

#Cat saves #Dog`s life

#love #cats

Watch: Fearless #Oklahoma Cat Saves Family Dog Being

KFOR - A dog is alive and wagging her tail, thanks to the family cat who scared off two attacking coyotes. While the family’s two other big dogs were outside but out of camera view, Dyer said they let the 6-year-old Havanese dog outside to go to the bathroom. It was inspiring to see just our little outdoor cat just jump at two coyotes that were attacking this little dog who she loves and run them off.”

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Buckled train rails due to climate?

#OK #Oklahoma #MooreOK #trainwreck #rails

The train derailment in the vicinity of Moore OK has been dominating the media headlines this evening but doing a search on the various articles on it, the only entity reporting that the rails had buckled is OKC's KFOR TV.

To be clear, OK weather this year has been manic and rainier than usual...blamed on El Nino rather than anything to do with cimate, since OK is petroleum industry run. How ever lately, temps have gone from near 110 to a nippy cold front bringing the highs down to the high 80s/low 90s F...and that's a huge contrast. Just sayin'.



Right Wing Oklahoma Puzzler

#conservativeactivisim #thinktank #Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs is as rightwing radical as a group can get, but says it wants to protect journalism's First Amentment to report...what, any ole shit including disinformation so it should be held harmless against all lawsuits? It's a lot of word salad to dish up, but make of it what you will.
