

Zwischen Kleingarten und Krieg

Es ist erstaunlich, wie rückstandfrei der damals so freche, blitzgescheite, originelle Juso-Chef Kühnert in der Funktion des Generalsekretärs verschwunden ist.

Seine Partei, sagt Kühnert beim Wandern, habe „die Aufmerksamkeit zu sehr auf diejenigen gelenkt, die staatliche Unterstützung bekommen“. So sei der Eindruck entstanden, die SPD würde sich nicht mehr um die Normalverdienende kümmern. Kurzum – kein Gewinnerthema.

Bei der Europawahl, dem ersten Wahlkampf unter Kühnerts Führung, hat die SPD auf Anti-AfD und Scholz als Friedenskanzler gesetzt. Funktioniert hat das nicht. Jetzt scheint die SPD in Thüringen um AfD und Frieden am liebsten großräumig umfahren zu wollen.

#taz #Kevin #SPD #LTW24


The Deathworlders

“Next!” I ordered. I did not at first bother to look up from the desktop in front of me where the standard security systems were scanning the being in front of me for weapons, pathogens, parasites and other such contraband.I only looked up when the machine flashed a message I had never seen before: “ERROR: Unknown Species”

It was small. Barely tall enough to see over the top of my customs desk, in fact. A quadriform biped, forelimbs ending in five manipulating digits. Much of its body was covered in obviously synthetic fabric, with only the forepaws and head visible. Much of the head—the top, around the ears, and down under and around the mouth and nose—was covered in short, coarse fur of a brownish hue, apart from where this had been shaved in front of the ear to accept a cybernetic of some description. My desk registered this as the creature’s Interspecies Communication Implant, though it seemed like a shockingly crude example.

It met my surprised stare with the level binocular gaze of a species evolved for predation and the hunt. Small, but powerful and dense-seeming. Despite its lack of height, it had strapped a pack to its torso that looked larger and heavier than I could have comfortably carried.

“Abductee 907-42-96-53-3,” It introduced itself. “Name—Kevin Jenkins.”

Fortunately, the crude cybernetic seemed to be functioning perfectly, and I had no difficulty in understanding the thing’s speech, or the subtle body language that spoke of a cocktail of bored resignation and weariness.

I had never had to deal with an abductee before, though I had been trained and knew exactly what to do. I closed the booth, stood up and gestured for the alien to follow me with my second right forelimb. “I will need to interview you in private.” I told it. Him.

He picked up a second bag, and strolled—strolled! While carrying more than I suspected I could physically lift!—after me. Whatever this thing was, it was from a high-gravity planet.

#DeathWorlders #HFY #Kevin #Jenkins #Experience #Jenkinsverse #RandomShit

From https://deathworlders.com/books/deathworlders/chapter-00-kevin-jenkins-experience/ ;)


"In a parliamentary week that has so far involved a pitched battle over how many pages the Uluru Statement is, a bold Coalition stand against cheaper drugs and a fresh bingle over that suburban barbecue-stopper, the legality of Israeli settlements, it is entirely fitting that the session should conclude with the unveiling of a Kevin Rudd official portrait so auto-parodic that no-one could stay grumpy.

More on the other stuff in a minute, but honestly … this portrait."

"..Different news outlets had different reads. News.com.au reported that the former PM was shown "at his kitchen table". The Sky News live broadcast broke the news that this was "the first official portrait to include a family pet … Mr Rudd's dog Abby". (Abby, a Golden Retriever who died three years ago, was understandably unavailable for comment.)" continuing their astonishing run of being wrong about every single thing! XD
Kevin's portrait receives a good cackle from Annabel & Brett (ABC)

The Chaser version: https://chaser.com.au/national/kevin-rudds-official-portrait-revealed/

#Australia #oz #straaya #chang-chang-chang #Kevin #portraiture #painting #politicians #cats