

Hi Diasporians (kein Plan ob das euch alle richtig anspricht). Einige von euch kennen diesen Text. Denn ich habe diesen Text für meinen damaligen Umzug von wk3.org zu pod.dapor.net geschrieben. Nun also die leicht aktualisierte Version für meinen Umzug von pod.dapor.net zu diesen hier, diasp.org. Wie dem auch sei, da pod.dapor.net bald die Pforten schließt habe ich hier schnell einen neuen Hafen gefunden. Da schonmal many thx diasp.org. Ich bin alles andere als #neuhier auf Diaspora. Mein erster D*-Hafen war #joindiaspora, von da schipperte ich weiter zu #wk3, weiter zu #pod.dapor.net und nun lege ich hier an. Über all die Zeit mochte und mag ich den kreativen Content von euch allen, die alles andere als profanen Diskussionen und nicht zuletzt die spannenden Menschen, die ich teilweise schon in real life kennenlernen konnte. So und nun sammel ich mir “meine” Kontakte wieder ein.
Achso, ich interessiere mich für: #freeopensourcesoftware #foss #anarchie #kollektivismus #webdesign #grafikdesign #antifa -aus Prinzip! #it #linux #lineageOS #wordpress #joomla #umverteilung #420 und vieles mehr.

Achtung, now the english version - my english is, i would say A2 (Elementary)
Hi Diasporians (dont know if its sounds good to you). some of you know this text, couse i wrote it in the past when i moved from wk3.org to pod.dapor. how ever, pod.dapor.net will be closed in a few weeks and so i found a new habour in here. Many thx #diasp.org. I`m not #newhere at *Diaspora. My first habour was #joindispora, after that i discovered the habour of #wk3.org, then pod.dapor.net and now i will anchor here. All the time i enjoy that creative content, the deep conversations and never the less the interesting people, a few of them i met in reallife. Well, now i collect my “old” contacts.


#fr #en #tags #aide-demandée #help-wanted #diaspora #diasp #diasporg

Problem: when I go to #sundaypov page, I only see my own 2 posts if I'm connected to my account on diasp.org, and I see all 4 posts if I'm not connected to my account. Other tags -- eg #povray -- seems to work fine. This problem occurs on PC Debian running Firefox, or running Epiphany [aka Web]. It's also true on Android cellphone running Firefox or running FDroid/Dandelion.
The other #sundaypov user @tTh using another pod, can see everything fine.

Question: I'd like someone having a diasp.org account doing this test:
- create a post, containing "#sundaypov test"
- go to #sundaypov tag page (just click on tag to do so), and check if only your post is visible, or more. Please tell exactly what.

Other pods user is welcome to check this test, too.

At the moment, there exists only 4 posts: 2 from me, 2 from @tTh.

Thanks for helping. ;)


Would the Diaspora developers ever consider adding support for .WEBM uploads?
Obviously supporting videos would be a hassle most of the time, but .WEBM files are so tiny compared to other formats.
There are plenty of times when a video can be converted into both a .GIF and a .WEBM and the .WEBM is always smaller than the .WEBM.
And since .WEBMs are allowed on Diaspora, why not .WEBM files?
I just converted a bunch of .AVI files to .WEBM and this shit is tiny. It goes from 100MB to like 5.4MB, that's crazy.
#diaspora #diasp #development #developers #video #gif #gifs #webm #video #videos #thefederation