

Documents show Biden's State Department deliberately left Gonzalo Lira to die in a Ukrainian prison..‼️

#GonzaloLira, whose videos some of us watched, became a political prisoner who was #tortured to #death with the #support of the #US #government's Deep State. This was simply because he gave #information that was not in line with government #propaganda.

An American of Chilean descent (born in the US to Chilean parents), he knew in advance how he would end up. He even drew attention to a number of other political prisoners who had been killed by the Zelensky regime, and mentioned that if he did not report by a certain time, his fate would follow theirs...

On 11 January 2024, conservative American YouTuber Gonzalo Lira died in a Ukrainian prison. He was held there for the crime of #criticizing the #war and the American and Ukrainian governments.

A Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch now shines a harsh light on the Biden regime's unwillingness to stand up for an American political prisoner in a Ukrainian jail.

The emails reveal that the US embassy was aware of the threat to Gonzalo Lira's life, but made no effort to help him.

After Gonzalo Lira's death, the embassy was primarily concerned with controlling misrepresentations and how to "strengthen press guidelines," to deal with the question "why didn't the U.S. government do more to help Mr. Lira?"

On July 6, he was released on bail and attempted to leave the country for Hungary on his motorcycle, posting a video along the way. On 1 August he was arrested again and imprisoned in a solitary confinement cell (SIZO) in Kharkiv.

In his videos, he has often criticized the mainstream media, the Ukrainian and American governments, specifically former Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs (2021-2024) Victoria Nuland.

Gateway Pundit filed a Freedom of Information Act request on January 15, 2024, four days after his death, for all communications regarding Gonzalo Lira's death between Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget A. Brink.

Eleven months later, the State Department is delaying that request and recently wrote that the request will not be completed until March 31, 2026.

The architect of Ukrainian politics, Nuland was widely considered a contender for the top post until the Lira affair broke. In September, Nuland joined the board of the Deep State front organization National Endowment for Democracy.

Meanwhile, Judicial Watch has filed a more general Freedom of Information Act request regarding the Gonzalo Lira case that does not specifically focus on communications between Nuland and Ambassador Brink.

The State Department released 769 heavily redacted pages to Judicial Watch in May, October, and November 2024.

Gateway Pundit received these documents from Judicial Watch and can exclusively report on the State Department's egregious failure to save Gonzalo Lira's life and subsequent attempts to misrepresent it.

The documents show that the US Embassy learned of Gonzalo Lira's arrest on 11 May via mail from the Ukrainian SBU secret police on 2 May.

"He is formally charged with violating Article 436-2 of the (Ukrainian) Criminal Code section "Justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants."

In November 2024, Ukrainian opposition lawmaker Oleksandr Dubinsky claimed to have irrefutable evidence that Gonzalo Lira was murdered by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), TASS news agency reported.

"We have received irrefutable proof that US citizen and blogger Gonzalo Lira was tortured in a Kharkiv detention facility. He was beaten in the same way as I was in the Kiev detention facility - he was taken to a cell where they extorted money from him, in a very bad condition. When he made it public, he was killed," Dubinsky said on his Telegram channel.
From Telegram


our society is pure evil full of hate and war


« Violence inouïe », « abattoir » etc : des journalistes dénoncent les méthodes de France TV
des journalistes se retrouvent placardisés et relégués à faire des micros-trottoirs. Beaucoup d’entre eux se sentent dépossédés de leur métier et parlent de violence sociale. Une dérive qui se répercute sur la qualité de l’information et sur les choix éditoriaux.
#FranceTV #journalistes #information


C'est scientifique ! Et alors ? - YouTube ⬅️ URL principale utilisée pour la prévisualisation Diaspora* et avec plus de garantie de disponibilité.

URL Invidious FDN ⬅️ URL théoriquement plus propre : moins de pistage mais moins de garantie de disponibilité dans le temps.

#science #philosophie #réalité #physique #physiquequantique #conscience #gravitéquantique #videquantique #information #informationquantique #informationduvide #darwinisme #darwinismesocial #philippeguillemant

‼️ Clause de non-responsabilité v1.0


They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now

Disturbingly, this erasure of Internet memory is happening in more than one place. For many years, Google offered a cached version of the link you were seeking just below the live version. They have plenty of server space to enable that now, but no: that service is now completely gone. In fact, the Google cache service officially ended just a week or two before the Archive.org crash, at the end of September 2024.


#internet #information #censorship #Google #YouTube #Amazon #Alexa #deepstate


#JohnLenardWalson | The #Secret #Star #Wars Project & Effect on Your Life | Oct. 29, 2024

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1N3wLHNmT4Y


The #video was #narrated by #GaryMcKinnon

The Starfighters are real. The evidence is here. Twenty-five years in the making, the pictorial journals of the invention of the ‘Walson Device’ can now be told. The #information within will give you the #knowledge of #how to prove the existence of UAPs for yourself.

Packed with hundreds of video images, diagrams and artist renditions, this publication is unprecedented. No longer is it necessary to swoon endlessly over ‘little white dots’ depicted as ‘proof’ of the anomalous. The questions of ‘What is it?’ – ‘Where are they?’ and ‘What are they doing?’ are answered with an unfathomable level of accuracy. Prepare to have your paradigms smashed! This catalogue is factual and authentic.

#Thermal and #UV modified #Telescope is Thermal #Ultraviolet for #Space #Astronomy.

I have film hours of the thermal videos of low orbit and high orbit objects only visible in Thermal and UV IR modified Telescope is Thermal Ultraviolet and Space Astronomy IR-detecting semiconductor materials that produce our high-definition focal plane arrays, to advanced electronics and high-performance lens assemblies that provide extended identification ranges in the harshest operational environments.

Thermal imaging sensor employs the latest focal plane array technology to meet long-range surveillance and target identification requirements. PLANE WAVE mounts paramount ME telescope custom 18 inch F16 7000mm focal.


Le 175è journaliste tué par Israël à Gaza, Hamad, avait dix-neuf ans – Le Courrier des Stratèges

#politique #génocide #guerre #information #Gaza

Hamad, 19 ans, est le 175è journaliste tué par l'armée israélienne à Gaza. Nous pouvons vous informer sur ce qui se passe réellement dans le Bande de Gaza, en Cisjordanie, au Liban, parce qu'il y a des journalistes qui sont sur place, qui publient des reportages, prennent des photos, envoient des vidéos. Ces personnes prennent des risques inouïs. L'armée israélienne les repère, les contacte, les menace; et s'ils ne s'arrêtent pas de publier, elle les cible et les tue. Honneur à ces hommes et à ces femmes qui se battent pour la liberté d'informer. C'est notre liberté qu'ils défendent à Gaza.



Lancement de Coopmédias

Coopérative citoyenne de médias indépendants.

Nouvelle structure de défense de la presse indépendante, Coop-médias sera lancé officiellement mercredi 9 octobre, à 18h30 à l’académie du climat, à Paris.

Des groupes de médias détenus par des milliardaires, comme Vincent Bolloré et Pierre-Edouard Stérin, ne sont pas pour rien dans la montée en puissance de l’extrême-droite. Face au risque de mise au pas de l’information, face à l’appauvrissement du débat public, les médias indépendants jouent un rôle crucial pour la démocratie.

Pour y participer, il suffit de s’inscrire -> sur ce lien.
Et pour suivre l’évolution de ce projet, -> c’est ici.

#médias #journalisme #actualités #information #coopérative #extrême-droite #débat-public


150 scientifiques lancent un appel.

Pour protéger la recherche et préserver la démocratie.

À l’occasion de la journée internationale de l’accès universel à l’information, 150 scientifiques de divers horizons dont Jun Murai, Sonia Livingstone, Gérald Bronner ou Asmah Mallah signent un appel à protéger l’intégrité de la recherche sur la désinformation.
La désinformation est l'une des plus grandes menaces à court terme pour l'humanité, notre capacité collective à comprendre comment elle se propage et son impact sur notre société doit être une priorité.

#société #information #désinformation #numérique #réseaux-sociaux #technologies #IA #démocratie #fast-checking



Aaron Swartz and Lessing
at the launch party for Creative Commons (2002)

"The Internet revolution has come. Some say it has gone.
What was responsible for its birth?
Who is responsible for its demise?"
"In The Future of Ideas, Lawrence Lessig explains how the Internet revolution has produced a counterrevolution of devastating power and effect.
The explosion of innovation we have seen in the environment of the Internet was not conjured from some new, previously unimagined technological magic; instead, it came from an ideal as old as the nation.
Creativity flourished there because the Internet protected an innovation commons. The Internet's very design built a neutral platform upon which the widest range of creators could experiment. The legal architecture surrounding it protected this free space so that culture and information - the ideas of our era - could flow freely and inspire an unprecedented breadth of expression.
But this structural design is changing - both legally and technically."
"This shift will destroy the opportunities for creativity and innovation that the Internet originally engendered.
The cultural dinosaurs of our recent past are moving to quickly remake cyberspace so that they can better protect their interests against the future.
Powerful forces are swiftly using both law and technology to "tame" the internet, transforming it from an open forum for ideas into nothing more than cable television on speed.
Innovation, once again, will be directed from the top down, increasingly controlled by owners of the networks, holders of the largest patent portfolios, and, most invidiously, hoarders of copyrights." — https://archive.org/details/TheFutureOfIdeas/page/n1/mode/2up

#book #copyright #patents #cartels
#internet #commons #creativity #publicaccess #CreativeCommons
#libraries #education #information #digitaltools
#LawrenceLessig #AaronSwartz


#Recherche autour de cette #photo

#sculpture #Palestine #Gaza #guerre #art
Je sais que cette #œuvre a été réalisée par un #sculpteur palestinien à partir de #débris de bâtiments bombardés, mais j'aimerais en savoir plus sur cet artiste. Quelqu'un a-t-il des #informations ?

#Research around this #photo
#sculpture #Palestine #Gaza #war #art
I know this #work was made by a Palestinian #sculptor from #debris of bombed buildings, but I'd like to know more about this artist. Does anyone have any #information?