

2024-04-14: Bonnmarathon mit 13.600 Teilnehmern bei herrlichem Frühlingswetter

Nachfolgend ein paar Fotos vom Marathon, Stimmungsbilder ohne besonderen Fokus auf einzelne Personen oder sportliche Aspekte. Die Pänz hatten sich angemeldet, sind bei uns untergekommen und waren beide unter den ersten hundert Plätzen, von 918 männlichen Teilnehmern des 42,195 km-Laufs. Wir waren schon vom Wechsel zwischen den verschiedenen Punkten der Strecke ziemlich erschöpft. :-)

#bonn #bonnmarathon #20240414 #marathon


#Quote Mourning in sports: runner dies while crossing the finish line in the Monterrey #Marathon

Monday 11th December 2023 10:59 PM

Participants, organizers and public who attended the Monterrey Marathon 2023 They were shocked after a runner of the race collapsed seconds after crossing the finish line after 42 kilometers of travel.

Is about Juan Mendoza Luna 49 years old, native of Queretarowho was struck down at the end of the event organized at the Fundidora Park from the capital of Nuevo León, a place that also functioned as the starting line.

From his social networks, the Powerade Monterrey Marathon 2023 announced the news where the participant had recorded a time of 3 hours, 3 minutes and 7 tenths, placing him in 127th place out of the more than 7 thousand registered runners.

The 42 kilometer route passed through the municipalities of Monterey and San Pedro Garza Garcíatwo areas badly hit by the heat wave that lurks in the north of the country, which for many Internet users on networks could have been the cause of death.

“The organizing committee of the Powerade Monterrey Marathon deeply regrets the death of runner Juan Mendoza Luna,” those in charge of the event published.
The organizers announced that the deceased did receive immediate medical attention, but it was not enough.

Through a statement, the Monterrey Marathon revealed the news and indicated that Juan Mendoza Luna was quickly attended to by the medical director of the race, Fernando CastillejaHowever, he had to be rushed to Social Security Clinic 2, very close to the race venue.

Although the doctors did everything possible, the veteran athlete’s life could not be saved and they confirmed his death a few minutes later. At the same time, the director of the event, Edilberto González reported that each of the participants must sign insurance in case of any accident, so all funeral expenses will be covered by the company. Until now, the causes of death are unknown.


— How a Tarahumara woman won a Mexican ultramarathon in sandals

— Comment une femme Tarahumara a remporté un ultramarathon mexicain en sandales.

-> trad. fr .pdf

María Lorena Ramírez, 22 ans, est l'une des meilleures coureuses de fond de la communauté indigène des Rarámuri. Le 29 avril, elle a battu 500 athlètes de 12 pays différents pour arriver en tête de l'ultramarathon de 50 kilomètres connu localement sous le nom d'UltraTrail Cerro Rojo, qui s'est déroulé dans l'État de Puebla, au Mexique.
Sans entraînement ni équipement appropriés, María Lorena Ramírez a couru plus de sept heures (en sandales) pour remporter le premier prix.

#Femmes #Women #Mujeres #Mexique #peuples-autochtones #Tarahumara #marathon


Snowman Race in Buthan: Ultramarathon gegen den Klimawandel | DW | 19.10.2022

Das neue "Snowman Race" im Himalaya-Staat Bhutan gilt als eines der härtesten Rennen der Welt. Das sagt auch die in Deutschland lebende Ultra-Läuferin Holly Zimmermann, die bei der Premiere dabei war.#Bhutan #Marathon #Klimawandel
Snowman Race in Buthan: Ultramarathon gegen den Klimawandel | DW | 19.10.2022