

Verblüffendes Klimawissen in Grafiken zum Schmunzeln und Nachdenken: über offene Kühlschränke, Tiefkühlpommes und Schäferhunde. Eine Rezension

Esther Gonstalla bringt in ihren unterhaltsamen, überraschenden und durchdachten Grafiken Klimawissen auf den Punkt. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Was wäre, wenn ... von Esther Gonstalla)#Klimawandel #Umwelt #Ökologie #Naturschutz #FunFacts #Grafiken #Energiewende #Recycling #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech #Kultur
»Was wäre, wenn …«: Klimatipps für Warmduscher


Probleme beim Recycling von Windrädern

Recycling von Windrädern - Entsorgungsproblem bei Rotorblättern

Bei Rückbau und Wiederverwertung von Windkraftanlagen gibt es eine Reihe von Herausforderungen. Besonders problematisch sind die Rotorblätter.#Windenergie #Windparks #Windräder #Rotorblaetter #Recycling
Probleme beim Recycling von Windrädern


Why You Need To Throw away Your Black Kitchen Utensils and Takeout Containers

To be clear, manufacturers aren’t adding flame retardants to black plastic kitchen items on purpose. Instead, the new study explains that these toxic compounds are making their way into the black plastic supply through the recycling of black plastic electronics. BFRs and other flame retardants are added to these appliances to reduce the risk of them catching on fire, and when the electronics get recycled alongside other types of black plastic, they contaminate the whole lot. “The detection of FRs in collected household products indicates that recycling, without the necessary transparency and restrictions to ensure safety, is resulting in unexpected exposure to toxic flame retardants in household items,” the study reads.


#plastics #recycling.


"Entscheidend ist, wie es mit Chinas Emissionshandel weitergeht"

Kein Land der Welt produziert mehr Stahl als China. Wie Dekarbonisierung und Recycling dort vorankommen, erklärt Shen Xinyi von der Forschungsorganisation Crea.#Emissionshandel #Klimaziele #Dekarbonisierung,CO₂-Neutralität #Recycling,Kreislaufwirtschaft #China #Stahl #energieintensiveIndustrie #Serie:ChinasKlima-undUmweltpolitik
Entscheidend ist, wie es mit Chinas Emissionshandel weitergeht


Inside Joburg’s new lithium battery recycling plant which uses food-safe chemicals

Transparent tubes containing special chemicals that extract valuable metals from lithium-ion batteries, are attached to a wall. In front stands three people being addressed by a 4th person who is explaining the process.
Once collected, the batteries undergo shredding, which exposes the valuable metal-containing black mass at their core. From there, the black mass enters a proprietary hydrometallurgical process, where a blend of food-safe chemicals is used to leach out metals such as lithium, manganese, nickel and cobalt.

Unlike traditional methods that rely on pyrometallurgy and high temperatures, Cwenga Lib’s facility operates at room temperature, making it safer for operators and more feasible in the South African context.

There is going to be a growing demand for this type of recycling in future. Not only from an environmentally friendly disposal perspective, but also for recovery of these metals for re-use.

Yes, whilst the SA government is bent on extending gas extraction and the use of coal, the private sector is investing in the future business around further enhancing environmentally friendly and sustainable energy production.

See techcentral.co.za/joburg-lithi…
#Blog, #environment, #recycling, #southafrica, #technology


#AirTags key to discovery of #Houston's #plastic #recycling deception

Source: https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/08/31/airtags-key-to-discovery-of-houstons-plastic-recycling-deception

Curious as to where the plastic was going, she bought a set of AirTags, and included them in various bags of her plastic recycling. Of the bags she tracked, nearly all of them went to a company called Wright #Waste Management, located in nearby Harris County.

The company is not approved to store plastic waste, and has failed three fire inspections.

#news #crime #fraud #Problem #politics #usa #technology #airtag


When Is “Recyclable” Not Really Recyclable? When the Plastics Industry Gets to Define What the Word Means.

Companies whose futures depend on plastic production are trying to persuade the federal government to allow them to put the label “recyclable” on plastic shopping bags and other items virtually guaranteed to end up in landfills and incinerators.

Someone else already posted this, but I wanted the big picture.


#recycling #recycled #recycle #plastic #plastic-bags #plastic-grocery-bags #grocery-bags #propublica #recyclable