

If you've got a little extra time, I've really been enjoying this fresh new voice out of #Australia by way of #UK. In this one she mentions the #banning of #asbestos and #lead based #paints #explaining that they #helped #protect against #fire and #emf's respectively.

She also discovers that the methane in natural gas is one of nature's most powerful anti-inflammatories as reported by the NIH, where it says the elements contained within methane are in every human cell and are crucial for human survival.

She composes herself well with a firm and relaxed delivery and I have to say I haven't disagreed with anything she's reported. Follow the #white-rabbit.
https://rumble.com/v38cz3y-update-migrants-maui-and-the-natural-gas-ban.html See less



Rebuilding Ukraine: The imminent risks from asbestos | PreventionWeb

However, the war also will have cascading, long-term impacts, including a secondary environmental disaster caused by uncontrolled asbestos. This will undoubtedly present significant long term health risks for residents and also for those who may come to assist in reconstruction efforts.

During its time under the Soviet Union, Ukraine itself was a major producer of asbestos, and used high volumes of asbestos-containing materials in construction. Although policy makers were increasingly aware of the risks, the complex geopolitics between Russia and Ukraine made it extremely difficult for Ukraine to ban the import, sale or use of asbestos. In fact, in 2011 the government of Ukraine sided with Russia to block the inclusion of chrysotile asbestos in the Rotterdam Convention, an international agreement on the trade of hazardous chemicals.

#ukraine #asbestos #environment



Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine: FDA approves single-shot jab

#Johnson&Johnson have had #FDA approval for a single-shot #covid-19 #vaccine - on the face of it, this surely seems a good thing.

However, this is the same Johnson and Johnson that denied that there was #asbestos in their baby powder, before recalling the product - because it contained asbestos.

Further, Johnson and Johnson and #GlaxoSmithKlein apparently take every opportunity they can to work together, including a rheumatoid arthritis drug #trial and a once-monthly #HIV treatment .

This of course is the GlaxoSmithKlein whose #vaccine for #H1N1 has been shown to significantly increase the chances of contracting #narcolepsy in those who have taken it, or in the case of the #children who had the #jab, had it thrust upon them.

GlaxoSmithKlein did extremely well out of all this. The #UK Government bought 90 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine, called #Pandemrix and of course, had no legal liability.

So, I guess, fingers crossed that J&J who have worked extensively with GSK in the past, share none of their #scientific methods, #marketing tactics or #ethical boundaries.