

#Israel is ravaging #Lebanon like they did with #Gaza with #US provided bombs and backing of #NATO nations.

And nobody is going to do anything about it. All while they are bombing and starving 2 million Palestinians and making life miserable for those living in occupied #WestBank

I'm so fucking sick of this whole thing.


#Israeli official to #CNN: A senior adviser to #Netanyahu has presented the #Biden administration with a new proposal for a ceasefire and the release of hostages

Palestinians release all the Israeli captives, give up their weapons, hand over all #Hamas fighters and their #weapons, in exchange, Israel will allow them to have one meal per day, live in tents where they are, have 4L of #water daily and keeps control of the #Egypt border, all #agriculture land in north, the occupation corridor they built plus the right to bomb Gaza indefinitely.

I'm sure the media will blame Hamas for not accepting this generous offer.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel


Breaking News: We just archived the 5,000th video at tiktokgenocide.com​

These 5,000 videos are safe from the censors of social media.

About 65% of the archived videos have been categorized and published on the website.

This is the power of volunteering

#palestine #gaza #volunteers
#volunteers4palestine #volunteersforpalestine#Genocide #Israel #Politics #TikTokCensor


First #Palestinian #ambassador to #Spain presents credentials

"The head of state welcomed Housni Abdel Wahed to the royal palace in #Madrid on Monday for the traditional ceremony for newly appointed foreign ambassadors to Spain"
"Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez, one of the staunchest critics in #Europe of Israel's #Gaza offensive, announced earlier this month that a bilateral summit between Spain and #Palestine would be held before the end of the year"

#Politics #Israel


Letter from #Israel #2 - They're everywhere

Reminder: I want to better understand Israeli perspectives on the #war. It’s been nearly 25 years that I’ve lived in the UK and the world looks very different from here, even more so since 7th October.

On the flight from Britain, they didn't just wish us a pleasant flight, but a 'pleasant and safe' flight. When we landed, the captain reminded us to be grateful for the security services that enabled us to travel safely. Normal for a country at war.

He then reminded us that as we were going home, we should hope the hostages come home too. On the way from the plane to baggage reclaiming, we passed a row of posters with pictures and names of the hostages. Bring them home is the national chant. It's everywhere. The photo is from Domino's Pizza ("Bring them home now").

It seems obligatory for every news show and talk show to either have a piece about one of the people murdered in the October atrocities, or interview family members of one of the hostages. It's every day, it's nonstop. Still wet from the October rain, as the song almost said.

[CW: baseless pop psychology] On the one hand, this seems to be part of a process of working through collective trauma. On the other hand, it feels manipulative when it come from the media. Either way, it's impossible to have closure without resolving the hostage situation. As #Hamas maximises emotional blackmail and Israel takes the bait, it's bad news for everyone, especially for #Gaza.

I feel I should end on a more positive note. Maybe I should go to another protest.

#Palestine #peace

Photo of a pizza poster next to a poster in Hebrew reading 'Bring them home now' with a yellow ribbon.