In #2015, researchers in the #Netherlands performing a #CT #scan on a #statue of a sitting #Buddha discovered the last thing they were expecting to find. The statue contained a #monk that had been #mummified for 1,000 years. Rather than simply placing the monk inside the statue, researchers discovered that the monk was filled with scraps of paper covered in Chinese characters. In order to mummify oneself a monk would take on a special diet of poisonous tea in order to ensure that the body would be too toxic to be consumed by maggots. It’s rare that a monk could accomplish such a feat, but the few who pulled it off were revered within the community.
Notker the Stammerer ( c. 840 – 6 April 912), Notker Balbulus, or simply Notker, was a Benedictine monk at the Abbey of Saint Gall,
Switzerland. He was active as a librarian, composer, poet and scholar. Notker made substantial contributions to both the music and literature of his medieval time.
-The life of Notker the Stammerer (latin: Balbulus) revolved around the Swiss monastery of Saint Gall where he received a refined education before being ordained as a monk.
According to Ekkehard, the Benedictine monk had a severe difficulty in articulating words. Despite this form of stuttering, he was highly appreciated by the Emperor Charles the Fat to the point that he became his occasional counselor.
Notker the Stammerer was highly fascinated by the world of sounds and cultivated the art of composition in conjunction with his monastic duties.
The #monk who feeds the #monkeys living in the #forest surrounding ...
Schiermonnikoog (Friesland) 2017
Ook deze monnik heft een vermanend vingertje, net als die van gisteren.
#foto #fotografie #friesland #ironwork #monk #monnik #photo #photography #schiermonnikoog #smeedijzer
Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2023/02/13/nog-een-wijzend-vingertje/
Schiermonnikoog (Friesland) 2017
Het eiland Schiermonnikoog was in de middeleeuwen bezit van een klooster. De monniken droegen grijze (schiere) pijen en gaven zo Schiermonnikoog haar naam (oog = eiland). Op diverse plekken op het eiland kom je daarom afbeeldingen van monniken tegen, ook op een van de vuurtorens.
Het wijzende vingertje van religieuzen roept bij mij altijd gemengde gevoelens op.
#foto #fotografie #friesland #monk #monnik #photo #photography #schiermonnikoog #standbeeld #statue
Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2023/02/12/de-schiere-monnik/
Schiermonnikoog (Friesland) 2017
De vuurtoren die gisteren op dit weblog stond, heeft een windwijzer in de vorm van een monnik. Monniken gaven Schiermonnikoog haar naam. Van Wikipedia:
In de middeleeuwen was Schiermonnikoog een uithof van het cisterciënzerklooster Claercamp uit Rinsumageest bij Dokkum, een van de kloosters in Friesland. De monniken van het klooster, die land indijkten, droegen grijze pijen. Zo ontstond de naam: schier betekent grijs, en oog betekent eiland (en is etymologisch hetzelfde als ei in eiland). Bron
In close-up is te zien dat de monnik een drinkbeker in de hand heeft:
Schiermonnikoog (Friesland) 2017
#foto #fotografie #friesland #lighthouse #monk #monnik #photo #photography #schiermonnikoog #vuurtoren
Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2023/02/11/monnik/
#LützerathBleibt #Lützerath #cops #germany #humor #funny #monk
„Schlammcatchen in Lützerath“:
„Wir zollen riesigen Respekt an Euch da draußen. Ihr macht einen Wahnsinnsjob“
#LützerathBleibt #Lützerath #cops #germany #humor #funny #monk
#Luetzerathbleibt #BennyHill https://t.co/l7mF5gDOeh pic.twitter.com/zlIQzg9rXh
— (((𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕤𝓤𝓵𝓽𝓻𝓪))) (@UniversUltra) January 15, 2023
The true monk has no title and wears no robe.
The true disciple of the Buddha knows nothing about Buddhism.
#zen #zazen #meditation #spirituality #monk #Buddhism #quote #freedom
Der Monk in mir schreit!!!!
#monk #rechtschreibung
Weihnachten: Welche Tonne wird wann gelehrt? https://t.co/m78Tm6CikI
— wiesbaden_lebt (@wiesbaden_lebt) December 8, 2021
The Light of Truth
Ven. Lokanātha (Salvatore Cioffi)
has been the first #Italian to be ordained as a Buddhist #monk back in the 1925 in Burma. He spent almost all his monastic life in Asia between #Burma, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand with an indefatigable missionary spirit to propagate #Buddhism worldwide.
The book “The Light of Truth” is a collection of #Dhamma talks given in Singapore in 1947 where he had just begun his preaching tour headed to the USA.
His spiritual ardor and good humor are still well remembered In Burma.
It HAS to be a very special kind of OCD when you're standing at a traffic light and your most intense concern is to syncronize your own cars turn signal to that of the car in front of you.
I call this and this officially present to you, the:
Monk of the Day
Technology Connections - Why it's not possible to synchronize turn signals (but also absolutely is)
#turn #signal #ocd #monk #technology #connections #randomshit