

Russian telegram channels have shared of yet another Leopard 2A4 tank disabled and abandoned by Ukraine forces in northern front

The channel reported that Russia has found the weakness in Leopard tanks and is "easily" taking them out by targeting their driver chains that makes the tank impossible to maneuver due to its heavy weight and forces the operator and the staff to abandon them.

This is the 5th verified leopard tank destroyed in the past week only.

#Ukraine #Russia #Leopard2 #MBT #BattleTank #UkraineWar #PeacrNow #StopTheWar


Russian sources have released another set of images and videos showing massive losses of US/NATO supplied weapons to Ukraine!

They say that since June 4th when Ukraine started it's counter offensive, they have managed to destroy, capture or damage 30% of all the western supplied heavy military equipment.

There are no real proof of such claim but the losses of Ukrainien forces in the past 5 days have been significant as Russian seems to have changed military tactics to attack and destroy Ukrainian heavy equipment ar at least damage them so they leave the equipment before retreating.

#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineWar #NATO #Leopard2 #Bradley


Moscow said Tuesday that it had captured several German Leopard tanks and US Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, releasing footage showing Russian troops surveying the equipment supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

So the BS story they posted last week #France24 that the images shared on social media was photoshopped is all forgotten!

Our mainstream media is turning into an embarrassing version of #Soviet #Pravdae. It's just sad that we still live in an illusion of a free and democratic society and we have a free press while #EU has put a ban on #RT and other Russian media because they are "propaganda".

#Ukraind #Russia #UkraineWar #Propaganda #AFP #Leopard2 #Bradley #Politics #Military

PS. I posted it 5 days ago and got some nasty comments on Friendlica on my DM.



Ukraine aktuell: EU verlängert Zollfreiheit für Ukraine | DW | 25.05.2023

Die Europäische Union setzt die Handelsbeschränkungen für Importe aus der Ukraine für ein weiteres Jahr aus. Wagner-Chef Prigoschin verkündet Beginn der Übergabe Bachmuts an russische Armee. Ein Nachrichtenüberblick.#Ukraine #Russland #Bundestag #Bundeswehr #Leopard2 #Tschechien #Milizen #WolodymyrSelenskyj
Ukraine aktuell: EU verlängert Zollfreiheit für Ukraine | DW | 25.05.2023


Ukraine aktuell: Bundeswehr bekommt 18 neue Leopard-2-Panzer | DW | 25.05.2023

Als Ausgleich für deutsche Panzerlieferungen an die Ukraine erhält die Bundeswehr 18 neue Kampfpanzer vom Typ Leopard 2A8. Ein russisches Kriegsschiff wehrt einen Schnellbootangriff ab. Ein Nachrichtenüberblick.#Ukraine #Russland #Bundestag #Bundeswehr #Leopard2 #Tschechien #Milizen #WolodymyrSelenskyj
Ukraine aktuell: Bundeswehr bekommt 18 neue Leopard-2-Panzer | DW | 25.05.2023


NATO, Panzer, Bunker - Baerbock in Finnland | DW | 13.02.2023

Finnland und Schweden streben in die NATO, die Türkei blockiert noch. Darum wird es beim Besuch von Außenministerin Baerbock in den beiden Ländern gehen. Aber auch um Waffenlieferungen in die Ukraine und Zivilschutz.#AnnalenaBaerbock #Finnland #Schweden #NATO #Leopard2 #Bunker #Kampfpanzer
NATO, Panzer, Bunker - Baerbock in Finnland | DW | 13.02.2023


NATO, Panzer, Bunker – Baerbock besucht Finnland | DW | 13.02.2023

Finnland und Schweden streben in die NATO, die Türkei blockiert noch. Darum wird es beim Besuch von Außenministerin Baerbock in den beiden Ländern gehen. Aber auch um Waffenlieferungen in die Ukraine und Zivilschutz.#AnnalenaBaerbock #Finnland #Schweden #NATO #Leopard2 #Bunker #Kampfpanzer
NATO, Panzer, Bunker – Baerbock besucht Finnland | DW | 13.02.2023
