A major robotaxi company was all over San Francisco—and poised to go national. California just banned it.
California DMV cited “an unreasonable risk to public safety” posed by Cruise robotaxis.
Not Safe... Self Driving Went Badly
#Technology #SelfDrivingCard #RoboTaxi #CA #SanFranCisco #CruiseRobotaxi #
Show me the Asian, African or Afroasiatic equivalent to #Beethoven or #Mozart. No such non-Indo-European equivalent exists.
Then of course there's Socrates, Marcus Aurelius, Alexander, Gustavus Adolphus, Michelangelo, De Vinci, Newton, Monet, van Gogh, James Watt, Adam Smith, Nikolaus Otto, von Braun, Babbage, Jack Kilby, Chaucer, Dante & Tolstoy to name a few.
Philosophy, statecraft, military strategy, engineering, science, mathematics, music, art, literature. All that's needed is cultural #confidence; people-group self-belief.
Beethoven's 7th Symphony
Mozart's Requiem in D minor
#culturalconfidence #westerncivilization #indoeuropean #europe #europeandiaspora #selfbelief #ascendent #uk #usa #nzl #aus #ca
#justintrudeau #trudeau #canada #blood #snow #bloodonsnow #un #truckers #canadiantruckers #wef #trucksforfreedom #trucksofpeace #fteedomconvoy #policebrutality #royalcanadianmountedpolice #ca #davos #worldeconomicforum #partyofdavos #plutocraticelites #klausschwab #tyranny #usurpation #younggloballeaders #elitism #globalism #neoliberalism #covid #medicaltyranny #mandates #rights
WEF, Davos, YGL puppet tin tyrant and Klaus Schwab surrogate Justin Trudeau is a weak, cowardly, foolish, dishonest, dishonorable, pathetic, sociopathic, manipulative bully.
#trudeau #justintrudeau #wef #ygl #davos #klausschwab #canada #lockdown #mandates #criminals #massmurder #truckersforfreedom #truckers #freedomconvoy #legal #peacefulprotest #freespeech #CA #righttoassemble #righttofreespeech #medicalfreedom #bodilyautonomy #bodilyintegrity #medicalassault #righttofreelytravel #criminaltrudeau
70% of the people who showed up to vote in California got told "you already voted".
#DeadVoters #Voting #Rigged #TotallyRigged #ElectionsDontMatter #Democrats #BallotStuffers #WinByAnyMeans #Cheaters #Liars #Newsom #California #CA #Media #MSM #Elder #Recall
Do we really need #California?
... I mean, Really?
I wonder what kind of warning stickers that they need for a new wood-frame house out there?
And WHEN exactly, are these stickers applied?
If you buy a new house, do they warn you BEFORE buying about Wood Dust (et al).
Or do you just see everything stickered up at walk-through?
And, if so, what exactly are your options at that point?
Can you get out of the sale because they used wood?
Can you get out of the state because they are #idiots?
#IAmSurroundedByIdiots #NannyState #CA #PleaseGodKeepThoseIdiotsInCalifornia
Photograph by Frank Pali
published: National Geographic -Your shot
It's my bone  #wildlife #canine #baby #background #brown #ca #coyote #beauty #animal #animals #beast #wolf #Nature #Natur #Nonveggi #bone
'Photographed this Coyote in Yellowstone National Park just after Christmas. He was chewing on this leg for about half hour. He then turns and run straight at me. I was using a 600mm lens with a 1.7 TC.'