

Update - #Reiner #Fuellmich. Big #News On The Trial. Scheduled Start Date: January 31, 2024.
The first day of the trial against Dr. #ReinerFuellmich is expected to be on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from 09.15 a.m. before the Göttingen Regional Court.
An application for bias by the legal team has yet to be decided which may result in a postponement of the first day of the trial.
Nine trial days have been scheduled so far for the trial.
Another experienced lawyer has been added to the team.
The number of spectator seats is limited to 37.
The accreditation deadline for journalists has passed.
Two public TV stations and one private station have been/will be admitted.
This information is from Katja Woermer, Reiner’s main lawyer, speaking on bittel tv.
Then Roger Bittel read a short message from Reiner:
After 3 months in prison, I can’t thank you enough for the letters that show how important my work has been for you.
Each and everyone of you is more important that the evildoers who are trying to bring us under their control.
We are determined to bring everyone to justice.
We know what is behind what is happening.
About our determination, I think of the determination of my mother who after the war walked 20 kilometers each way in winter with her own determination.
Stay strong. We will win!
Reiner Fuellmich
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
Germany 🇩🇪
postcards and cards allowed,
no glitter on the envelops,
no stamps or money in the envelops,
no books or other objects - not permitted,
nothing to be mentioned about the case,
put your name of each page of the letter - letters are taken out of the envelops.
sign petition here: change.org/p/free-dr-reiner-fuellmich (do NOT give money via change dot org).


As you may have read or heard, the German lawyer, Dr. #ReinerFuellmich was arrested at the German consulate in Mexico when he went to pick up his new passport. His lawyer and colleague Dagmar Schoen gave an interview on Bittel.tv on Sunday explaining the situation. To read more about this, go to this Substack:

Dagmar Schoen told Roger Bittel, that they hope to get him out of pre-trial detention as soon as possible and asked supporters to mail letters by the thousands to him in jail. She hopes that this will so overwhelm their mail system, that they will pressure the district attorney and the court to release him until the trial.

To support Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, please mail him a letter of support to the following address. Postcards, drawings and envelopes with glitter will be rejected by the mail system. So please only send letters in plain envelopes.

JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf

Obviously he will not be able to answer all these letters. They serve to get him out as soon as possible, particularly out of possible harms way, and to boost his morale.


Planet lockdown


#Planet #Lockdown est un #documentaire (en anglais) sur la situation dans laquelle se trouve le monde. Les réalisateurs se sont entretenus avec certains des esprits les plus brillants et les plus courageux de ce monde, notamment des épidémiologistes, des #scientifiques, des #médecins, des #avocats, des #manifestants, un homme d’État et un prince. Ces âmes courageuses ont eu le courage de dire la #vérité et nous inspirent à faire de même. Nous devons avoir le #courage de surmonter nos #peurs. Et une fois que nous l’avons fait, tout devient plus facile. Vous y retrouverez entre autres #LouisFouché, #AlexandraHenrion-Caude, #CatherineAustinFitts, #AstridStuckelberger, #LilianeHeld-Khawam, #MichaelYeadon, #CarrieMadej, #VáclavKlaus et #ReinerFuellmich dans l’une des plus belles et peut-être plus importante réalisation depuis le début de cette crise.

Planet Lockdown


de Pierre Barnérias



de Pierre Barnérias


Ceci n'est pas un complot

de Bernard Crutzen

Ceci n'est pas un complot

#politique #société #dictature #fascisme #censure #manipulation #démocratie #oligarchie #questionner #comprendre #agir #Covid19 #coronavirus #covid-19 #coronavirus #pandémie #reinfocovid #revolution #MondeDAprès #résistance #complot #complotisme #capitalisme #politique #escroquerie #corruption #Hold-Up #Hold-On #Film #TPROD #holdup #BernardCrutzen #Crutzen #CeciNestPasUnComplot