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This #nakshatra refers to the realm of “ #maya,” which means “illusion. #Satabhisha nakshatra is also known as the “ #veiling #star,” and besides #healing, it is a sign of #mysticism, #spirituality, and secretive vision. The “ #empty #circle” star symbol for”other general traits of #Shatabhishak Nakshatra are an interest in the reality of the #universe and a mysterious tendency to hide things. Its name means “medicine” or “bhesaja” in Sanskrit.
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Shatabhisha Nakshatra, which means “100 physicians or doctors,” is associated with medicine and healing qualities.

People born under this nakshatra are independent, interested in puzzles, curious about many things, and willing to dig deep to find the truth. Shatabhisha is a mysterious star that looks at the hidden parts of life. This can lead to a lonely life, and people born under this sign should be mindful of sorrow and privacy. Overall, Shatabhisha Nakshatra gives a person a sincere, wise, and ambitious personality.

In addition to their keenness and vigilance, they are also distinguished by their intellectual ability and excellent recall.

Favorable activities in this Nakshatra are Business dealings, Contracts, Real estate, Education, Knowledge, Entertainment, Acquiring new vehicles, traveling, Astronomy, astronomy, Medicine, Rejuvenation therapy, Meditation and Yoga, Nautical, Technology, Media events, and the sea excursion side of

Unfavorable activities in this nakshatra are marriage, fertility treatments, lawsuits, arguments, negative actions, new beginnings in general, socializing too much, financial matters, buying clothes or jewellery, and domestic activities.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first charana of Shatabhisha will fall in Sagittarius Navmansha, and Jupiter rules this charana. These people will be irritable and act quickly. They are nice and caring, but they are vulnerable to being taken advantage of. They have confidence and bravery.

Second pada of Shatabhisha Nakshatra: The second pada of Shatabhisha Nakshatra falls in the Capricorn Navamsha, whose lord is Saturn. They are very ambitious and realistic, and work very hard to improve their careers. They are often mature in their viewpoint.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada falls on the Aquarius Navamsa, which is ruled by Saturn. as a Vargottama pada, are beneficial to one’s financial well-being, but they also have a reputation for being temperamental and odd. They have a strong passion for learning and the ability to heal.

Jupiter controls the Pisces Navamsa, which contains the fourth pada of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra constellation. As a result, the emphasis in this part is on empathy and rehabilitation. People with unfavorable planetary configurations are more likely to develop an addiction to intoxicants. They become good healers or doctors on a spiritual level. Their physical appearance is impressive.

People with Shatabhisha rising in their horoscope are disciplined, focused, and diligent, which is a beneficial trait of this native. One of their strengths is that they prioritise rationality and investigation while placing a high value on tradition. It also includes the capacity to diagnose and treat. The desire for academic success, intuition, and attention skills are all desirable attributes. Positive characteristics of his personality include a systematic method and nice presentation skills. Some of the unfavorable traits of Shatabhishakha natives include being obstinate, adamant, and stubborn.

Furthermore, their extreme earnestness and proclivity for loneliness are among the most noticeable negative features. Such folks are prone to irrational outbursts and authoritarianism, and their negative traits include rude manners, inappropriateness, long-held loyalty to tradition, and an unwillingness to innovate. His negative traits include laziness, roughness, and a lack of social skills.

Nakshatra Shatabhisha Career Opportunities Because of their intelligence, recall, and intuition, they thrive in subjects connected to health and psychology. They will also flourish in astronomy and astrology projects. Those who have Rahu prominently in their birth charts are more likely to operate in fields that require decisiveness and leadership.

Incompatibility and Compatibility with the Shatabhisha Nakshatra:

Since Ashwini is a male horse and Shatabhisha is a female horse, they are naturally drawn to each other. In the same way that the horse is naturally drawn to the snake and the monkey, the constellations Rohini, Mrigashira, Purvashada, and Shravan all help the animal sign they belong to. In view of the natural enmity of the Nakshatra towards Buffalo, Hasta and Swati Nakshatras are not formed in it at all. Veda dosha theory also shows that Shatabhisha and Hasta don’t go well together.

Rasi (Zodiac): Aquarius

Range: 06o 40’ > 20o 00’ Aquarius

Padas Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Ruling Planet Rahu (North Node of the Moon, Head)

“Requiring a Hundred Physicians or Hundred Healers”

Indications: “The Hundred Stars”, “The Veiling Star” and “Fortunate Star of the King.”

Body Part The Jaw, the Right Thigh

Guna (Quality) #Tamas

Gana (Race) #Rakshasa (Demon)

Purushartha (Goal) and Dharma (Righteousness)

Tridosha #Vata (Wind or Air + Space)

Nature/Category of Star #Chara (Movable, Changeable)

Direction #South

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): #Ether

Shakti (Power) Bheshaja (The Power to “Heal and Support”)

TriMurthi (Process) Shiva (Dissolve)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Urdhwa Mukha (Looking Up or Facing Upwards)

Yoni (Gender) #Female Animal Symbol: #Horse

#Bird #Raven, Asian Koel (Kokila), #Heron

Sounds: Go, Saa, See, Soo

#Tree /Plant #Kadamba, Common #Bur #Flower (Latin Name: Anthocephalus)

Color: blue-green

The planet #Rahu rules over the Shatabhishakha star. If the influence of Rahu is negative, a person may end up ruining their life by pursuing meaningless knowledge. Such a person tends to be attached to things and acts impulsively without thinking things through. Rahu may also lead them to deliver lies, secrets and confidential information, and is believed to be inclined towards magical events. Therefore, if Rahu’s impact is negative, the individual may end up wasting their life chasing after pointless information.refore, if Rahu’s impact is negative, the individual may end up wasting their life chasing after pointless information.



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The purest first drop of rain will correctly define Swati #Nakshatra. Also, the fifteenth constellation of the zodiac means ‘ #sword’. As the name suggests, the natives of Swati Nakshatra will be impressed with brilliance and talent. Swati has excellent communication skills and is incomparable to expressing their thoughts freely. These will add to the charm of the native, and the native will use it to experience the world. Also, strongly believe in social etiquette. The native’s trials to best fit into society will continue throughout his/her life. Due to the positive attitude and confidence of the native, the native will remain unmoved in the changing times. Regardless of the situation the native is dealing with, doing the right thing will always be their motto. The ruling planet Rahu will indicate the hidden potential of the native.

Our #birth nakshatra and Lagna nakshatra are the roadmaps of our lives; it indicate our nature, the direction of our lives, and our preferences. It improves our development if we understand the quality of your birth constellation and apply it to our life

This Nakshatra is owned by Lord #Vayu and is also influenced by #Rahu. As a result, both of them leave their influence on the constellation and give it qualities like independence, spontaneity, complete freedom, and restless behavior.

Individuals are generally characterized by self-confidence and the immense knowledge that they possess.

characteristics of behavior

They are quite sociable by nature, but due to the influence of air, one of those distinguishing behavioural characteristics is a steadfast attitude. Natives are very helpful and proactive in assisting anyone who needs it, as long as it does not interfere with their independence. They dislike criticism, either of their work or of criticism in general. Another easily observable behavioural trait is not being overly influenced by a person’s status or social position and giving them limited respect.

positive signs

Referring to the positive traits of the individuals of this Nakshatra, they are very knowledgeable and witty, have high self-esteem and have a strong liking for working in freedom. They are God-fearing and religious people and helpful and truthful in nature, which defines some of the other positive traits found in these people.

negative signs and symptoms

Although they have many positive traits, their strong independence-centeredness draws some of the negative traits that are common in these people. They are frequently found to be obstinate and adamant. They refuse to listen to some coworkers if they believe their independence has been compromised in any way. This can create chaos in both work and personal life. Other common negative symptoms include agitation and uncertainty in decision-making. They may not be well-liked in society as a result of these characteristics.

Favourable: Business, Trade, Socializing, Buying/Selling, Art and Science, Diplomacy, Grooming of Oneself, Business and Trade Agreements,

Unfavourable: Travel, Confrontation, Fierce or Aggressive Behaviour

Symbol: A Single Blade of Grass waving in the Wind (reflecting the Independent )

Deity: Vayu (God of Wind and Prana or Life-breath)

Body Part: The Intestines, Chest

Guna (Quality): Tamas

Gana: Deva (Divine)

Purushartha (Goal): #Artha (Wealth or Material Pursuits)

Tridosha: #Kapha

Nature: #Chara

Varna (Caste): Butcher

Gotra (Clan): Marichi Direction: North

Element: Agni (Fire)

Direction: North

#Shakti (Power): Pradhvamsa Shakti ( Scatter like the Wind or Transform”)

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Transformation

TriMurthi : Shiva

Yoni (Gender): #Male

Animal : #Buffalo

Bird: #Bee-eater Bird, #Pigeon

Sounds: Ru, Ray, Raa, Tha

Tree/ Plant: #Arjun

Colour: #Black

Swati Nakshatra compatibility and incompatibility

These people normally do not enjoy a pleased married life and thus need to choose their partner carefully. They are compatible with constellations like Punarvasu, Chitra and Hasta, while the incompatible constellations are Rohini and Bharani.


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The people of #Ardra #Nakshatra are endowed with the ability to work well and succeed professionally. People who are born under the Ardra nakshatra are seekers of knowledge and they continue to acquire knowledge from whatever source they can. Ardra means the power to attain gains by working hard towards it, and this nakshatra stands for transformation and destruction. Nakshatra signifies the carrying forward of some unfulfilled desires of the past life to the present life embodied in our subconscious.

The individuals born in this nakshatra have the destructive abilities of Lord #Rudra and Lord #Shiva. They usually have a lot of emotions, and their emotions are not balanced. These people are either very happy or very angry.

Meaning: Moist or wet Ruling Deity: #Rahu

Nakshatra Lord: Durga Nakshatra Symbol: #Teardrop

Nakshatra Deity: Rudra, the Lord of Storms #Shakti (power to/of…): Effort

Nakshatra Caste: Sankara (Inter Caste) Nakshatra Nature: The Sharp or Dreadful (Tikshna) or hard (Daruna)

Nakshatra Gana: Manushya Gana (Human) Nakshatra Body Parashara: Ears

Nakshatra Rashi / Zodiac: Gemini sign (Mithuna)

Nakshatra Marriage: Auspicious

Nakshatra Translation: Ardra translates into moistness, greenery and freshness

Nakshatra Controlling/Ruling Planet: Rahu Nakshatra Number: 6

Nakshatra Gender: Female Nakshatra Names Letter: ku, kham, ja, chh

Nakshatra Lucky Stone: Gomedha Nakshatra Lucky Colour: Green

Nakshatra Lucky or Favourable Numbers 4 Nakshatra Guna: Tamasic

Nakshatra Dosha: #Vata Nakshatra Element: #Water

Nakshatra Bird: #Andril Nakshatra Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Female #Dog

Nakshatra Tree: Rakta Kadira or #KrishnaKadir.

The name Ardra means “wet” or “charged with water”. Individuals born under the influence of Rudra or Shiva are said to be Ardra. Shiva is known for his calm and placid nature and his concern for the well-being of the world, but he is also known as the “destructor”. He protected the world from the poison that was thrown out during the “Samudra manthan”, but his anger can bring about the destruction of the world through his “tandav”. Ardra people possess these characteristics in their core. They face many challenges in their lives, with many ups and downs, but they know how to deal with them. When they’re upset or sad, it’s best for them to stay connected with nature as nature has a healing effect on them.


#Shathabishak is the 24th #nakshatra in the series of 27 #nakshatras given in the #VedicAstrology. #Shatabhisha nakshatra is also known as the ‘veiling star,’ ‘The Hundred Stars,’ and ‘Fortunate Star of the King.’ The name translates to – Hundred Physicians, or Hundred Medicines, or Possessing a Hundred #Healers.
It inhabits the Aquarius realm, and both Saturn and lunar node Rahu govern the nakshatra. A group of faint stars within Aquarius form the Shatabhisha nakshatra, and the brightest star of the group is Sadalachbia (Gamma Aquarii).

Astrological Range: 306°40′ to 320°00′ Aquarius
Nakshatra Number: 24
Gender: #Neuter
Symbol: Empty #circle or a #charm
Presiding Deity: #Varuna -god of #Cosmic #Waters
Controlling/Ruling Planet: #Rahu
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Durga
Shakti: : #Healing or Bheshaja Shakti
Caste: #Shudra
Nature: The movable or ephemeral (Chara)
Gana: #Rakshasa (demonic)
Body Varāhamihira: Chin, laughter
Body Parashara: Knees
Rashi/Zodiac: Aquarius sign
Marriage: Not Auspicious
Translation: The hundred healers
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Go, Sa, Si, Su
Lucky letters: G & S
Lucky Stone: Gomedhaka
Lucky Color: Blue Green
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 4
Common Name of Associated Tree: Kadambha
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Anthocephalus Cadamba
Astronomical Name: Lambda Aquarii
Dosha: #Vata
Guna: #Tamasic
Element: #Ether
Bird Name: #Raven
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Female #Horse
Career: Medicine, Psychology, writers, poets, artisans, astronomers, astrologers, spiritual masters, space engineers, nuclear physicists, explorers, pilots, Zen practitioners, Reiki practitioners



#Ardra is the brightest star in the #Orion #constellation. It is also known as the Star of Sorrow and the Star of Oppression. Symbolized by #teardrop, Ardra natives are tested intensely, and their life lessons are hard-learned.
Their hardships hold testimony to their success, which comes during later stages of life. The presiding deity – #Rudra and the ruling planet – #Rahu brings confusion and chaos to the lives of people born under the star.
But they also bring in intense hunger for knowledge and lose themselves in quests to quench their thirst for knowledge.
They are bold and are straightforward. The natives are highly sensitive, and more than often, emotions cloud their judgments, making them think from the heart rather than the mind.

Astrological Range: 66°40′ to 80°00′ Gemini
#Nakshatra Number: 6
Gender: Female
Symbol: Teardrop, Diamond
Presiding Deity: Rudra
Controlling/Ruling Planet: Rahu
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Durga
Shakti: Yatna Shakti
Caste: Sankara (Inter Caste)
Nature: The Sharp or Dreadful (Tikshna) or hard (Daruna)
Gana: Manushya Gana (Human)
Body Varāhamihira: Hair, scalp
Body Parashara: Ears
Rashi/Zodiac: Gemini sign (Mithuna)
Marriage: Auspicious
Translation: The Moist One, Fresh, Green
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Ku, Kha, Nga, Chha
Lucky letters: K, G, N, C
Lucky Stone: Gomedh
Lucky Color: Green
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 4
Common Name of Associated Tree: Long Pepper, Rakta Kadira or Krishna Kadira
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Piper longum
Astronomical Name: Alpha Orionis
Dosha: #Vata
Guna: #Tamasic
Element: #Water
Bird Name: #Black-Andril
Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Female #Dog
Career: Transport industry, Communication industry, Financial broking firms, Shipping industries.


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#Ardra #Nakshatra in #Astrology denotes that native has intellectual nature, passionate thinking side, is sharp-minded, looking for why and the cause behind things that happen in the world, has strong speaking talents, lack a large number of close friends, confrontations with others, master of debates and arguments, makes enemies easily, causing emotional pain to others, and can be turned away by society.

Ardra Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths upwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to palaces, coronations, boundary walls, and tall structures can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: A #Bead or a #Drop
The sign for this Nakshatra is a tear or a drop. This is an indication of seminal fluid that causes fertilization.

Deity: Lord #Rudhra
The deity for Ardra Nakshatra is #Rudra. The meaning of the word Rudhra is the one who makes #cry because Rudh means to cry. The deity for #Rohini is #Brahma and for Ardra is Rudhra. Brahma is the creator, #Vishnu is the maintainer, and Rudhra is the destroyer. You may wonder how come Rudhra came after Brahma instead of Vishnu. This is because the egg was formed and didn’t get fertilized. This means the creation and destruction happened but were not maintained. Vishnu is a deity of Shravana Nakshatra because, during #Shravana Nakshathra, the development of the baby is complete.

Characteristics of Ardra Nakshatra in Astrology
The animal of Ardra Nakshatra is a #female #wolf or a female #dog. A dog is the most fascinating creature on this planet.
It can love to the point that it will give its life for you, or it can bite and throttle someone’s bone if they cross their territory.
They are needy, emotional, and pack animals. They always want to be with you and feel abandoned when you go to work.
Dogs have alpha dog in the pack, usually in domestic settings, where there are more than 3 dogs.
One will always become the alpha, but there aren’t any alpha in wolves except the senior dog, who may be the pack’s parent.
They work as a team without a leader.
Translating these facts into Nakshatra is quite simple. Ardra natives require extreme loyalty in love and friendship.
They do not want to feel abandoned by you else, they either become extremely emotional or wild like the wolf to defend their loyalty for you.
They go to extremes of showing their loyalty by even giving their own lives, but when you cross them or their loved one, they will come after you like a hungry dog or wolf and eat the flesh off of you.
They are unpredictable, like a strange dog. You do not know if they are friendly or will try to bite you.
Therefore, everyone is cautious of approaching an Ardra native.
When Ardra natives gets angry, sad and frustrated, they will #howl and scream like the wolf, especially when the impact of malefics is on the planet placed in Ardra.
Usually, these people are calm and very private, like the wild wolves, which hide in the deep forest.
Wolves are excellent hunters in the world. Ardra natives love going hunting, which is also their symbolism of “The Hunter”.
They love eating wild game meat like elk, venison, wild boar, alligator etc. This quality of hunting also gives such natives good eyesight in the dark.
Such folks will always hunt for their object of desire when they like someone and will do whatever it takes to get them.
The deity of this Nakshatra is Rudra (Shiva). #Shiva is an #Aghori, the one who is #naked, constantly meditates, deals and #loves #death, knows the value of death, stays in #cremation grounds, eating wild fruits, berries of forest including meat.
Yes, Shiva did it all. All the things are in Shiva Purana. Shiva is known as #Bholenaath (the innocent one), he gives whatever you ask him.
He is always in meditation and calm, but if you were to disturb him from his meditation, he will not only destroy you but has the capacity of destroying the entire Universe.
Rudra (Shiva) is also one of the first #medicine #man from the #RigVeda.
He is one of the best physicians of all times. He was making medicine himself and healing people under the name Vaidyanatha (Lord of remedies).
Rudra is the embodiment of Shiva with armor along with bow & arrow, just like the Hunter of #Orion.
It’s said that one must worship Rudra in order to attain moksha.
Rudra was created by multiple Gods to get to Brahma, who was chasing his daughter for procreation.
Gods wanted something so powerful that could take Brahma down, and this is how Rudra was manifested.
Ardra natives are exactly like Shiva.
They are wild, unorthodox; they can go to the extreme of everything like extreme meditation, love, lust, anger, work, and emotions, just like how Shiva’s anger can destroy the whole Universe.
They are usually calm people who are wild in a silly sense.
They are very animated and can be boys of boys or girls amongst boys due to the muscle nature of this Nakshatra.
A girl usually is a tomboy in youth.
Once Shiva is disturbed from his calm mood or backstabbed, then they become Rudra and will destroy whatever is in front of them.
They are the ones who can throw everything from their desk when angry.
Ardra natives also make great physicians, and are related to pharmaceutical and Ayurveda professions.
Career is determined by using the Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha technique.
The symbolism of Ardra is a teardrop and a skull. The teardrop represents the drop of the storm.
A storm will always start out with a few drops on your head, and before you know, you are in a flood of water.
The drop is known as a “tear drop”, which is the teardrop of Shiva.
In real life, Ardra must face storms of emotions where tears just come out.
When they cry, they will cry a storm and usually, it can be over very small things.
The cry is not normal; it’s a cry with a howl and scream.
Out of all the Nakshatras, Ardra is the most emotional and with deep feelings, but the reason why they have such feelings is because the world is supposed to betray those feelings, so the water inside turns into a fierce storm.
It’s in their karma to deal with tears; therefore, they make the best actors in front of a camera.
When Ardra native reads a letter, email or text message from past, they can have a river of tears flowing out of them.
The symbolism of the skull is the mystical and realistic side of Ardra.
A skull is actually one of the best tools for an Aghori in the cremation ground.
They use the skull for drinking wine. It may be sacrilegious for us, but we are too dumb to understand the scientist (Aghori) practicing this science of nature.
There is a logical purpose why an Aghori smears themselves with ashes and drink from skull or eat the flesh of the dead.
The skull symbolism shows that Ardra is not afraid of death and is curious about the world of mysticism, occult, tantra, and magic rituals.
Skull is also where the hair grows, and Ardra represents the hair of Shiva.
The controller of this Nakshatra is #Rahu. All three Nakshatras of Rahu, which are Ardra Nakshatra, #Swati Nakshatra and #Shatabhisha Nakshatra, will have a lot of similar themes to them compared to other Nakshatra being ruled by a single planet.
Rahu is like Jupiter. All Rahu ruled Nakshatras love space, science fiction, astrophysics, the astral plane, fantasy and anything to do with the new-age technology.
Even though Ardra is a medicine man, but these natives are attracted to future technology.
Out of all the Nakshatras of Rahu, Ardra has the capacity to write a great science fiction book.
All Ardra natives dive into the fantasy of what is the world, how the world works, and what else is out there in the ether besides this blue planet, Earth.
Attributes of Ardra Nakshatra in Astrology
Ardra Nakshatra extends in Gemini (Mithun) from 6’40” to 20’00”.
When Surya enters Ardra, the Earth is said to be starting its menstrual course, that is, Ambubachi.
Ardra means wet or surcharged with water. Because the Earth is running her menstrual course, teardrops fall one after another.
From Rudra comes all suffering, persecutions and oppressions, anger, the ferocity of countenance or hideousness of noise. Rudra is another name of Shiva, the five-faced (Panchanana).
In knowledge, asceticism, renunciation, and enjoyment, he is the supreme consummation of all desires. He is a blue-throated one, the wielder of the tremendous powers, what could not be attempted, far less achieved by other Gods.
On one side, he symbolizes the perfect placidity and serenity; on the other hand, he is the symbol of all that is terrible. He holds the great serpent on his head and forehead crescent Chandra with his sweet-soft light.
At the same time, he is the most peaceful and the most terrible. And in all these are to be traced the intrinsic characteristics of Ardra.
Superficially, on the surface of it, Ardra stands for suffering, hardness, cruelty, murder, prison, theft, adultery, etc.
The root characteristic is oppression in order to purify. All male kidney troubles, connected urethral diseases and also uterine diseases of the females, come within the jurisdiction of Ardra.
Description of Ardra Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native with Ardra as his natal Nakshatra will have a wavering mind, be a crafty speaker, and will steal others’ money, be self-respected, will have few sons, be long-lived, and will have royal money.
According to Jataka Parijata: If at a native’s birth, the Moon is in Ardra, he will be destitute to wealth, fickle, with much physical strength, and addicted to base actions.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Ardra will be interested in rituals related to tantra, adventurous, skillful in trading, fierce, and ungrateful.
According to Brihat Samhita: The asterism Ardra makes one perfidious, haughty, irascible, ungrateful, cruel, and sinful.


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#Shatabhisha #Nakshatra is the twenty-fourth Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology, part of the lunar constellation series. People born under Shatabhisha are known for their exceptional academic brilliance. They display this quality from an early age and are often singled out for their potential to excel in prestigious institutions.

Understanding complex ideas and concepts comes naturally to them, leading to outstanding academic performance. Many of them become young CEOs and successful entrepreneurs, often in the tech industry due to their association with Rahu, which represents technology. Shatabhisha individuals typically have a clear sense of their life goals and work tirelessly to achieve their maximum potential.

All four quarters or padas of Shatabhisha Nakshatra are under the influence of the zodiac sign Aquarius. This Nakshatra is closely associated with medicine and healing abilities. The term ‘Shat,’ meaning a hundred, symbolizes the multiple perspectives this Nakshatra brings to problem-solving.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra is represented by an empty circle, signifying empty space or avoidance. People born under this Nakshatra possess a natural inclination to explore the mysteries of the Universe and uncover the secrets of the unknown. They tend to be secretive and focus on hidden aspects of life. Additionally, the association with a hundred physicians or healers highlights their strong connection to the #healing arts.

Translation: 100 medicines or doctors
Symbol: An #ox #cart; an #empty #circle or #round #charm.
Lord: Rahu
Controlling Planet: #Rahu
Ruling Deity of Rahu: #Durga
Deity: #Varuna - #god of #Cosmic #Waters
Body – VarahaMihira: Chin, laughter
Body – Parashara: #Knees
Rashi / Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Nature: #Chara; The #Movable or Ephemeral
Ganas: #Rakshasa ( #Demon)
Mode: Active
Constellation: 100
Gender: #Neuter
Dosha: #Vata
Element: #Ether
Lucky Color: Blue & Green
Letter: Go, Sa, Si, Su
Lucky letters: G & S
Lucky Stone: #Gomedhaka
Lucky Numbers: 4 & 24
Animal Symbol: A #Female #Horse
#Bird Name: #Raven
#Tree: #Kadambha



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#Swati #Nakshatra is a #star group linked to the Libra zodiac sign, which represents balance. It’s symbolized by a blade of grass swaying with the wind, showing that Swati individuals are adaptable. They usually go with the flow unless it’s about their independence.

This #constellation is connected to Lord #Hanuman, known as the ‘son of the wind’ in Indian mythology. #Saraswati, the #goddess of intelligence, also has influence here. People born under Swati enjoy educational trips and possess good intellect. They learn best when they have the freedom to explore, and this often leads them to pursue educational achievements Swati Nakshatra.

Some Interesting Facts of Swati Nakshatra
Translation: The #priest, the #sword
Symbol: #Coral, #Sapphire
Lord: #Rahu
Zodiac: Libra sign
Diety: #Vayu - #Wind
Nature: The #movable or #ephemeral ( #Chara)
Gana: #Deva #Gana (god-like)
Mode: #Passive
Constellation: 1
Body VarahaMihira: #Teeth
Body Parashara: #Stomach
Number: 15
Letter: Ru, Re, Ro, Ta
Lucky letters: R & L
Lucky Stone: #Gomedhaka
Lucky Color: #Black
Lucky Numbers: 4
Element: #Fire
Dosh: #Kapha
Bird Name: #Honey-Bee
Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Male #Buffalo
Tree: #Arjuna #Tree ( #Matti)


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#Ardra #Nakshatra
Ardra Nakshatra individuals are truly exceptional. Their journey through life is marked by profound transformation and a willingness to make sacrifices that few other constellations can match. This transformation is not without its turbulence, as the emotional turmoil within them is evident.

It’s a reminder that growth and self-improvement, even for a deity like Lord Shiva, can be a challenging and messy process. But ultimately, it is undeniably beautiful.

The word “Ardra” is synonymous with “Rudra,” another name for Lord Shiva. When Shiva’s devoted wife, Sati, tragically took her own life after hearing her husband being publicly defamed, it was a culmination of anger, remorse, and an unbearable sense of injustice. She hadn’t heeded Shiva’s advice, and in her eyes, he did not deserve the humiliation he endured from the crowd.

In the wake of this tragedy, Shiva’s reaction was one of intense grief, anger, and chaos. He wept uncontrollably, and his tears fell upon the land, causing destruction in their wake. All of this stemmed from a profound love and a feeling of abandonment. This is why Ardra is often symbolized as the “Tears of Shiva,” shed for his beloved, representing the pain that can arise from love and the subsequent journey of transformation Ardra Nakshatra.

People born under the Ardra birth star share some of these traits. They are inherently pure-hearted but can also be quick to anger (and equally quick to please). Their innocence and capacity for deep love are remarkable, but they also experience pain more intensely than most.

It is this depth of feeling that helps them undergo a transformative process, much like a butterfly emerging from chaos and struggle to become independent, free, and bask in the light of day.

Translation “The Moist One”, “Fresh”, “Green”
Symbol #Teardrop #Diamond
Animal Symbol #Female-Dog
Presiding Deity #Rudra, the #God of Storms and Destruction
Controlling/Ruling Planet #Rahu
Ruling Deity of Venus #Durga
The 4 Quarters of Bharani Nakshatra

1st quarter Ruled by Jupiter
2nd quarter Ruled by Saturn
3rd quarter Ruled by Saturn
4th quarter Ruled by Jupiter
Nature #Manushya ( #Human)
Mode #Balanced
Number 6
Gender #Female
Dosha #Vata
Guna # Tamasic
Element #Water
Disposition Sharp and Forceful ( #Tikshna)
Bird #Andril
Common Name of the Tree #Long-Pepper
Botanical Name of the Tree Piper longum
Seed Sounds Ku, Gha, Nga, Jha


  1. #Shatabhisha #nakshatra enter image description here Neon ring on a violet background in fog and star dust vector illustration. Luminous round frame as a visualization of futuristic cyber space. Circle in smoke concept for for virtual reality An empty circle symbolizes #Shatabhishak.

Ruling Planet: North Node ( #Rahu)

Symbol: An #empty #circle

Associated Deity: #Varuna, #god of the ocean and water

Associated Stars: #Sadachbia

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 0°26′-13°46′ Pisces

Quality or Modality: #Movable ( #Chara)

Associated Element: #Ether

Personality Traits: Very private, suspicious, anxious, shy, intelligent, blunt, spiritual


  1. #Swati or #Svati enter image description here Grass Swati is symbolized by a #blade of #grass in a breeze.

Ruling Planet: North Node ( #Rahu)

Associated Deity: #Vayu, the #wind #god

Associated Stars: #Arcturus

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 0°26′-13°46′ Scorpio

Quality or Modality: #Movable ( #Chara)

Associated Element: #Fire

Personality Traits: Open-minded, balanced, social, indecisive, forward-thinking, good planners


  1. #Ardra #Nakshatra enter image description here 3D water drop on white A #teardrop is the symbol of Ardra.

Ruling Planet: North Node ( #Rahu)

Associated Deity: #Rudra, god of wind and storms

Associated Stars: #Betelgeuse

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 0°26-13°26 Cancer

Quality or Modality: #Sharp ( #Tikshna)

Associated Element: #Water

Personality Traits: Responsible, intelligent, loves learning, analytical, sometimes immature, mood swings, good memory


Swati Nakshatra
Characteristics male
The male born in Swati Nakshatra likes to do everything on his own, aka is self-dependent. As a rare one, these natives live life by the rules ensuring no one gets hurt by their actions. The male born in Swati Nakshatra is old-school romantic and very loving towards you even if you are not dating them. They know how to make you feel comfortable and never hesitate to give respect where it is due. These natives also crave love and aren't habitual of being single after crossing a certain age. On the downside, these males usually undergo long spells of bad phases when they wish to cut everyone off from their life. Also, the male born in Swati Nakshatra never forgets anything and thus carries his childhood scars well into his adulthood.

Profession male
The male born in Swati Nakshatra is intelligent but will only be able to use the intelligence at its full potential after the age of 25. Till then, he may suffer both financially and mentally. Astrologers advise these natives to focus on practical skills till the age of 25 to do well in career thereafter. Profession-wise, the best time for this native is 30-60 years of age. The most suitable profession for these natives is anything related to wood. Also, any business must be done in partnership to have the best gains. Speculative investments are harmful to your wallet.

Compatibility male
The male born in Swati Nakshatra will have to work harder to enjoy a happy married life. The reason for incompatibility may be lack of finances and arguments surrounding the situation. However, the marriage will be compatible enough that no outsiders or even your respective families would be able to find out the ongoing problem. Also, the male born in Swati Nakshatra is more likely to have an arranged marriage. He will also not be much attached to his father.

Health male
The health of the male born in Swati Nakshatra will be excellent. However, occasionally he may suffer from stomach problems, piles or bone aches.

Characteristics female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is very outgoing, social and compassionate about her goals in life. However, these modern qualities within her don't stop her from being religious, as she is also a God-fearing pious human. The lady - despite being social - struggles at making new friends. The same goes when finding a partner, as she takes her time to make the right choices when it comes to relationships. But when in love, she is very loyal and honest and won't hurt you even if you are the first to hurt them. The female born in Swati Nakshatra takes everything in life as a lesson and believes in moving on. Also, she doesn’t like travelling much and prefers to stay at home as much as possible.

Profession female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is capable of more than she can imagine when it comes to her professional life. If she works dedicatedly, the nakshatra favours her by allowing her more name and fame in her profession than she could ever imagine. However, the lady born in this nakshatra will have to struggle quite a bit to acquire an education. She may also have to drop out, such a scenario will only delay and not take success away from her. Any job that requires a lot of travelling is suitable for the female born in Swati Nakshatra even though she does not like travelling much.

Compatibility female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is very much attached to her family. This love often could lead her to make compromises that she doesn't want to. This can make her distressed but the love and affection she gets from her children more than makes up for it. However, some share of the compromises must lie upon your husband too. Talking about husband, you two will have average compatibility and will be able to forge a sound and happy marriage. At your parents' place, you will share a close bond with your mother.

Health female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is very much attached to her family. This love often could lead her to make compromises that she doesn't want to. This can make her distressed but the love and affection she gets from her children more than makes up for it. However, some share of the compromises must lie upon your husband too. Talking about husband, you two will have average compatibility and will be able to forge a sound and happy marriage. At your parents' place, you will share a close bond with your mother.

Dates for Swati Nakshatra in 2022
January 25, 2022 February 21, 2022
March 20, 2022 April 17, 2022
May 14, 2022 June 11, 2022
July 8, 2022 August 4, 2022
September 1 & 28, 2022 October 25, 2022
November 22, 2022 December 19, 2022
Swati Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Sagittarius Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The peole born in this pada are religious. These people are also very scholarly, knowledgeable with high grasping power.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Capricorn Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada are rooted. Planets here give a sound business sense to these natives.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada are spendthrift and lustful in nature. They are also very short tempered.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are intelligent but emotional. Your social circle is large and often comes to your rescue.
Features of Swati Nakshatra
Symbol- Sword, coral

Ruling planet- #Rahu

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Deva

Guna- tamas/tamas/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Vayu

Animal- #male #buffalo

Indian Zodiac- 6°40′ – 20° Tula



#Ardra #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra is the responsible kind. He has a general tendency to accomplish any given task at the earliest. The native, however, must ensure that he keeps this quality hidden if he doesn't wish to get overburdened in life. Though we make the male born in Ardra Nakshatra sound like a nerd, but he is not just that. In fact, being humorous is one of the things these people are good at. However, they first need to be comfortable around you to bring out their funny side. With friends and relatives, he will behave in an amicable way, but on rare occasions, he may be thankless to people who do him a favour.

Profession male
The male native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra has the virtue of a sharp memory. Hence, these people do well in jobs that require a lot of thinking, such as writing, engineering, etc. However, the males born in this Nakshatra don't usually stick to one profession. They like to try everything before dedicating themselves to one single profession. Also, these people are quick learners and thus able to adapt themselves to changing work situations faster than anyone else. It is good for these males if they work away from home, especially during their career-peak age, i.e. between 32 to 42.

Compatibility male
The male born in the Ardra Nakshatra may have delayed marriage. The delay in marriage is majorly due to you not being able to find a compatible partner. Any marriage that takes place before the age of 27 for you will bring complications, which may result in separation too. Compatibility should be the key when you go out to choose who you want to get married to and not the looks of the person if you wish to have a successful married life. In family life, you may feel like you are the most ignored one among your siblings.

Health male
On the health front, the male born in the Ardra Nakshatra may be plagued by some incurable diseases that he may have to face after he turns 34. Taking early precautions can help in averting any serious complications. Any symptoms that can leads to asthma, dry cough or hearing impairment must be well-tracked.

Characteristics female
The female native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra is a spending freak. And the one who isn't; badly wants to be. The general tendency is more dominant in Ardra women who have materialistic friends. When around friends and family, the women born in this Nakshatra are well-mannered and of a peaceful disposition. They don't like to indulge in arguments or fights as they are intelligent enough to beat you at your own game with just their intellect. Moreover, these women seek attention like a drug. A little attention from someone can make them weak. There are high chances that these people may have divorced parents.

Profession female
The female native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra loves to learn and thus will acquire knowledge in any possible way. As a female born in Ardra Nakshatra, pursuing a career in the research or scientific field will bring you both success and monetary benefits. Other fields suitable for females born in Ardra Nakshatra are electronics engineering or anything medical related. However, you need to be careful if you are interested in pursuing a career in business as it is easy to manipulate you.

Compatibility female
The female born in the Ardra Nakshatra has good compatibility with his husband but tends to marry late. Your experience with relationships before marriage may not be the one you would like to write about in your diary. However, this bad spell of luck in love changes once you tie the knot. You will have a romantic partner and good sexual compatibility. In family life, you will be much pulled towards your mother and then mother in law. Both of them will bring comfort to your life.

Health female
On the health front, the female born in the Ardra Nakshatra may have to suffer from menstrual problems. Early identification is the key if they seek to avoid any such complications in the future. These ladies must also be careful of fire. There is also a slight chance of facing problems related to blood.

Ardra Nakshatra Dates 2021
January 15, 2022 February 12, 2022
March 11, 2022 April 7, 2022
May 5, 2022 June 1 & June 28, 2022
July 26, 2022 August 22, 2022
September 28, 2022 October 15, 2022
November 12, 2022 December 9, 2022
Ardra Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of Ardra Nakshatra falls in Sagittarius Navamsa, governed by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are very helpful. They have a sharp mind and are consistent in their work.
Pada 2nd: The second quarter of this Nakshatra falls in the Capricorn Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. People born in this pada are very materialistic. But the materialistic gains come to them only when Saturn and Mercury are well placed.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Ardra Nakshatra falls in the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada tend to have creative skills and the mental ability to absorb anything and everything. These people are open to change.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Ardra Nakshatra falls in the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are very giving in nature. They tend to help whoever they can but rarely get the same back.
Features of Ardra Nakshatra
Symbol- Tear drop

Ruling planet- #Rahu

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- rajas/tamas/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Rudra

Animal- #Female #dog

Indian Zodiac- 6° 40′ – 20° Mithuna



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#Shatbhisha #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

They are being administered by the Lord of rings. In this nakshatra, #Saturn's planetary power alongside the godlikeness of #Varuna represents the profound and recuperating of the locals. This nakshatra is additionally influenced by the lunar hub of #Rahu. They are additionally called #veiling #star that includes fundamental qualities of otherworldliness and clandestine vision other than recuperating.

Shatbhisha Nakshatra

They are represented by a vacant circle which is addressing this nakshatra relating to the domain of non-existent discernment in Hindi this term is alluded to as #Maya. The locals are extremely disposed to investigating the obscure ways of thinking and secrets of the world. They likewise adore pondering and paying attention to #bhajans since they are exceptionally profound individuals. The individuals who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are #Freedom lovers and they have an autonomous #free #existence. Ordinarily, they get charmed with riddles and games and love exploring different imaginative stuff and plunge profound into the lower part of anything they are keen on.

Shatbhisha Natchathiram

They are known as clandestine star that centers around strange powers of life. They could have an estranged and separated existence and experience the ill effects of melancholy. Generally speaking, the locals of this nakshatra are honored with genuine and honest nature, keen, and aggressive nature.

Lord of Shatbhisha Nakshatra

Shatbhisha nakshatra master is known to be Lord Varuna who is viewed as the divinity of this nakshatra, the God of inestimable regulation, grandiose sea, sky, and is likewise one of the Adityas. They are available in the 24th situation out of 27 #nakshatras which are related to the star #Aquarii. It is represented by the planet Rahu.

Shatbhisha Nakshatra Famous Personalities

Numerous prestigious individuals were brought into the world under this nakshatra as their introduction to the world star and acquired ubiquity on the planet and procured a ton of names and popularity. Shatbhisha nakshatra's big names are known to be Govind Arun Ahuja, Pat Ryan, Kajol Devgan, Cindy Crawford, Waneeda Rahman, and some more.

Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 1

The first pada position of this nakshatra is falling in the Sagittarius Navamsha that is administered by the planet Jupiter. Here and they remain extremely relaxed and show a light-hearted demeanor however they stay hopeful in their life. They are extremely kind and liberal in nature and will in general get cheated effectively since they are exceptionally legitimate.

Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 2

The second pada position of this nakshatra is falling in the Capricorn Navamsha that is administered by the planet Saturn. Here, they are a lot of aggressive in nature with their pragmatic disposition towards life. They will arrive at the stepping stool of progress with their hard exertion and assurance.

Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 3

The third place of this nakshatra is falling in their Aquarius Navamsha which is administered by the planet Saturn. The people who are brought into the world in this nakshatra are having areas of strength a sense since their farsighted. Here and there they are having terrible attitudes and it becomes challenging for them to control their resentment and that can be extremely risky for them. They ought to zero in on controlling their annoyance and forceful nature in any other way they could turn unusual.

Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 4

The fourth pada position of this nakshatra is falling in the Pisces Navamsha that is administered by the planet Jupiter. This position essentially focuses on empathy and mending. The people who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are exceptionally empathetic in nature and they are having extraordinary recuperating energies. The locals could get dependent on inebriation with adverse consequences for the planet.

Shatbhisha Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

This nakshatra is known to be a gigantic one. The people who are brought into the world under this nakshatra are having areas of strength in a sense and they are still up in the air and confident people not set in stone their objectives and desires throughout everyday life. They are very forceful and necessities to control their annoyance and brutal nature. Their Zodiac sign is known to be Aquarius.



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#Swati #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

The people who are brought into the world under Swati nakshatra are known to be the most flawless people. Here, they are the fifteenth nakshatra in the heavenly body of the #Zodiac belt. The word Swati implies blade which for the most part means their sharp insight and their abilities. They generally have an extremely sure methodology in their life and does everything with extraordinary certainty and faith in their heart. They are having high confidence and deep trust in themselves which assists them with accomplishing numerous troublesome things in their day-to-day existence. They are amazing at managing what is going on with extraordinary straightforwardness and sharpness.

Swati Nakshatra

They are awesome at conveying and offering their viewpoints and considerations unreservedly and strongly. They are extremely certain about their temperament having a beguiling character by which they can undoubtedly dazzle anybody. They are brilliant in following social behaviors and exceptionally famous in their group of friends.

Swati Natchathiram

They generally have an exceptionally sure methodology in their life and does everything with extraordinary certainty and confidence in their heart. They are having high confidence and compelling trust in themselves which assists them with accomplishing numerous troublesome things in their day-to-day existence. They are magnificent in managing what is happening with extraordinary effortlessness and sharpness.

Lord of Swati Nakshatra

Swati nakshatra ruler is known to be #Vayu and the Lord planet of this Nakshatra is known to be #Rahu. Vayu is known to be the #God of #air and wind which is basically alluded to as the existing force that can without much of a stretch blow away pollutions and impediments like a breeze that is constrained by him. This nakshatra in western soothsaying is compared to #Arcturus #star.

Swati Nakshatra Famous Personalities

Numerous prestigious VIPs were brought into the world under this nakshatra and became famous and procured a lot of names and distinctions in their life. Some Swati nakshatra superstars are Charlie Chaplin, Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Whoopi Goldberg, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, and Kevin Kline.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 1

The first pada position of this nakshatra is in the Sagittarius Navamsha which is represented by the planet Jupiter. Here, it predominantly focuses on conquering fretfulness and curious nature. The natives here are extremely inquisitive about all that and particularly about others' lives which in some cases influences them adversely. They are extremely fretful in nature because of which they generally experience the ill effects of tension problems. The natives love voyaging and making audacious involvement in their life.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 2

This second pada position of this nakshatra is in the Capricorn Navamsha that is represented by the planet Saturn. The natives are lot leaned in acquiring material riches and leaned to lead a lavish way of life brimming with solace and extravagances. The natives are exceptionally grounded and practical people who are having a steady type of revenue in their life and are quiet and cool in nature.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 3

The third pada position of this nakshatra is falling under Aquarius Navamsha which is represented by the planet Saturn. This position principally focuses on imagination and acquiring information and accomplishing shared objectives through solidarity while working in a group. People brought into the world in this pada are extremely imaginative and learned individual who involves their innovative abilities in accomplishing more noteworthy levels in their profession. They are extremely unconstrained people who remain high in their spirits and certainty to make extraordinary progress in their expert life.

Swati Nakshatra Pada 4

The fourth pada position of this nakshatra is in the Pieces Navamsha which is represented by the planet Jupiter. This position primarily centers around adaptability and straightforwardness. The people who are brought into the world in this position are having extraordinary capacities to explore through the circumstances by being adaptable and movable for their more prominent great. They will deal with tough spots with their knowledge to come out more astute and better.

Swati Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

The Zodiac indication of this nakshatra is Libra. This is known to be an extremely heavenly and faithful nakshatra. Natives who are brought into the world in this nakshatra are extremely unadulterated and certified individuals. They are extremely lucky and have the gifts of seniors because of their agreeableness and deeds. Some of the time, they could battle with their pleasing nature and self-importance demeanor yet they are extremely rational people.



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#Ardra #Nakshatra According to Astrology

The importance of the word Ardra is to acquire benefit from difficult work and commitment. This Nakshatra represents both creation and obliteration. A portion of our previous existence karmas is being portrayed by this nakshatra which is being conveyed forward to our current life in our psyche mind. The females of this nakshatra are governed by #Rahu though #Rudra being the Hindu Deity is known to be the Lord of storms. The people who are brought into the world with this nakshatra as their #birth #star are having both the positive and pessimistic characteristics of Rudra and #Shiva.

Ardra Nakshatra

The people who are brought into the world under this star are exceptionally emotional and wistful in nature. They experience solid and extraordinary feelings which drive them either exceptionally cheerful or mad. They are missing the capacity to appreciate anyone on a profound level and are not genuinely adjusted people. They endeavor to arrive at their objectives and focus throughout everyday life. This star is extremely delicate and profound and the natives brought into the world under this star are having such characteristics as genuineness, sympathy, and fantastic relational abilities.

Ardra Natchathiram

The natives brought into the world under Ardra Nakshatra are extremely sharp in their memory and have a generally excellent degree of fixation. They are having surprising awareness of what's actually funny which will make them exceptionally well known in their group of friends. They will make excellent Businessmen and will procure immense benefits from their business. They are having a fantastic capacity in overseeing funds and can likewise direct others to go to monetary achievement.

Lord of Ardra Nakshatra

Ardra nakshatra's ruler is Lord Rudra who is the managing god of this Nakshatra. As it is written in the Puranas, Rudra is a manifestation of Lord Shiva who is the fiercest and most grounded. Being represented by Lord Rudra and Rahu, the natives who are brought into the world under Ardra as their introduction to the world star are having both useful and horrendous characteristics in them.

Ardra Nakshatra Famous Personalities

Numerous popular characters were brought into the world with Ardra nakshatra as their birth star. A portion of the well-known Ardra nakshatra VIPs is Judith Resnick, Nirupa Roy, Sonia Gandhi, Camilla Parker, Taylor Swift, Asha Parekh, BR Ambedkar, B O Derek, Satya Shree Sai Baba, and Prince William.

Ardra Nakshatra Pada 1

The main place of this nakshatra is falling under Sagittarius Navamsa which is controlled by the planet Jupiter. In this stage, the natives are especially inquisitive and are driven by a powerful urge to investigate different open doors in their day-to-day existence. In this pada, the planets are very loose and that could prompt material additions. This present circumstance is portrayed by smoothness before the appearance of Storm.

Ardra Nakshatra Pada 2

The second place of this nakshatra is going under Capricorn which is represented by the planet Saturn. A wide range of materialistic cravings and wishes is being meant by this pada. This further carries misfortune and mishap to the natives under its impact. The natives ought to remain awake and control their temperament to manage testing and predicaments in their day-to-day existence.

Ardra Nakshatra Pada 3

The third place of this star falls under Aquarius Navamsha which is administered by the planet Saturn. Logical nature is being meant by this position. The natives are profoundly energetic in connecting with themselves in mental exercises and in staying useful. They additionally love to participate in actual activities and keep major areas of strength for themselves fit.

Ardra Nakshatra Pada 4

The fourth place of this nakshatra is in the Pieces Navamsha and it is represented via the planet Jupiter. The natives of this Nakshatra are extremely merciful and delicate in nature who are having a really focusing mentality on their precious ones. They will profoundly want to elevate the existence of the appalling ones.

Ardra Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

The Zodiac indications of this individual with Ardra nakshatra are Gemini. This is represented by a tear. The significance of this nakshatra is wet or damp and as an individual, they are exceptionally kind and caring with areas of strength. Natives are very forfeiting and compromising in their personality who strive to make money every now and again experience medical problems and are people with irritability.



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#Shatabhisha #Nakshatra is a prominent nakshatra in #Vedic #astronomy. It refers to the hundred stars or the most fortunate #star of the king. This star is represented by an #empty #circle which also reflects the overall cycle of life filled with frequent ups and downs.

#Varuna or god of rains is the mighty Lord who rules the star and blesses people born with this nakshatra’s effect. Lord Varuna is one of the significant Aditya and is also the ruler of demons or asuras. #Rahu is the planet that rules Shatabhisha Nakshatra and Shiva is the mighty Lord who is Trimurti of this star. Aquarius is the main zodiac sign linked with #Shatabhishak Nakshatra. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the primary padas linked with this pious star.

Boons of Shatabhisha Nakshatra
Here are a few favourable elements linked with Shatabhisha Nakshatra-

The Shatabhisha Nakshatra is quite promising for business and finance-related activities.
This star is favourable for education areas. People born under this nakshatra's effect have good intellect and they can effortlessly rock in any field.
The Shatabhisha Nakshatra is pretty promising for mediation, rejuvenation and spiritual areas.
The star throws good prospects of travel and explorations in people’s astronomy.
Banes of Shatabhisha Nakshatra
Here are a few unfavourable elements linked with Shatabhisha Nakshatra-

The Shatabhisha Nakshatra is not promising for areas such as marriage and forming bonds.
The nakshatra yields unsuccessful results in childbirth and fertility areas.
The star is not favourable for beginning any new task or completing it with utmost success.

If you are born under the influence of Shatabhisha Nakshatra then make sure you get a Homam done for yourself. The Homam will help you extract only good aspects of the star keeping all its negative elements away from you. This Homam will also help you in making a balance in your horoscope by aligning all the elements of your nakshatra. It will help you in removing all the adverse implications of Shatabhisha Nakshatra from your horoscope. So, are you ready to unveil all these miraculous advantages, if yes then hurry up and register for Shatabhisha Nakshatra and Varuna devata Homam with us.



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Goddess #Siddhidatri
Goddess Siddhidhatri

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The #Ardhanareshwara form of Lord #Shiva; it is believed that Lord Shiva obtained all siddhis by worshipping Goddess Siddhidhatri.

As the nine nights represent the nine planets, we will be focussing on Navaratri and the nine planets with an account of one or another the planets for nine nights. For the NINth night of Navaratri, we will take the planet Ketu. The colour for the Ninth day of Navaratri (Navami) is #Peacock #Green, so we scribe in Peacock Green for this ninth day observance of #Navaratri. The #Goddess is #Siddhidhatri.

Today is the Ninth day (Namvami) of the Navaratri celebrations which are held for nine nights. All festivals are meant to remind mankind that they should cultivate noble qualities by engaging themselves in activities beneficial to one’s own self and society. Sai Baba made this reference to Navaratri and the Nine Planets:
As part of Navaratri celebrations, people worship different forms of divinity. You should develop sacred feelings and experience divinity. What is the inner meaning of Navaratri celebrations? These nine nights represent nine planets. Each planet has its own significance. However, these planets are not outside, they are within. If your feelings are impure and unsacred, the result also will be the same. You are responsible for the good and bad you think and experience.

#Ketu, the opposite node to #Rahu, came into being during the churning of the Ocean of Milk. The last gift of that churning was the emergence of the God of Healing, Dhanvantari, with the pot of amrit, the #nectar of immortality. Ketu and Rahu were whole at that time, in the form of a demon known as Swarbhanu, who engaged in subterfuge to obtain the nectar whilst it was being served out by Mohini. At that time Mohini was distracting the demons and giving the amrit to the gods. The deception was discovered by the Sun and Moon, who ran tale-telling to Vishnu, who promptly sent his discus and separated the head from the body; that body is today known as Ketu, South Node of the Moon.

In other legends, Ketu is known as the tail of the dragon. Ketu is considered to be signifier of limitlessness; Ketu is thought to be absent, wandering, disinterested, disengaged, disembodied, diffused, apathetic, directionless, destitute, beheaded, surrendering, abandoning, lost. We keep in mind that Ketu is a shadow planet, a karmic repository and an important agent on the journey toward the goal of life. Ketu (which means flag) – due the deep inquiry that this shadow planet is capable of actually flags important staging posts on the human journey of return to the Source.

Devi Siddhidatri is the ninth form of Navdurga and is worshipped on the ninth or final day of Navratri Pooja. In Sanskrit ‘Siddhi’ means perfection and the divine Goddess is revered to seek all types of Siddhi. The grace of Devi Siddhidatri can put an end to greediness and help to control and satisfy the desires of her devotees.

Goddess Siddhidhatri is portrayed wearing a red sari and sitting on a lotus flower. Her vahana (vehicle) is a lion. She is depicted holding a Gada (mace) in her upper right hand, a chakra in her lower right hand, a lotus flower in her lower left hand and a conch-shell in her upper left hand. It is said that one can even see a disc of light around her golden crown. This light is believed to instil devotion in the heart of devotees towards the Supreme Power and liberation from karmic bindings. Goddess Siddhidatri bestows occult powers on her worshippers and is therefore revered by beings from all three realms i.e. heaven, hell and earth.

It is commonly believed that Lord Shiva is half-male and half-female and this form of Shiva is worshipped as Ardhanareshwara. Ardhanareshwara is a combination of three words “Ardha,” “Nari,” and “Ishwara” means “half,” “woman,” and “lord,” respectively. According to Vedic scriptures, Lord Shiva attained all the siddhis by worshipping this Goddess.

Ketu and the Feminine
Ketu has very poor reputation garnered over the ages and in narrative, yet, is disposer of intelligence of a deep order. Ketu is also disposer of spiritual intelligence. We know that Ketu is disconnected from much of the world, very much an entity, and energy devoted to its own private realm, perhaps the cave of the mystic who intuitively comes to know what reality actually is. This is very much activity driven by the feminine within, that which is fecund, life-forming, life-giving and birthing into the new world. It is the feminine that nurtures and sustains us in the night-sea journey of the inner small self. It is the feminine that calls us unto the deep to explore the real, the touchstone of life, the life beyond imagination, feeling, attachment, delusion: the urstoff of what it means to be human. Ketu hears the deep calling unto the deep.

Significance of Navaratri
(On the life of Adi Shankara)

“The great Acharya was barely four years old at the time. His father, a devout scholar, used to offer daily worship to Goddess Raajeshwari every morning. Meditating before the Goddess with closed eyes, he would offer a bowl of cow’s milk to her. When he opened his eyes after meditation, he would find that bowl was only half-full, the other half having been accepted as an offering by the Goddess. One day, he had to go to a neighbouring village for three days. He told his wife to arrange worship of the Goddess in the customary manner with the offering of milk, with the young Shankara deputizing him in the worship. In accordance with his father’s instructions, the young lad sat in front of the Goddess in the sanctum and performed the prescribed ritual. After meditation, when he opened his eyes, he was astonished to see that the bowl of milk offered to the Goddess remained full. He felt sad and cried out: ‘Divine Mother! What wrong have I done? I cannot bear this punishment. Please show your grace on me as you did for my father.’

He prayed intensely for some time with closed eyes. When he opened his eyes he saw that the bowl was now totally empty. All the milk had gone. He was in distress again and cried out: “Devi! You have consumed all the milk. Where is our share of the Prasadam? If we are denied this, what mother will say and what will others think? I will not leave this place till the bowl is refilled.’ In response to fervent prayers, the Goddess spoke: “Dear child! When the river has joined the river, how can it be redirected? Shankara said: “Nobody will believe me when I say that no milk was left in the bowl after my worship. They may think that I drank all of it. I cannot face them. Devi! Without your Prasad, I will not leave this place. I will lay down my life at your Feet.” Swami concluded this moving account of the episode with the following finale: “Devi Raajeshwari’s heart melted on hearing the young boy’s appeal. She took the bowl and poured her Divine breast-milk into it and gave it to the young devotee.’ The compassion of the Divine, Swami said, has no limits.” Sai Baba. SS. 6/97. p. 153
