

Präsident Erdogan empfängt Hamas-Führer Haniyeh in Istanbul

Krieg in Nahost - Präsident Erdogan empfängt Chef der Terrororganisation Hamas

Die Türkei versucht offenbar stärker in eine Vermittlerrolle im Nahostkonflikt zu kommen. Dafür nutzt sie ihren Kontakt zur Terrororganisation Hamas.#TÜRKEI #HAMAS #Gaza #IsmailHaniyeh #RecepTayyipErdogan #Palästinenser #Nahost
Präsident Erdogan empfängt Hamas-Führer Haniyeh in Istanbul


Haniyeh is in Cairo for talks on possible truce and captives' release

The head of Hamas’s political bureau has arrived in Cairo for talks on the Gaza war, as hopes to grow that the Palestinian group and Israel could agree terms...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #CairoTalks #GazaTruce #GazaWar #Hamas #Haniyeh #IsmailHaniyeh #IsraeliPalestiniansCaptivesRelease #Qatar #US #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Haniyeh is in Cairo for talks on possible truce and captives' release


Gaza: Hamas Rocket attacks: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive

Mahjoob Zweiri, a professor at Qatar University, says what has happened in the last few hours has been “game-changing for the politics of the region”.“For th...#middleeast #gazastrip #aparchive #mahmoudabbas #ismailhaniyeh #benjaminnetanyahu #giladshalit #hamasrockets #aljazeeraenglish #gaza #hamasrocketattackisrael #hamasrocketattack #hamasrocketlauncher #hamasrocketsvsisraelsirondome #hamasrocketshitisrael2023 #israelnews #worldnews
Gaza: Hamas Rocket attacks: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive


Ghazi Hamad, Hamas Spokesman: Offensive against Israel

Ghazi Hamad,Hamas Spokesman: Offensive against Israel

Attacks are the response of the desecration of al Aqsa Mosque and crimes of Israeli occupation.Ghazi Hamad, Hamas spokesperson and former deputy foreign mini...#middleeast #gazastrip #aparchive #mahmoudabbas #ismailhaniyeh #benjaminnetanyahu #giladshalit #hamasrockets #aljazeeraenglish #gaza #hamasrocketattackisrael #hamasrocketattack #hamasrocketlauncher #hamasrocketsvsisraelsirondome #hamasrocketshitisrael2023
Ghazi Hamad, Hamas Spokesman: Offensive against Israel