

es sieht aus, als hätte die sumererinnen nicht nur einst das fediverse antizipiert (𒀯mul) sondern auch schon gegendert: sohn und tochter in einem schriftzeichen! wenn sich das herumspricht, werden merz, linnemann und söder vermutlich auch assyrologie und sumerologie hier in schland verbieten müssen ..

#politik #keilschrift #cuneiform #gendern

Image/photoSumerian cuneiform of the day wrote the following post Wed, 18 Dec 2024 11:32:50 +0100

𒌉 Reading: dumu Meaning: son, daughter, child


Reading: dumu

Meaning: son, daughter, child

#cuneiforms #assyriology #culture #Sumer #research


if literature is the safety valve of civilisations we need more of it. but for civilsations to stand the test of time and with it the literature it consists of, we need different books. no ebooks that evaporate with each hd-failure, no paper books that will crumple with the heating climate. we need better books, hardened books. like clay tablets, freshly baked after inscribing them. wouldn't that be great, shakespear in cuneiform?! only hardened clay tablets will resist the passage of time!

#ScienceFiction #cuneiform #ClimateDesaster #future

Image/photoOpen Culture (Official) wrote the following post Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:32:48 +0200


Ray Bradbury Explains Why Literature is the Safety Valve of Civilization (in Which Case We Need More Literature!)



Groundbreaking #AI project translates 5,000-year-old #cuneiform at push of a button

Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/groundbreaking-ai-project-translates-5000-year-old-cuneiform-at-push-of-a-button/

Cuneiform is the oldest known form of writing, but it is so difficult to read that only a few hundred experts around the world can decode the clay tablets filled with wedge-shaped symbols. Now, a team of archaeologists and computer scientists from Israel has created an AI-powered #translation program for ancient #Akkadian cuneiform, allowing tens of thousands of already digitized tablets to be translated into English instantaneously.

#language #science #technology #news #history