

Anyone else know this song? :)

The Freeze - Sacrifice Not Suicide

I've got a bible, I'm set for death
Who needs life when ya, you got religion?
The congregations help build my coffin
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide

It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide

I've got a bible, I'm set for death
Who needs life when ya, you got religion?
The congregations help build my coffin
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide

It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide
It's a sacrifice, it's not suicide

#music #freeze #TheFreeze #punk #rock #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PunkRockMusic #religion #FuckReligion


I have not figured out why #Debian keeps freezing, and I have no clue where to look or search for. It freezes seemingly randomly. I can be doing something actively, or leave the computer on while I (e. g.) refill my cup of coffee. Yesterday I had one freeze for an average day, but today I have had at least 10 forced restarts.

The screen is frozen. If any audio plays, it is stuck in a ca. 2 second loop.

Background: Did an early upgrade from Debian 10 to 11. Some minor issues were easily corrected. To start with, mainly audio issues which has been fixed.

#help #bullseye #gnu #linux #freeze



Fourth Inktober entry (one day behind now). So many great Inktober drawings out there. It is funny when the network suddenly unites making so much homemade art!

Todays words is: "freeze" and this is my wife as soon as autumn comes. I love the cold, she hates the cold..

#Inktober, #Inktober19 #mywork #freeze #cold #bed


... one second please ... ... heute Schaltsekunde ...

Wer noch einen der alten Kernel fährt sollte sich vielleicht nach der #Schaltsekunde mal seinen Server anschauen. Nur in wenigen Fällen ist mit einem Freeze zu rechnen. Meist ist auf betroffenen System nur ein enormer Anstieg der CPU Auslastung zu sehen.
FIX: date -s "$(LC_ALL=C date)" <- Date neusetzen ....
Quelle: http://www.heise.de/open/meldung/Schaltsekunden-Bug-in-Linux-verschwendet-Strom-1631325.html

Wer vorsichtig ist und noch ein betroffenes System hat, kann folgendes tun:
1. Stoppt den ntpd oder chrony für heute Nacht
2. Prüft ob im Kernel das Leap Second Flag gesetzt ist. z.B.: mit dem checkleap.c Code siehe CodeBlock
3. Setzt das Flag falls vorhanden zurück z.B. mit: ntptime -s 0
Quelle: https://access.redhat.com/articles/199563
4. ntpd oder chrony morgens wieder starten

checkleap.c (compile with gcc checkleap.c ... run with ./a.out)

#include <sys/timex.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    struct timex buf;
    int res;

    buf.modes = 0;

    res = adjtimex(&buf);
    if(res < 0) {
        perror("Error calling adjtimex");
        return 1;

    printf("clock status: %i\n", res);
    return 0;

Kurzinfo zu den Rückgabewerten:

#define TIME_OK   0 /* clock synchronized */
#define TIME_INS  1 /* insert leap second */
#define TIME_DEL  2 /* delete leap second */
#define TIME_OOP  3 /* leap second in progress */
#define TIME_WAIT 4 /* leap second has occurred */
#define TIME_BAD  5 /* clock not synchronized */

Quelle: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26202730/how-to-find-out-if-the-linux-kernel-will-insert-a-leap-second-at-the-end-of-the

!!!Nutzung auf eigene Gefahr!!!


#linux #leapsecond #leap #ntp #chrony #freeze #schaltsekunde