

Erdogan wishes good luck to terrorists in Syria

#Erdogan #wishes #good #luck to #terrorists in #Syria #Turkey

"The Turkish president has expressed hope that the jihadists continue their march to Damascus"

"Militant forces in Syria led by the group #Hayat #Tahrir-al-Sham, formerly known as #Jabhat #al-Nusra, last week launched a surprise assault from their base in Idlib, targeting the province of Aleppo.

Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham, which translates as “Organization for the Liberation of the Levant” and is commonly known as #HTS , is considered a terrorist organization by Syria , #Russia , #Iran, the #US , and other countries. Despite #Türkiye’s apparent support for HTS, it also officially classes it as a terrorist group."



For What It's Worth

Ben Royce 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 - 2024-05-20 17:13:07 GMT

#Iran's president #Raisi has died in a #helicoptercrashHe will not be missed, he was a butcher. They are celebrating in #Tehran with fireworks

#Turkey found the wreckage with a drone


1. It didn't go straight to the crash site. It flew over Amand rocket site, Khoi and Tabriz airports, and an #Iranian army base. No valid reason. Just intel

2. It drew the star and crescent of the #Turkish flag with its flight path 🤣

Hilarious pettiness!

Turkey: 👏👏👏

Rot in hell Raisi

#Türkiye #ایران
Turkish drone draws star and crescent in search for Raisi


#Turquie: #Kurdistan #Hatay

#Hatay #Polis #Catışmaları #Türkiye #Kürdistan
#Police #Négligence #Gouvernement #Démission #Protestion

Affrontements entre les habitants de la ville sinistrée d’Hatay et la police

Afetten etkilenen Hatay kenti sakinleri ile polis arasında çatışmalar
aşağıdaki Türkçe versiyona bakınız

Des affrontements ont lieu avec la police qui essaye de bloquer une route, alors que les familles et les amis des disparus se rassemblent dans le centre-ville d’Hatay,
à 4H17, l’heure de la première secousse, qui a fait plus de 53.500 morts dans le sud et le sud-est de la Turquie le 6 février 2023. Plus de 10 000 personnes se sont finalement rassemblées pour organiser une veillée à l’occasion du premier anniversaire des tremblements de terre, certains protestant contre la négligence du gouvernement à la suite de ces événements. Dans la province de Hatay, au sud-est de la Turquie, la plus touchée du pays, la population a appelé le gouvernement et les autorités locales à démissionner pendant la veillée, et a exigé que les fonctionnaires ne se présentent pas au mémorial, tout en huant les discours.
Sur la place principale de la ville de Hatay, certains ont scandé « Quelqu’un peut-il entendre ma voix ? » pendant que le ministre de la santé s’exprimait, un slogan faisant référence aux appels entendus sous les décombres alors que les gens attendaient depuis des jours l’arrivée des secours.

Kayıp yakınları ve arkadaşları Hatay şehir merkezinde toplanırken, yolu kapatmaya çalışan polisle çatışmalar yaşandı,
6 Şubat 2023'te Türkiye'nin güney ve güneydoğusunda 53.500'den fazla kişinin ölümüne neden olan ilk sarsıntının gerçekleştiği saat olan sabah 4.17'de. Depremlerin birinci yıldönümü münasebetiyle 10.000'den fazla kişi bir araya gelerek nöbet tuttu ve bazıları hükümetin bu olayların ardından gösterdiği ihmali protesto etti. Depremden en çok etkilenen Türkiye'nin güneydoğusundaki Hatay ilinde halk, nöbet sırasında hükümeti ve yerel yetkilileri istifaya çağırdı ve konuşmaları yuhalayarak devlet memurlarının anma törenine katılmamasını talep etti.
Hatay'ın ana meydanında bazı insanlar Sağlık Bakanı konuşurken "Sesimi duyan var mı?" sloganı attılar; bu slogan, insanlar günlerce yardım gelmesini beklerken enkaz altından duyulan çağrılara atıfta bulunuyordu.


⛔️ Wieder brutaler #Pushback👮‍♂️🇬🇷 in der #Evros Region!

@alarm_phone hatte Kontakt zu 2 Gruppen:

Das Schicksal von 75 #RefugeesGR bei Kastanies ist ungewiss.
8 #RefugeesGR zw. Soufli & Didymοteicho wurden geschlagen, beraubt u. in die 🇹🇷 zurück gedrängt.




⚠️ Der nächste #Pushback?

@HCoastGuard rettete gestern Abend nahe #Lemnos ein Boot mit 35 Menschen an Bord. @C_R_G_24 hat dann den Kontakt zum Boot verloren, von griech. Behörden gibt es keine Informationen zu dem Fall. So ist der nächste Pushback in die #Türkei zu befürchten.


#Greek #Türkiye


US sides with Germany and Italy in opposing anti-Nazi resolution

#Germany, #taly, #Austria and #Japan were among the 50 members of the #UN General Assembly who voted against the Russian resolution to condemn glorification of Nazism, joining the annual opposition by the US and Ukraine.

The final vote on Thursday afternoon was 120 in favor, 50 opposed and ten abstaining. In addition to the former Axis powers, other notable “no” votes included #Canada, the #UK, #France, #Spain, #Poland, #Czechia, #Poland, #Hungary, and the three Baltic states. #Switzerland, #SouthKorea, and #Türkiye were among the notable abstentions.

Moscow proposes the resolution every year, urging the UN to combat the “glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

The resolution calls on UN members to take appropriate action to counter historical revisionism and the denial of crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War.

The US and Ukraine have voted against the Russian-proposed resolution for years. They were the only “no” votes in 2021, while 49 others abstained, mainly Washington’s allies. On that occasion, the American envoy said the resolution was incompatible with the free speech guarantees of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, and accused Moscow of “disinformation narratives” about neo-Nazism in the Baltic states and Ukraine.

Explaining its opposition after committee debate last month, the US called the resolution “not a serious effort to combat Nazism, antisemitism, racism, or xenophobia – all of which are abhorrent and unacceptable,” but rather a “shameful political ploy” to justify the conflict in Ukraine.
