

#politik #gesellschaft #spenden #charity #klassenkampf #kapitalismus #freiheit

Menschen, die Inklusionsleistungen, finanzielle Unterstützung, Bildung oder auch nur einen funktionierenden öffentlichen Personennahverkehr einfordern, gelten den Thatcher-Anhängern als Schnorrer, die nicht begreifen können, dass Freiheit ein röhrender Porsche-Motor auf der Autobahn ist. Dass die Autobahn ebenfalls von Steuergeldern gebaut wird, ignorieren sie genauso, wie den Umstand, dass Armut entsteht, wenn man Wohlstand nicht verteilt. Sie glauben wie einst Marie Antoinette: Wenn sie kein Brot haben, dann sollen sie doch Kuchen essen!


A quotation from Stevenson, Robert Louis

It is a mere illusion that, above a certain income, the personal desires will be satisfied and leave a wider margin for the generous impulse.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) Scottish essayist, novelist, poet
Familiar Studies of Men and Books, “Henry David Thoreau,” § 2 (1882)

#quote #quotes #quotation #charity #comfort #desire #generosity #satisfaction #wealth
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/stevenson-robert-louis/73350/


Israel bombs a vehicle killing members of World Central Kitchen again!

The Israeli military has killed three workers with the World Central Kitchen ( #WCK) and at least two other people in an air strike on a vehicle in #KhanYounis, southern Gaza, in what was the third deadly attack on the aid group this year.

The US-based #charity, which runs community kitchens in Gaza, said it had paused its operations in Gaza after the attack on Saturday.


#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow



#ceylon #News

woke culture destroyed, tommy robinson, corruption everywhere & russia & china?
10.13 #rickygervais is real
11.23 ricky best live tv
12.31 #charity explained
13.07 #free then you die
13.44 free speech #replacement
15.00 #tommyrobinson
16.53 tommy robinson saria khan
18.51 tommy robinsons links to Israel
28.48 corruptuion everywhere
29.18 starmer god
30.07 starmer inflation
30.51 starmer is a wanker
31.02 starmer weak pathetic
32.53 labour traitors
37.40 starmer zionist puppet
38.19 israel facts cdc
40.56 jab 45
44.00 cia behind everything
44.44 biden
46.10 russia knows
46.58 Super_Puppet_Putin_Zionist_Jesuit_Freemason_33rd_Degree_Classic
50.31 china deals with pests no poison
50.57 coffee mri before and after coffee
51.31 wtf are they
51.41 water colour cap means
51.51 is it time

52.36 z fruite bat
53.44 z School Lifestyle
54.05 z smash

…woke culture destroyed, tommy robinson, corruption everywhere & #russia & #china?


A quotation from Addison, Joseph

Charity is a virtue of the heart, and not of the hands, says an old writer. Gifts and alms are the expressions, not the essence of this virtue. A man may bestow great sums on the poor and indigent without being charitable, and may be charitable when he is not able to bestow anything. Charity is therefore a habit of good will, or benevolence in the soul, which disposes us to the love, assistance, and relief of mankind, especially of those who stand in need of it.

Joseph Addison (1672-1719) English essayist, poet, statesman
Guardian, No. 166 (1713-09-21)

#quote #quotes #quotation #action #benevolence #charity #goodwill #intention #sentiment #virtue
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/addison-joseph/6422/


A quotation from The Bible

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but does not have works? Surely that faith cannot save, can it? If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,” and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from works, and I by my works will show you faith.

The Bible (The New Testament) (AD 1st - 2nd C) Christian sacred scripture
James 2:14-18 [NRSV (2021 ed.)]

#quote #quotes #quotation #action #belief #charity #faith #helping #needy #poverty #pragmatism #prayer #thoughtsandprayers #wellwishing #wordsanddeeds #works
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/bible-nt/4934/


A quotation from Basil of Caesarea

Who are the greedy? Those who are not satisfied with what suffices for their own needs. Who are the robbers? Those who take for themselves what rightfully belongs to everyone. And you, are you not greedy? Are you not a robber? The things you received in trust as a stewardship, have you not appropriated them for yourself? Is not the person who strips another of clothing called a thief? And those who do not clothe the naked when they have the power to do so, should they not be called the same? The bread you are holding back is for the hungry, the clothes you keep put away are for the naked, the shoes that are rotting away with disuse are for those who have none, the silver you keep buried in the earth is for the needy. You are thus guilty of injustice toward as many as you might have aided, and did not.

Basil of Caesarea (AD 330-378) Christian bishop, theologian, monasticist, Doctor of the Church [Saint Basil the Great, Ἅγιος Βασίλειος ὁ Μέγας]
“I Will Tear Down My Barns [καθελῶ μου τὰς ἀποθήκας],” Sermon # 6 [tr. Schroeder (2009)]

#quote #quotes #quotation #avarice #charity #economicinjustice #greed #need #needy #property #redistribution #robber #steward #thief
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/basil-of-caesarea/71532/


Also to #NAFO which will give you a nice Shiba Fella avatar pic to your specs.

Eugene McParland 🇺🇦 - 2024-04-24 04:28:05 GMT

The official #Ukraine #charity, UNITED24 continue to publish photos of donors with the Ukrainian flag 🇺🇦Photos with the blue and yellow flag 🇺🇦 are sent in to them from across the world - Chile, Mexico, Japan, Australia and many other countries.

Ukraine is grateful to every donor

Watch (12 Second) Insta Reel Source: U24 Gov UA

Stand with Ukraine


#politik #gesellschaft #armut #charity #tafeln #kapitalismus

Tafeln, Foodbanks, Suppenküchen - Bestandsaufname der Almosenwirtschaft

Vor Jahrzehnten als akute Nothilfe gegründet, versorgen Tafeln inzwischen zwei Millionen Bedürftige – soweit denn die Spenden reichen. Das Armutsproblem werde damit nicht ent- sondern eher verschärft, warnen Experten. (von Margot Litten)

Rund 60.000 meist ehrenamtliche Helfer verteilen an über 2.000 Ausgabestellen der Tafeln deutschlandweit Obst, Gemüse und andere Grundnahrungsmittel. An immer mehr Menschen, die anders nicht mehr über die Runden kommen. Waren ursprünglich örtliche Bäckerei, Märkte oder Gemüseläden die Spender, sind die Tafeln heute davon abhängig, dass Lebensmittelkonzerne und Discounter verlässlich ihre unverkäufliche Ware weiterreichen. Nicht aus selbstloser Nächstenliebe sondern als kostengünstige und steuerlich geförderte Entsorgung von Überschüssen. Trotzdem wachsen mit zunehmender Armut die Warteschlangen – und das nicht nur in Deutschland. Auch in anderen Ländern nimmt das caritative System, das auf Mildtätigkeit statt auf Rechten beruht, immer größeren Raum ein. Lebensmittelbanken, foodbanks oder bancos de alimentos ersetzen zunehmend den erodierenden Sozialstaat. International kritisieren Sozialwissenschaftler und Ernährungsexperten: Der Verlass auf die Almosenwirtschaft unterminiere notwendige politische Strategien zur Bekämpfung der Armut.
- https://wdrmedien-a.akamaihd.net/medp/podcast/weltweit/fsk0/305/3058067/dok5dasfeature_2024-01-21_tafelnfoodbankssuppenkuechenbestandsaufnamederalmosenwirtschaft_wdr5.mp3


Revealed: #KingCharles secretly profiting from the assets of #dead citizens

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/revealed-king-charles-secretly-profiting-from-the-assets-of-dead-citizens

Financial assets known as bona vacantia, owned by people who died without a will or known next of kin, are collected by the duchy. Over the last 10 years, it has collected more than £60m in the funds. It has long claimed that, after deducting costs, bona vacantia revenues are donated to charities.

However, only a small percentage of these revenues is being given to #charity. Internal duchy documents seen by the Guardian reveal how funds are secretly being used to #finance the renovation of properties that are owned by the #king and rented out for #profit.

Time for a #Revolution in #England!

#fail #crime #money #corruption #power #abuse #realestate #capitalism #monarchy #politics #justice


The Missionaries of Charity is a #Catholic religious congregation founded in Calcutta on October 7, 1950, by Mother Teresa, an Albanian nun who had previously been a member of the Sisters of Loreto congregation. This congregation, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, has become synonymous with the commitment to the most destitute and marginalized in society. With approximately five thousand nuns spread across one hundred and thirty-two countries, the Missionaries of Charity are currently under the leadership of Sister Mary Prema as their Superior General. #religious #charity https://activite-paranormale.net/event/read/214/mother-teresa-founded-the-missionaries-of-charity