

This Is How You Can Avoid Microplastics In Your Food
Nowadays, microplastics appear to be everywhere, from the arctic to deep into people’s lungs, which is very concerning. Plastic gradually degrades into microscopic microplastics that humans consume, drink, and breathe in. Inevitably, microplastics find their way into natural food systems and rivers, where they can eventually end up on your plate.

Though it is impossible to totally avoid microplastics, we may make intentional efforts to reduce our exposure to microplastics to a significant extent. Here are some ways to hopefully avoid microplastics:

Avoid Single-use Packaging
Carry your own takeaway containers and reusable silverware. More toxins seep into your meal when heated food comes into touch with plastic to-go containers. The same holds true for your morning coffee poured into a throwaway, plastic-lined cup. Pack your own bamboo utensils or silverware, and put your food in glass or metal containers to prevent microplastics from getting into it.

#Avoid #Microplastics #Food


This Is How You Can Avoid Microplastics In Your Food
Nowadays, microplastics appear to be everywhere, from the arctic to deep into people’s lungs, which is very concerning. Plastic gradually degrades into microscopic microplastics that humans consume, drink, and breathe in. Inevitably, microplastics find their way into natural food systems and rivers, where they can eventually end up on your plate.

Though it is impossible to totally avoid microplastics, we may make intentional efforts to reduce our exposure to microplastics to a significant extent. Here are some ways to hopefully avoid microplastics:

Avoid Single-use Packaging
Carry your own takeaway containers and reusable silverware. More toxins seep into your meal when heated food comes into touch with plastic to-go containers. The same holds true for your morning coffee poured into a throwaway, plastic-lined cup. Pack your own bamboo utensils or silverware, and put your food in glass or metal containers to prevent microplastics from getting into it.

#Avoid #Microplastics #Food


#Tire Wear a Major Source of #Microplastics, Say Researchers

Source: https://www.plasticstoday.com/medical/tire-wear-a-major-source-of-microplastics-say-researchers

Six million tonnes of tire wear particles are released globally each year. Particulate matter from tire wear is a significant source of microplastics in rivers and oceans, and tire wear in cities could pose up to a four-fold greater risk to the environment than other microplastics, according to the researchers.

#car #traffic #problem #environment #health #pollution #nature #ocean #science


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Over 1.5 BILLION f#ace #masks now believed to be polluting oceans thanks to 2020

Disposable face masks can take more than 450 years to break down. As 2020 draws to a close, one of the most recognizable symbols of the year may be the protective face mask. As the "novel coronavirus" swept across the globe earlier this year, billions of people began wearing the face coverings, with one study estimating that no less than 129 billion face masks were being used every month around the world.
However, as face masks have become ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives, they’ve also grown to litter every corner of our neighborhoods, from storm drains to creeks, parks to beaches. And now, it turns out that our oceans are swimming with face masks, according to a new report from marine conservation NGO OceansAsia.

“Once #plastic enters the #marine #environment, it’s very difficult to move,” Dr. Teale Phelps Bondaroff, the group’s director of #research, told Denver 7.

“The fact that we are starting to find masks that are breaking up indicates that this is a real problem, that #microplastics are being produced by masks,” Bondaroff said.

The Hong Kong-based group estimates that some 1.56 billion face masks will have flooded our #oceans in 2020 alone – a grim statistic that they have witnessed firsthand since face masks began washing up on a small island off the coast of the Chinese mega-city since the start of the pandemic.
The masks could become yet another major contributor to the ongoing crisis of plastic #pollution in our #ocean, with disposable face masks taking as long as 450 years to break down.

The #single-use masks that are recommended by #health authorities and used as personal protective equipment in hospitals across the world are made of multiple layers of #polypropylene, which are thin fibers of plastic ( #NOW IN YOUR #LUNGS ~B).

And with 52 billion masks being manufactured in this year, with the average weight of each single-use polypropylene surgical face mask being 3 to 4 grams, we could be looking at anywhere from 4,680 to 6,240 metric tons of new marine plastic pollution.


#microplastics #masks #mandated
Microplastics From Masks Found Deep in Lungs of the Living - Researchers found 39 microplastics in surgical lung samples from 11 of 13 people. There were 12 types that would commonly be found in plastic bottles, twine, clothing and surgical masks. A respirator specialist says surgical masks don't meet the legal definition of a mask but rather are "breathing barriers." He was emphatic they are shedding microplastics small enough to be inhaled. A data analysis of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Kansas revealed counties with mask mandates had higher mortality rates than those without mask mandates. Once inhaled or consumed, microplastics can be found in your bloodstream in particles small enough to cross membrane barriers.


#Chemelot mag 14.000 kilo #microplastics per jaar in de #Maas lozen

Veel van het plastic dat in Nederland de toonbank over gaat, vindt zijn oorsprong bij Chemelot, het grootste industriecomplex van ons land.
Chemelot heeft het afgelopen jaar een vergunning aangevraagd en gekregen om 7 jaar lang reststromen te mogen lozen in de Maas. In de #vergunningaanvraag wordt erkend dat er (naast tal van andere stoffen) ook 468 μg/l #polymeren (#microplastics) in deze reststromen zitten, wat neer komt op het lozen van minstens 14.040 kg per jaar aan minuscule deeltjes plastic, die hebben rondgedreven in een industriële waterzuivering waar ze direct met gevaarlijke chemicaliën in contact zijn gekomen en deze hebben kunnen opnemen.

Chemelot is verplicht deze effecten te onderzoeken, maar hoeft daar pas in januari 2024 met een rapportage op terug te komen.

“De aankomende 2,5 jaar mag het chemische industriecomplex dus ongestoord doorgaan met het lozen van plastic verbindingen in ons (drink)water, met sterke vermoedens over de #schadelijkheid ervan voor #mens en #milieu. Dat is de wereld op zijn kop” aldus Maria Westerbos, directeur van Plastic Soup Foundation.



reminds of the posts about all the pollution from all those #masks, especially the microplastics as the synthetic fiber ones break down.

#StephenFry #Eat #Breathe #drink #pindex #plastic #plasticapocalypse #microplastics #pollution #airpollution #carbontax #jawdropping #pollutionprofiteers #coal #

#WeAreInALotOfTrouble #ThisIsNotADrill

... and so maddening, since due to various innovations, for decades, we've not needed burn fossil fuels to achieve our high-tech lifestyles of comfort. But, the powerful profiteers want to keep us enslaved and kept as their lucrative cash cows, to tip the balance of wealth in their favour, and to hell with the #externalities driving us all to #hell. #thanks #capitalism #blinding #greed