

Le sceau de Touthankamon

Le sceau ininterrompu sur la tombe de Toutankhamon, 1922, cette blague nous demontrant toute notre crédulité...

Le #sceau de la tombe de Touthankamon encore intact, juste avant d'être brisé, en 1922. Il n'avait pas été touché pendant 3245 ans.
Avez vous déjà vu une corde en lin après 10 ans... après 100 ans.... après 1000 ans....

Le créateur :

Howard #Carter, né à Londres le 9 mai 1874 et mort dans la même ville le 2 mars 1939, est un #archéologue et #égyptologue britannique.
Il est principalement connu pour avoir découvert en 1922 la tombe de Toutânkhamon, pharaon de la XVIIIᵉ dynastie.

Gare à la #malediction ceux qui dévoilait la création :

Vingt-sept morts suspectes… Après la profanation de sa tombe, en 1922, la "malédiction de Toutânkhamon" s’abat sur l’équipe archéologique financée par lord Carnarvon.


#nouvellechronologie #égyptologie #archeologie #Pharaon #Egypte

Unbroken seal


There was an attack against the home of some of the senior members of Iranian People's Mujahedin, MKO of cult of Rajavi in Paris last week.

I didn't read much on French or international news, but the attack has the clear footprints of IRGC #Quds force, the main target was a senior member of MKO Masoud Keshmiri who was named as the personal behind the bombing in Tehran back in the summer of 1981 that killed the President Rajaii and Prime Minister #Bahonar.

The attack was always a source of questionable circumstances and many people believed that it was the work of #Rafsanjani and and #Khamenei together with Ali #Rezai the head of IRGC back then who were involved in the #McFarlane trip to #Iran before the US election of 1980 that resulted in a deal between #US government (actually #Republicans and #Reagan) and IRI regime to delay the release of the hostages who were planned to be released in early fall of 1980 in exchange for badly needed spare parts for Iranian #F-14 #TomCat fighter jets and the code to unlock the air to air missiles #Phoenix that #Shah of Iran had purchased before the àrevolution and IRI could not use them because of inability to break the code.

Rejaii was one of the deeply religious hardcore revolutionary who was badly tortured before the revolution in #Evin àprison and a man of principals who was 100% against the deal specially after he found out that most of the parts and àweapons delivered to Iran were actually came from an unmarked ship fromFrenxh port of #Marseille but it made a stop in Israeli port of #Haifa to load the weapons.

2 days before his death, #Rejaii made a famous speech that condemned those "naive individuals in the country who believed they could purchase weapons from an arh enemy of the nation in order to fight the little insignificant devil #Saddam that Iran could easily deal with".

The deal hlgave Reagan the landslide wicrory over #Carter who Khomeini hated more than anyone because he brokered a peace deal between #Israel and #Egypt and he, in his typical short sighted stupidity believed Reagan would be a friend of Iran in it's fight against the " pro #Soviet #Saddam".

The rest is history and we all know the sad and pathetic stupidity of #Khomeini and his closest inner circle gave the world a monster that setup the foundation to the shitty world we live in.

But for the stupid and ignorant followers of Khomeini, who never admitted that it was Israeli weapons and spare parts that turned the war around and let Iran almost destroy the entire Iraqi air force in series of attacks including one that goes to history as one of the longest direct hit of a French Mirage 1 (one of 3 that French government has lent to Saddam) from 150km distance using one of the $2.5M phoenix missiles, the blame was on MKO and not the evil Trio of IRI inner mafia.

So the last week's assassination brought "closer" to a 42 years old revenge against the puppet in the game of much more evil forces inside and outside IRI regime.

PS. Some say that #Macron's phone call with #Reisi was triggered by the #assassination in #Paris, buth both parties seems to have chosen not to talk about it in public.

#Politics #Iran #IRGC #MKO #Rajavi #NCRI


The precipice. (We went over it earlier than most USAians probably think.)

The Last Honest Speech by a U.S. President

I was sixteen when President Jimmy Carter gave his so-called Malaise speech in 1979. Focusing on America’s wasteful energy consumption, Carter vowed to cut America’s dependence on oil imports while pushing alternative energies such as solar. In crafting his speech, he listened to regular Americans and diagnosed a national peril far worse than America’s wanton consumption of energy.

And for his honesty, Carter got voted out of office in 1980. The sunny optimism of Ronald Reagan arrived, though the “sunny” part didn’t include the solar panels that Carter had added to the White House. (Under Reagan, these were quickly removed.) For Carter’s expertise in science (he was formerly a naval nuclear engineer under Admiral Hyman Rickover) came Reagan’s fossil-fuel-friendly policies and Nancy Reagan’s penchant for astrology. It was morning again in America in the sense that profit once again took priority over policy and people – and fantasy took precedence over reality.

[Carter's speech was prophetic.]

... _ Carter told Americans in 1979 that: “We are at a turning point in our history. There are two paths to choose. One is a path I’ve warned about tonight, the path that leads to fragmentation and self-interest. Down that road lies a mistaken idea of freedom, the right to grasp for ourselves some advantage over others. That path would be one of constant conflict between narrow interests ending in chaos and immobility. It is a certain route to failure.”_

[And that is the path we chose. We have not ventured from it since.]

The second, much to be preferred, path was: “the path of common purpose and the restoration of American values. That path leads to true freedom for our Nation and ourselves.”

Does anyone have any doubt about which path America chose under Reagan and his successors?

The “certain route to failure.” A route where tens of millions of Americans lose their health care during a pandemic; a route where the government bails out the richest corporations first and the poorest Americans last, if at all; a route where division and fragmentation are the order of the day, embraced by a president who revels in chaos and his own self-interest. And a route where that same man is likely to be reelected as president in November, despite his colossal mismanagement of a health crisis that he can’t even bring himself to understand, let alone attempt to control.

... Is it any surprise that real wages for workers in America have basically been flat since the time of Carter? Reagan instituted Robin Hood in reverse, facilitating an economy where the rich got far richer, mainly by trampling on the backs of the middle class and poor.

So, we collectively bought a cancerous fantasy in 1980, one which has now metastasized with a malignant and sociopathic exploiter, Donald Trump, at the helm.

[The whole article is a must-read.]

#Carter #USA #Honesty #Reagan #SnakeOil #AmericanIdiocy
