

"In a parliamentary week that has so far involved a pitched battle over how many pages the Uluru Statement is, a bold Coalition stand against cheaper drugs and a fresh bingle over that suburban barbecue-stopper, the legality of Israeli settlements, it is entirely fitting that the session should conclude with the unveiling of a Kevin Rudd official portrait so auto-parodic that no-one could stay grumpy.

More on the other stuff in a minute, but honestly … this portrait."

"..Different news outlets had different reads. News.com.au reported that the former PM was shown "at his kitchen table". The Sky News live broadcast broke the news that this was "the first official portrait to include a family pet … Mr Rudd's dog Abby". (Abby, a Golden Retriever who died three years ago, was understandably unavailable for comment.)" continuing their astonishing run of being wrong about every single thing! XD
Kevin's portrait receives a good cackle from Annabel & Brett (ABC)

The Chaser version: https://chaser.com.au/national/kevin-rudds-official-portrait-revealed/

#Australia #oz #straaya #chang-chang-chang #Kevin #portraiture #painting #politicians #cats