

could be worth a read . . .
maybe meditate for a breath first. :)
#mercola #genocideapologistry #tuckercarlson #scammed #genocide #partizanship #groupthink #confirmationbias #noexcuse
#fakeawake #fakecine #twofaced #fakeapology #eugenics #genocide #keepingupappearances #gaslightingvictims #smearingwhistleblowers #wealthtransfer #wealthdestruction #healthdestruction #aPatientCuredIsACustomerLost #ForProfitMedicine #Oxymoron #censorship #massformationpsychosis #totalitarianism #medicaltyranny #covidzealotry #murderzealotry #usefulidiots #justdoingyourjob #unethical #immoral #compliance #inducecompliance #terrorism #superstateterrorism #medicalterrorism #NEVERAGAIN #nextpandemic #plandemic #scamdemic #theyarenotdoneyet
#stopit #nocullnecessary #realseriousscience #FaceTheHorror #ReEvaluate

They're trying to figure out how to regain people's trust because, without it, finalizing the implementation of The Great Reset will be far more problematic than if people follow their lead and do as they're told.

Which leads me to my bottom line analysis: the powers that be are Monday morning quarterbacking. Why didn't people just do what we said and obediently comply? Because they don't trust us. If they trusted the media, the government, and scientists, they would do what they were told …

Bass is the puppet they've sent out to deliver this narrative … [T]he only reason one Monday morning quarterbacks is so that one can win the next game. They want to identify how better to induce compliance for the next pandemic …

The degree of lack of awareness of reality itself that was required to think that this message would work to shift the narrative could be attributed to a few of things — youth, inexperience, low IQ … So GOOD. It means we're dealing with weakness. All we have to do is be stronger (smarter, more experienced, braver) and we will win. We will continue to win."

#Nuremberg #bioethics #universaldeclarationbioethicshumanrights #humanrights


AUSSIES Are Now Ignoring Tyrannical Public ‘Health’ Mandates – Heading to Beautiful Bondi Beach

Aussies have had enough. The people in Australia are now ignoring ‘health’ orders at Sydney’s beautiful Bondi Beach and going about their lives.
Reports from Sydney show the people in Australia are now ignoring the state’s insane COVID rules.
#news #politics #Australia #HealthOrders #MedicalTyranny #globalists #covid



Economic devastation, millions dead — does Trudeau still admire China?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been increasingly aggressive in his demands that all Canadians take a COVID vaccine. Perhaps the most forceful of Trudeau's recent statements is his desire to restrict the unvaccinated from travelling by plane or train between the country's provinces — a stern warning, given the sheer size of Canada.
#news #politics #Canada #Trudeau #liberals #globalists #China #vaccines #VaccinePassports #debt #economy #dictatorship #MedicalTyranny



No medical or religious exemptions for B.C.'s vaccine passport system

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, who announced the requirement Monday afternoon, said those individuals will have to miss out on discretionary services and activities, such as dining in restaurants and attending live sporting events, until the proof-of-vaccination requirement is lifted next year.
#news #politics #Canada #BritishColombia #ForcedVaccination #VaccinePassports #globalists #Agenda21 #MedicalTyranny #covid #coronavirus



Also in France ... French supermarkets have hired bouncers in order to deny people basic human rights to food and water because they didn’t get the right government permission slip.


#news #politics #France #EU #Macron #globalists #MedicalTyranny #dictatorship #Agenda21 #VaccinePassports #NewNormal #BuildBackBetter #covid #coronavirus
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(copypasta reshared from someone's limited post and comment)

BOOM! Vax Passport Company’s Horrifying History


#covipass #vaccinepassport #GreatReset #medicaltyranny #amazingpolly

BOOM! Vax Passport Company's Horrifying History

Oh boy, you aren’t going to like this. I go over the history of ENTRUST, the company that has the contract for the Digital Passports in the UK (coming soon to your country?) -----TO SUPPORT AMAZING POLLY: ...
