


15 Nov 2024
After touching the glaciers and rocks on the northwest slope of #MountKailash, I immediately headed to the south slope to touch her holiest rock and to worship at the thirteen stupas nestled in the mountain's crevices. Two years ago, I made a wish in here to promote the beauty of Tibet and its religious culture, and now I have achieved that.

My followers have grown to over 250,000, and more than 1,000 tourists from around the world have learned about and traveled to Tibet through my videos and travel with me.

This trek up the south slope of #Mount-Kailash was incredibly thrilling and dangerous; in August, heavy snowfall fell from the sky, and I nearly slipped off the slippery, steep rocks into a valley more than 50 meters deep. I believe my efforts were worthwhile. As a #Tibetan guide, I have successfully led tourists from all over the world in over 60 Kora treks around Mount #Kailash, and this is my second successful climb to the thirteen stupas on the south slope.

The thirteen stupas, also known as the Inner Kora of Mount Kailash, are the holiest site for both Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims. If you wish to explore Mount Kailash in depth, I can take you there. It may be a bit dangerous, but I believe you can join me in this adventure for your passion and faith, right?

I‘m Risking My Life to do the thrilling trek up to #south face of #MtKailash and touch the holy rock


--15 min.--
If there was anyone who knew #how to #cultivate #compassion, it was #Milarepa.
Milarepa was an #enlightened #Tibetan #spiritual master who was born in 1452.
He is considered one of the greatest #Buddhist masters who ever lived. During his lifetime, Milarepa established the lineage of the Kagyu sect; however, he is very highly venerated, to this day, by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

Today as we go through this school of life, we shall try to understand how an enlightened person lives. In our pursuit of wonder, we shall borrow knowledge from the following traditions: Buddhism( #Zen and #Tibetian), #Advaita #Vedanta, #Taoism, Confucianism and other schools of #philosophy.

In the West, the intuition of emptiness (expressed in Western philosophy often as nihilism) is conceived as lack. This inherent sense of lack, according to the scholar David R. Loy, is seen as needing to be overcome or obsessively filled. This explains the West's hyper-consumerism, narcissism, and obsession with things and status.

We obsessively spend our days in the desperate attempt to fill with consumer goods the void intuited at the centre of existence.

The East (even though becoming more and more Westernised every day) has traditionally seen emptiness, not as lack, but as pure potentiality.

That is to say, emptiness is seen as pure allowing. That which allows anything at all to exist.

Emptiness is seen as the generative ground from which anything at all can arise.


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#AchiChokyi is #Tibetan (ca. 1000s) but she is proficient enough in #Sanskrit to respond to the name #Dharma #Tara.

She is powerful enough that she composed herself into #sadhanas. And these were so powerful that this was the experience of H. H. First Karmapa (called Druptop here):

...the sound of a #damaru [resounded] from the sky and the melodious voice of a ḍākinī arose. Druptop asked the Lord of the Dharma (Chos rje) how this could be, [and] he replied, “The voice which arises is a Wisdom ḍākinī, my Grandmother.”

Druptop insisted, “What is her sadhana like? How is [her] practice done?” ] Because of that [Jigten Sumgon] bestowed many extensive sadhana and the fifteen chapters [of] the Precious Diadem in the Sadhana Cycle (Sgrub skor rin chen cod pan le’u). Druptop said, “Having reviewed the oral transmission with earnest, the essence [of the] goddess (hri ma) rose up from the sphere of reality, [and I] perceived [her] with divine sight from the sphere of wisdom.

Departing from the behavior of many of #Tibet’s mundane, oath-bound protectors, however, Achi takes multiple roles, making her an interesting point of departure in this category. According to at least one sadhana, besides being taken as one’s dharma protector, she can be taken as one’s inner-most secret lama (gsang bla ma), one’s inner yidam (nang ltar yi dam), or one’s secret ḍākinī consort.

She did not perish in a usual way:

...she flew into the air on the back of a #blue #horse, accompanied by a #small #dog, and departed for the #Pure Lands.
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#Tibet still under full attack by the evil ones
#Outraged: Chinese social networks erupt over ‘zero-COVID’ campaign’s abuse of #Tibetan #people
#China #Revealed

"The “zero-COVID” policy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seems to be out of control. The repression, the lockdown of the Tibet region, and the massive transfer of hundreds of residents to quarantine centers, has outraged Chinese citizens. Several videos circulated on social networks denounce the mistreatment and abuse of the Tibetan people by the Chinese regime...."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=YEGik3CpCv8