

Gas Stove Pollution Lingers in Homes for Hours Even outside the Kitchen | Scientific American

Gas stoves spew nitrogen dioxide at levels that frequently exceed those that are deemed safe by health organizations
Decades of well-established research have linked nitrogen dioxide, or NO2, to respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which especially affect children and older adults. This harmful link is so well established that some states have begun banning gas appliances in new construction. And now a new study has shown in stark detail just how long and far this gas spreads and lingers in a home. By sampling homes across the U.S., the researchers found that in many, levels of exposure to NO2 can soar above the World Health Organization’s one-hour exposure limit for multiple hours—even in the bedroom that is farthest from the kitchen.

"The concentrations [of NO2] we measured from stoves led to dangerous levels down the hall in bedrooms ... and they stayed elevated for hours at a time. That was the biggest surprise for me," says Rob Jackson, a sustainability researcher at Stanford University and senior author of the study, which was published on May 3 in Science Advances.

#gas #oven



I can confirm experimentally, put a flat stone in your metal oven and you can cook a better pizza at higher temperature.


My oven reaches 270°C, but the sensor is somewhere above middle height, so that the stone eventually reaches 310°C or so.
Not the optimal 330°C but it's already far better, instead of ~240°C for 15 minutes I bake at ~300°C for about 7 minutes.

It is till long for a good pizza though, I had the occasion of using a big stone oven with wood, my pizza were baked in 1 to 2 minutes, and with the same ingredients I use in the metal oven fracking tastier.

So with my oven (every oven being different, especially for bread), you'd better first bake the dough + tomato for 3 to 4 minutes, and then put the other stuff like cheese on top, because after 7 minutes the cheese starts to burn too much, but I need the 7 minutes for the dough to start burning just what it takes (very important also for the taste : you have to burn the thing just the right amount)

#physics #science #pizza #oven #food #heat #temperature


Petit traité de boulangerie par l'équipe du Hof ter Musschen
Tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour faire (et réussir!) un pain sain et savoureux dans un four traditionnel au bois ou chez soi. Un petit manuel complet et très concret rédigé par une équipe qui a une longue expérience. Avec une préface de Marc Dewalque. Disponible lors des ateliers ou sur commande.
#pain #bread #fourapain #bruxelles #mangersain #oven #boulangerie #farine #levain


Bruxelles n'a pas (à souffrir?) de grandes cités hlm ghettos isolées en périphérie. De chouettes projets sociaux y naissent assez facilement, dont la construction d'un four à pain traditionnel qui veut redonner vie à des gens qui se croyaient oubliés avec toutes leurs compétences. Il deviendra ensuite lieu d'échange et - je l'espère - de rencontre et de créativité autour de nos défis dès ce printemps lorsqu'il sera achevé. Un petit résumé en photos : https://public.joomeo.com/users/tortebarbe/albums/6194fa6346d09/slideshow .
#pain #bread #fourapain #bruxelles #mangersain #oven